Beyond the Wall: E-Town, The next generation

By Fat Bob, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

I hate to be a pill but I need to put some OT in tonight at the job, which means I'm not going to be able to make it tonight. Stupid 'to much work not enough people." =(

I have also talked to Hoser and he said he isn't going to be able to make it. Sheldon is in though so you guys will carry the torch for the GoT community tonight. Do us proud!

I have looked into the future and found that this Monday also is not good for me and the thrones. Read sadness and anger at how busy I am with work. The only thing that will satiate me is the knowledge that other people are playing thrones and enjoying it. I have loosely booked the 28th as a possible monday play time. Otherwise, post the details about the last games so I can laugh at how badly somebody lost. Or post a mocking email about yourmom/dad. That always creates message board comedy.

Hey guys. Sorry for the slow reply but work is ramping up for the end of this project and that means Im on the OT. Sadly that means I too am going to be busy alot of Mondays, including today. Ill try and get away for a few of them and get some GoT in, If I can Ill post here and see what I can stur up.

No traffic and no mocking emails, how sad. I am quite busy today and can't play thrones this evening. It seems that nobody is posting anyways so I will assume that is fine with everybody. I am going to have a chat with various people in my life to try and get a dedicated play night together. Hopefull soon. Otherwise please post to let the world how you are doing.

I've been a little busy too. Though, I will be back next week! Has anyone tried out the new Warhammer LCG?

Just dropping a line to see how the games have been going and if Monday is still the Unofficial GOT© day still? Looking at my schedule I can make it for mondays starting Nov 2nd so let me know if anyones interested and still playing (hopefully).

Hey Sheldonis, still playing just extremely busy. Maybe we should try Nov 9th. I don't have class that week and I might be able to score one free Monday for Thrones. I am quite bummed that I haven't had any opportunities to play of late.

Hey guys. Sorry I have been out of the loop lately but my schedule has gone wide open recently and I would be down for a game anytime. Ill keep an eye on the forum and see what materializes.

Well, Merry Christmas everybody. All I want for Christmas is to play some MOFO GOT. Sheldonis, check your schedule or check the boards once a year. Whatever. Hollis come out of hiding and let us know what you are doing. Even yourmom could maybe find out what is up with being your dad. And Fatbob, oh Fatbob. One post in November and then nothing. My stocking is going to be full of GOT chapter packs so I had better play at least once before the 25th. Book something between 19th and Jan 3rd. Please?

Sorry for the absence, it's been a good couple months for new PC games and I mean good. If it helps my current schedule looks something like this : I'm Off December 17-December 20; working Dec 21-24; off Dec 25-28; working Dec 29-Jan1; off Jan 2-Jan 5. If you can give me a day or two advanced notice I should be good to go on any of my days off, so here's hoping we can figure out something amicable to all.

Also have a new deck that is waiting to be fed some yummy Green Bara-Bastards. . . ;)

How about the night of the 28th. I think it is a monday night. Tom, Sheldon, Hollis. Check schedules and such. I will check with my boss and we can all confirm closer to the date.

I'm down for some thrones this Monday, what time should we be showing up for?

I shouldn't have a problem getting out tomorrow night since my schedule is pretty wide open. I will have to look at my cards though, cause I have no idea what I was running. =)

Why don't we say sometime between 6-7 tonight. I will probably be running the same shizzle I always run. Big suprise.

It was a good night for thrones in E-town. The crowd was a little sparse but it was nice to play. We missed Hollis and would love to know how he is doing. Sheldon brought a shadows deck which was okay but over strength because there wasn't a lot of other shadowy things going on. My Greyjoy deck is getting better mostly because deck out is a side theme rather than a full theme.

Hello E-towners. I hate being slid to the second page. If you haven't checked my facebook status lately, my twins were born on Friday. As the starks say "winter is coming". I hope that sometime around my three children's graduation, I will have time to focus on serious thrones playing again. Oh well someday. As in someday I will be able to type and sleep again.

Hoser said:

Hello E-towners. I hate being slid to the second page. If you haven't checked my facebook status lately, my twins were born on Friday. As the starks say "winter is coming". I hope that sometime around my three children's graduation, I will have time to focus on serious thrones playing again. Oh well someday. As in someday I will be able to type and sleep again.

Congrats to you Hoser... We're they boys or girls? I'm think Summer & Winter would be good names, for chicks.

Halloo to the rest of you, tried out that sexy card in Princes of the South yet?

****, I need to check up on this board more often. Congratulations to you and Jenn!

I haven't gotten around to checking out the Martell expansion yet. Other games (don't worry, they are FFG games) have been eating up my time as of late.

I'm not sure how much you guys are playing these days, but I'm in town on vacation and brought a couple of decks, if anyone wants to get together for a few games.

Hey Longclaw,

It has definitely been awhile since we got a game together. I have been busy with a growing family, Fatbob has been busy with Fatbob, Sheldon is Sheldon, and yourmom still lacks. In order to get some kind of gaming together, I joined a chess club fundraiser to play yugioh. It has been a real eye opener about the worst things that a game can do to its player base. I was immediately aware of what a better game GOT is and how much FFG respects its player base. Even if you ignore such things as super ultra secret rare cards, the messy mishmash of mechanics and rules makes the game nearly unplayable. Most of the kids in this chess club group don't know the timing of their own effects. It is very frustrating to play. I am sure there are better meta's that understand the game, but that doesn't change the terrible card field. Even the math ratio is rage inducing. 8000 points only works because kids like the idea of large numbers. The math ratio in GOT is so much better.

I am hoping to get a regular game started at Warp 1 in the near future. if that works then i will start posting here again. Being an old bara player means that i am quite excited about the possiblity of the new expansion and subsequent chapter packs. Cheers.

Hey Chris, I'm still around. I actually got back into the game a while ago and have been keeping up with the expansions. I've been playing occasionally with my significant other Jasmine, my brother Tommy, and a couple other people who I'm trying to rope in. If you do get some Warp 1 stuff going, I'll be down for sure. Oh yeah, and this is the poster formerly known as yourmom.

Great to hear from you Dave. How are things going with domestic bliss. The twins have really thrown my life for a loop. I am hoping that the GOT show gets some good hype for all things thrones. i will let you know the minute i can organize something.

Gross, I don't know how you did it. One kid is enough for us. Being a dad is both great and also horrible at the same time. =) I'm sure the show will be awesome, no worries there. But yeah, sounds good... some more organized play would be good, I just don't have the motivation or energy to devote to trying to set anything up because I am still lazy. I also can't wait to play your Baratheon power rush deck that is identical functionally to the same deck that you always played and will play.

I will post as soon as I get something set up. Just for the record, the deck I have played most extensively lately is a greyjoy discard deck. It is quite different from most of my previous deck builds. Without a competitive playtest environment, it suffers from a few issues. It is very frustrating to play against though.