Unofficial Campaign Tracker for Descent!

By Atom4geVampire, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Do you have en ETA on Heirs of Blood? We are about to begin it this Tuesday.

I might add that this weekend, but I'd like to point out that I cant promise that campaigns created during this beta test will not be wiped after the beta is over.

I wouldn't add anything without also still tracking it on paper :)

Here is another feature of the website by the way:

A handy overview of all stats and attributes of each hero, and how they compare to the other ones.


wow! this looks amazing! It's too bad you always seem to open the testers when I'm away, I'm also starting a campaign this weekend and this looks like it would have helped a lot!

If you need anyone else, I am quite willing to help. I have quite a bit of web design experience and I have a knack for finding bugs, as well as usually being able to solve them quickly.

Anyways, keep up the great work, this is already looking amazing!

Just a general tip: If you want to be prepared for when you will eventually have access to the tracker, make sure you record:

  • The exact search items you found (instead of just the amount of gold)
  • in case you found a treasure chest: which item you found and who found it
  • in case you found a secret passage: which one, and if you got an item thanks to it, which item and who received it
  • Which travel events you encountered and if you lost/received gold or an item from any of them, and if so how much/which one, and who received it
  • Any special quest rewards that are variable, for example a gold reward based on an amount of tokens in the heroes' area, record the amount of tokens.
  • ...
Edited by Atom4geVampire

Really can't wait to try this as my play group can never get together on an kind of regular basis, and I write it all down but it gets lost. I can test it lots playing with my two sons we love this game and are only missing manor and the first coop

Oh and for the name


We measured our deployments in how much we had to shave and started the stubble diaries(writing home)

It's been a long time since an update, but release is getting closer!

There are currently 5 issues that need to be resolved before I will release a first 'open beta', which lasts a week or so and is intended to collect feedback regarding bugs (not extra additions) on the website.

After that week, I'll spend some more time fixing the issues that will inevitably surface from that test, and then officially release the website.

The 5 issues that are currently open:

Implementation of special items that add 'non-standard behavior' to the game.

Examples of this are the overlord returning the Sun's Fury relic for 1xp, and the Archaic Scroll which lets heroes return skills to regain spent XP.

Blocked monsters and a 3rd encounter.

Heirs of Blood also added some non standard stuff of its own, one is monsters/lieutenants that can't be used in quests based on the outcome of previous quests.

The other is that the Finale features a 3rd encounter, for which functionality also has to be implemented (well, mostly re-used, but still).

Implementation of special Open monster groups.

Some quests feature special rules for the open monster groups. Most of these are implemented. As far as I know only 'Where the Heart is' still needs to be implemented.

(Haven't got the quest book here, but I believe it's the one that says something like 'only open groups that feature a master monster', which means I need to add a filter to the monsters that checks the group limits of the monsters for the current amount of players.)

Account editing and creation.

Account management is really basic at the moment, so it needs to be improved.

A simple example is that if you change your password, you only enter it once. There is no 'enter your password again' field to verify it against, so if there is a typo in your new password, you can't log in anymore :)

Item/Skills/Quests descriptions and faq/errata.

I'm adding all descriptions of skills and items as well as faq/errata for those (as well as quests).

Just so you know, currently there are 141 items, 21 relics, 493 skills (which consists of hero skills, overlord cards and plot cards). I'm about 90% done adding the descriptions for these. (Which is all manually typed :P ) After that I'll edit them based on the available errata for them as well.

Other than that, there are around 10 issues/suggestions that might be implemented after release.

These include some quality of life improvements as well as some 'planning' functionality for the Overlord.

I'll probably post some more previews in the next few days as well.

Edited by Atom4geVampire

I've got a 'little' request for you guys/girls.

Is there anyone out there who would want to help me out writing a small 'description' for each quest, similar to what is found in the Heirs of Blood book?

I'd like to include this as a small aid for players when select their next quest, so they know what to expect flavor/objective wise.

This is a recurring issue in our gaming group at least, the selection of the next quest (especially when the heroes are choosing, since they spend a lot less time with the quest guide than I do).

This is of course a nice to have and does not block release of the site. But if anyone feels up for it (I can, in the end, of course do it myself, but there are more important issues atm :) ) that would be great!

And there's no link to the website yet ?

See my previous to last post, there are still a few (3 at this moment) critical issues that need fixing.

It will be interesting to see your site when it's all completed. :) Seems to be a useful way to track campaigns.

Looking forward to future updates.

Edited by k7e9

Well, every day a new issue pops up :)

Those 5 big issues I mentioned are implemented.

Right now the main things I'm working on is finishing all the Hero images, but also making the site a bit more secure (which is a bigger amount of work than I had anticipated).

Not that we are messing around with sensitive data here, but with the current implementation it wouldn't have been that hard to mess up other peoples campaigns if you knew what you were doing.

I'm trying to block all that stuff off at the moment, while also working on a better implementation for all the forms on the site.

That is a thing that needs to be thoroughly tested (since its a big change) by the small test group I have, before I let the public loose on it.

I'm going to give an optimistic estimate for the 'public beta', and say that I hope it will be either next weekend (18th) or the weekend after that (25th).

(I'm also waiting for my domain to be registered)

Edited by Atom4geVampire

I've been following this thread for some time now, really excited to see this in action!

Looking forward to trying out the site when the public beta goes live! :)

A question; do you track a campaign on one user account, or can multiple users sign up and "join" the same campaign? I.e. can each player enter their own Hero/OL information, or does is all the tracking done by one member of a gaming group? :)

All the tracking is done by one member, there is no need for all members to have an account on the site, nor is there any functionality to allow them to edit a campaign they did not create (even if they are a member of it).

Anyway, it might be a little early, but here is a live 'preview' version:

At the moment it just shows 1 campaign (the one my group just finished) and some stats, just to give an idea of what the site looks/feels like.


This is still in development, so there might still be errors or just general issues with theming/functionality.

All text/images on the site are also not final, and I still need to incorporate some of FFG legals' feedback.

I've also removed the files for login/registration so there is no access to the site yet.

Feel free to leave feedback (based on what little part you can access atm) here.

Edited by Atom4geVampire

Very nice. I'm liking the stats.

Looks great can't wait to try it out!!!!!!

Ok, haven't been able to do much these past weeks, but the current version will have to do for now.

I haven't been able to thoroughly test my last changes, so keep in mind there may be issues.

Feel free to register and test it out. Please report any bugs you may encounter in this thread or in a private message to me.

The database/site will be reset after a week or 2 of feedback, so what you save now will most likely not be permanent.

Good luck!

Yea ive been using the tracker and I love it however one of the bugs ive found with it is that for the plot cards description of Rylan Olliven's Deceitful Scribe and Mages Guild are swapped. But other than that the site looks great cant wait till its released and keep up the good work.

This has been fixed. I must have entered the discriptions in the wrong order in the database :)

This did make me notice that I do not have functionality implemented for the deceitful scribe card yet. I'll try to get that in as soon as I can.

Is there any other feedback from the few (judging from this topic I was kinda hoping for a bigger response) people that have used the site so far?

Yes I wasn't able to login. It seems to register okay (as when I try to make a new account with the same details the username is already in use) but the page just keeps refreshing when I click the 'login' button.

I'm testing this on Google Chrome 32 bit. Desktop PC.

Yeah, that's something I'm improving right now. I forgot to correctly output error messages for the login page.

In the meantime, are you sure you are using your username to login? And not your email adress? Because it only works with the username. (Someone else had this 'issue' as well, thats why i'm asking)

Great work! I really liked it!

Looking forward to track my campaigns through this tracker.

I'm having trouble though trying to edit some details of the quests. I've misclicked a skill on Castle Daeron quest and I wasn't able to edit that on the edits -> open step for skills. I had to delete all of the quest details and create it again.

Maybe is just me not handling the website correctly, or could it be some known issue?

Kudos to you :)

Weird, this is the second time this topic isn't shown as 'new reply' while it does have a new reply..

Anyway, you need to undo the skills on the edit page itself, in the red box in this example:


This 'menu' allows for 3 possibilities for skills

  • Select a skill to undo: This removes the skill from the heroes acquired skills and refunds the xp. (Selecting just this means the user doesn't have to save the skills step again).
  • Open the skillsstep: This allows you to add more skills, that you might have forgotten. (This does not allow you to refund/return any skills)
  • Select both a skill to undo and to open up the skills step: This will refund the skill(s) selected, and will allow you to assign the refunded xp to another skill.
Having just tested this, I can confirm that this is currently not working as intented. I will fix this asap.

This is fixed. The form was pointing to the wrong validation page. Use the steps as described above and it should work.

Edited by Atom4geVampire