Hi all. My name is Ryan and I'm in San Diego. Im just getting into the game but i'm building decks and ready to play.
SoCal Meta(s) - LA and San Diego
Bronson, sorry I missed it Monday. I have been on travel for work this week but things should be back to normal by Friday. If you want to get together Monday I can meet you there.
We have scheduled to meet up this coming Monday June 14th at Game Empire. We're planning on 7pm, but I know some will be there earlier. I'll get there as soon as I can after my kids get in bed.
Anyone interested in getting together on the 28th for some Thrones at Game Empire? We can all get together and formally decide how and if we want to run a league.
Also, GRRM will be doing a signing at Mysterious Galaxy on Clairemont Mesa July 7th. If you're interested, see his website http://georgerrmartin.com/
The 28th sounds good to me.
Gwanum said:
The 28th sounds good to me.
Cool. Bronson and RyanSD are both in as well. Hopefully they'll bring friends, and we can finalize how we want to run our league.
Sorry guys. Moving with 2 small children has proven to be a lot slower than I originally anticipated. I'm not going to be able to make it tonight (28th) since we're still unpacking.
Bronson is still going to be there, so everyone should still show up.
Also, I talked with Bronson and we'll be meeting up next week as well (the 5th). If you can stomach 2 weeks in a row, come on out!!!
Alex and I will be at GE tonight the 28th. I'm pretty sure i can make it on the 5th but not 100% yet.
So, Bronson and I will be at GE this coming Mon. (7/26) for some Thrones. I may have a special guest with me.
I'll be able to make it around 6:30pm and I'm really looking to test some decks against you guys as this will be the last open gaming session I'll be able to attend before Gencon. Also, we need to finalize the details for a tourney/league play so we can get that started in mid-August.
I look forward to seeing you guys all there.
Thanks for the games Monday night. I was able to get four games in and watch most of another one. Also it was nice to meet Luke. All in all a fun night of Thrones.
We never did decide anything about starting up a tourney or league play. I guess we will figure that out after Gencon.
Bronson and I were talking about maybe doing a demo night at the store before trying to start a league. We only really have about 5 or 6 of us at this point, so a few more would be nice.
What are your thoughts on that Gwanum?
Also, there will be a big AGoT tourney the weekend after labor day up North in the Bay Area (9/11-9/12). I'm planning on driving up that Friday (maybe during the day, or maybe after work) and returning LATE Sunday night. I'm driving if anyone wants to come with. I believe Bronson is in, so I can fit 1 or 2 (squished) more.
I can play form my web cam.
Deathjester26 said:
Also, there will be a big AGoT tourney the weekend after labor day up North in the Bay Area (9/11-9/12).
It appears the exact date hasn't been decided yet. They are thinking about the 25th-26th now. Either way I am going, and have room.
Sandhawk89: You should check out the OCTGN thread in the main forums. Thrones online (like Raven was back in the day).
Once they decide on the date just let me know.
Hi all,
I am a new player that will be ready to try my hand at A Game of Thrones (whenever UPS decides to deliver my core set).
I live in Long Beach, and I would be interested in joining a league or just playing with others every now and then. Unfortunately, I don't know if my schedule would permit me to make it out to San Diego often (so if there's any players more local, I'd be up for a meet-up).
Also, I know a store or two that may be willing to sponsor a league (though the best option is currently in Fullerton). Unless there's already one going on in the area. Obviously, I won't have anything extremely competitive, but I'd still be willing to throw my hat in the ring if only for fun.
Hello, Stix... welcome to the game! I'm part of the San Diego meta but definitely willing to take a weekend trip up your way for some thrones fun. Some of the other guys down here might be willing to travel too... send me a PM and we can iron out the details!
Stix_Remix said:
Also, I know a store or two that may be willing to sponsor a league (though the best option is currently in Fullerton).
Are you talking about Dice House (I think that's the name)? If so, I'd be willing to make that drive on a weekend once a month or so. Back in the day we used to play a Comic Cult in Norwalk 1 to 2 times a month.
Hey gang - next meetup for the San Diego guys will be Tuesday, August 17th. Most folks tend to arrive between 6:30 and 7. Feel free to RSVP on www.fgsnc.com . See you there!
Deathjester26 said:
Yep, I was referring to DiceHouse Games (though their Facebook page is currently a bit more updated than their website). So far, they don't run any LCG events, but they're usually open to new ideas if there's enough interest. I've heard of Comic Cult, but I've never been there personally.
Bronson said:
Hello, Stix... welcome to the game! I'm part of the San Diego meta but definitely willing to take a weekend trip up your way for some thrones fun. Some of the other guys down here might be willing to travel too... send me a PM and we can iron out the details!
Sounds great! I'll definitely stay in touch about having a meet-up. If everything goes according to plan, I should have my cards with a week or two. That'll give me a chance to familiarize myself with the cards and take a stab at some deck building.
when's CaliCon again? And when would the "bus" from SD be leaving?
Maester_LUke said:
when's CaliCon again? And when would the "bus" from SD be leaving?
The last date that was tossed around as a good date was the 25th and 26th of September. If those end up being the official dates, the "Bus" from San Diego will be leaving on the 24th. I would prefer to leave in the morning, but I have no problem leaving as soon as people can get off work.
I believe Bronson is definitely going, and if you're going that's makes 2 for my car. I can possibly fit 1 more.
If thats the official date I can make it.
Just a last-minute note... we're meeting up at Game Empire tonight, 7pm official start time but most folks usually trickle in by 6:30. Thanks!
So, I got a text last night confirming the dates for Calicon on the 25th and 26th of September.
If you are interested in going, I would recommend taking off the 24th from work so we can all drive up together. If you absolutely cannot get the day off, we can wait for you to get off work, but it'll be a long and late night. Bronson might have a class that ends around noon, so we're looking to leave around 1pm if possible.
If all of us end up going, we will need to take 2 cars (or rent a van), and probably get a motel. If it ends up only being a few of us, we might be able to just crash on the floor at cha0s' house.
So far, everyone has expressed interest in going. That includes: myself, Bronson, Gwanum, SD Ryan, Alex, Juan, and perhaps Maester Luke.
We will be discussing the detals more this coming Monday when we meet for Thrones, so please come out.
An official post should be put up in the General Forums at some time with the details for Calicon and the Maester's Challenge.
Hope to see you all Monday!!!
P.S. Bronson and I will be running demos up at Pair A Dice Games in Vista this Saturday night at 7pm in case anyone is interested in joining us.