It's just for fun (I haven't actually put any on the table yet), but I like brewing up custome characters for Imperial Assault, most of whom are inspired by existing miniatures from Star Wars Miniatures (WOTC) in my collection.
So if you've cooked up any custom character cards share them here!
I figured I'd design characters that are almost 100% guaranteed NOT to be made in this game. So I'm not going to bother with Lando or Bossk etc since we'll certainly see them eventually.
Cad Bane
Scum & Villainy
Mobile, ~weaken, ~stun ~focus
Dual Wield: Immediately after performing an attack, you may make a second attack. Limit once per round.
Cunning: While defending, apply +1 Block to the defense results for each Evade result.
Health: 8
Speed: 6
Defense: W
Attack: ranged: BY
Gonk Droid
Scum & Villainy
Power Surge
Choose an adjacent friendly figure who has not yet activated. If that figure performs a RANGED attack this round, he may replace one of his attack dice with a RED die.
When attacking, adjacent figures may replace one die in their attack pool with a red die.
Self Destruct: At the end of a round, you may roll 1 red die. Each adjacent figure and object suffers DAMAGE equal to the DAMAGE results. Then you are defeated.
Non-Combatant: You may not attack
Health: 4
Speed: 2
Defense: B
Attack: --