Unofficial Campaign Tracker for Descent!

By Atom4geVampire, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi guys, I'm back. A bit later than expected, but I was sick the past week.

A thought:

It would be great to be able to see the stats without "no event". I mean, now all other scores are at 0, 1 or 2%, which kind of makes that statisic page useless. Now I'm not saying you should remove "no event", it's great to be able see how often that happens, but it would be a nice to have a button saying "ignore no event" and see how high the other scores are. Which are the most common events ignoring no event is impossible to really know as it is now.

I was planning to change it to something like this, Since its indeed a bit uninformative with no event dominating everything.

Hey mate, I think you are aware of this one, but currently we have play out all the open Rumour Quests before we proceed to ACT 1 interlude, which is not in the rules. Open Act 1 rumour quests are discarded if they have not been played by the time the Interlude quests has been selected.

Yes I'm aware, I think this was discussed in my questions thread right before I left on vacation. This rule was indeed removed in the Errata and I missed this when building the website.

I'll try to get this functionality out of the website asap.

How about time spent on encounters/quests? It would be interesting to get some live facts about how long the quests take to go through. I do realise that we all play differently so the time frame would be different for all groups but in the end there would be some kind of general idea for each quest/campaign.

A dropdown with some timespans (1-30min, 30min to 1h,...) would be easy enough to implement. I'll look into adding it

After inserting information about all finished quests in my halfway through campaign I noticed that Rune Plate does not add a defense die or +2 health to it's wielder Quellen. Whether the health bonus should apply is a rather easy chech againts the wielding hero's Knowledge, but the check to see if the wielder should get a gray or black defense die might be trickier if you have not saved attributes associated with each weapon (magic, rune etc.)...

You are right. Some of the calculations aren't happening yet in this section, it's still a work in progress. I'm going to add a small text to this area to make that clear, while I work on finalizing this.

Being able to suppress group would be great too.

If by 'suppress' you mean delete, then I can look into adding that functionality. Otherwise please explain what you mean exactly?

on the travel events, if a hero wins a search card, how can i record it? do i have to wait to the items tab to be open (after the quest completion)?

Search cards are kept until the end of the quest, even when found during the travel step. So you just enter it when filling in the quest details after the quest.

Ok, please add an edit feature. I've had to delete my quests several times in order to correct mistakes. This by far is the only thing preventing this app from being a home run.

I would like to be able to modify total threat, modify skills, modify money, modify items, modify plot cards without having to delete my quest results and start over. And even deleting a quest does not undo a mistake in spending experience points. My campaign is sort of screwed there.

This has been discussed before. There is an edit feature available for the following things you mention: "modify skills, modify items, modify plot cards", without the need to delete the quest details. There should be an edit button at the top right of a campaign phase which allows you to undo these skills, items, and plot cards and, if needed, allow you to open either of these steps again to make additional purchases.

As I have said, I'm not a fan of directly being able to directly edit values like the total gold or threat. They should be correctly calculated based on the campaign you've entered. If it's not then you've most likely made a mistake somewhere during the tracking of your campaign, and in my opinion, that means you need to go back and fix the source of the issue, and no just 'patch up' the issue by messing directly with the value. (Unless there is something with the site that makes the calculation go wrong, then contact me with information on when/where the issue happens)

"And even deleting a quest does not undo a mistake in spending experience points. My campaign is sort of screwed there."

It is very weird that this happened (but not impossible) so could you please provide me with more information when this happened? What quest, what skills,...

Also, if you let me know your username, group name and campaign and what exactly is missing, then I can fix this for you in the database so your campaign is correct again.


Great app you got here.

But one of my players found a bug in the speed calculations. He is playing Trenloe the Strong, who has a speed of 3. He also bought/got a chainmail, which limits your speed to max. 4. And now his character sheets shows his speed as 4, in red... I think you overlooked the possibility to have characters that have less speed than the minimum of the chainmail (or other heavy armor)...

( link )

Thanks for your efforts in making this tool.


Hi, I really like your campaign tracker and my room-mate got me addicted to Descent so we basically use it everyday when we play. However there's like some kinks that could use some looking at so; I'll just post some of the stuff I've noticed that if you could fix would be swell, but all in your due time cuz it must be hard doing all this work by yourself. (Please don't hate me)

Specifically on the SON Quest: Respected Citizen there's no option for whether or not Betram (the companion) dies so the overlord can get the Scoundrel Card or not. I tried putting that the OL won encounter 1 (thus guaranteeing the success of this endevour and that still didn't give it as an OL card - even the OL lost both encounters).

K thanks. Love your tracker. It's awesome and I don't know what I'd do without it. :)

Think I have found an error in the campaign tracker. When reaching the final quest in Labyrinth of ruin we could only select "a glimmer of hope" as our last quest. But we had not played tipping the scales, so shouldn't we automatically be forced to play eternal night? As the quest guide states that the Heroes must win tipping the scales to play a glimmer of hope.

I'll try and look into it. I've had some personal issues lately, which have sadly pushed the website a bit to the back of my priorities list.

Atom4geVampire : Just want to thank you personnally for your excellent work!

The Overlord card Diverse Means are not available to purchase with 2 experience points...

Thanks for your awesome work.

Edited by vendettarock

The Overlord card Diverse Means are not available to purchase with 2 experience points...

Thanks for your awesome work.

What deck is that from? And did you buy enough 1xp cards from that deck?

The Overlord card Diverse Means are not available to purchase with 2 experience points...

Thanks for your awesome work.

What deck is that from? And did you buy enough 1xp cards from that deck?

It's a universal, so it does not require other universal cards.

Oh really? Even if its 2xp?

Then I guess that's a bug!

It is 2xp. I am fairly certain that being universal it is exempt from the class rules about prerequisite cards. I can double check.

You're right: "Universal cards are always available for purchase"

Hey Atom,

I am not sure about this, but I think we have found a major issue yesterday. Our gaming group chose to play the advanced rumor quest "At the Forge" as next quest after completing the intermezzo in our Shadow Rune + Lair of the Wyrm campaign. Since the rules say, that after completing the intermezzo only Act II market cards are being used, we did it this way used them for the Treasure Chest search card and the market phase. But as we tried to log the quest results we noticed that still only Act I items are provided in the combo boxes. Could you please have a look at this. Otherwise we won't be able to track our progression.

Another low priority question: Do you consider the possible Overlord/Hero rewards of advanced rumor quests? So in our case the heroes got the reward "A Friend at the Forge" which gives them an additional market card in market phase and the possibility of buying one item 25 Gold cheaper than listed. Do you check this in your gold calculation? But this is not that important, because there would be a workaround by giving the heroes +25 Gold when logging the found search card and then buying the item at full prize.

To state that again: Your page is awesome ... I really like using it.

Best regards,


Hey Atom!! Man, thats a great job you have there. Keep the good work!

I have notice a little bug in the travel card "A lone knight" where the players did not get the item after chalenging the knight. This step just do not update, not allowing the event go further without choosing an item to give to one of the heroes.

I will just update the event like a "no event" if you can edit it after it would be awesome!

Edited by Dommus

Thanks so much for your work on this! I think it already looks really good and told my group to sign up so I can try this out for our campaigns! :)

Hey Atom,

I am not sure about this, but I think we have found a major issue yesterday. Our gaming group chose to play the advanced rumor quest "At the Forge" as next quest after completing the intermezzo in our Shadow Rune + Lair of the Wyrm campaign. Since the rules say, that after completing the intermezzo only Act II market cards are being used , we did it this way used them for the Treasure Chest search card and the market phase. But as we tried to log the quest results we noticed that still only Act I items are provided in the combo boxes. Could you please have a look at this. Otherwise we won't be able to track our progression.

After completing the interlude, players get access to any Act I shopping item. The Act II cards are only available after you complete the first Act II quest. At least, that is how I understood it from a little forum searching .

After completing the interlude, players get access to any Act I shopping item. The Act II cards are only available after you complete the first Act II quest. At least, that is how I understood it from a little forum searching .

I think I don't agree with that ... or do I misunderstand the rules? The rulebook says:

Act II

After completing the Interlude , the campaign transitions to Act II. From now on, players choose quests from among the Act II options and prepare themselves for the Finale. Immediately after completing the Interlude, follow these steps :

1. Return the Act I Monster and Lieutenant cards to the box and retrieve the Act II Monster and Lieutenant cards. From now on, all monsters and lieutenants use their Act II characteristics.

2. Hero players now have a chance to visit the shop and purchase any Act I Shop Item cards . Deal out all remaining Act I Shop Item cards faceup. The hero players may purchase any number of Act I Shop Item cards they are able to afford.

3. Return all unpurchased Act I Shop Item cards to the game box and retrieve the Act II Shop Item cards . From now on, use the Act II Shop Item cards . Act I Shop Item cards currently in possession of the heroes are unaffected. Any Act I Shop Item card sold by the heroes during Act II is returned to the box.

After completing three Act II quests, it is time for the Finale. Players resolve one Campaign phase as normal and then the heroes travel to the Finale quest to determine the ultimate winner of the campaign!

So if I am getting this right, it says that we should use Act II card after completing the interlude. So if we decided to play the Act II rumor quest "At the forge" as the next quest after the interlude, it should provide access to Act II shop cards. Or am I totally wrong on this one?

I don't understand the disagreement between you two. What you both said is correct.

After the interlude you do a special shop phase in which all Act I shop items are available for purchase. After that shop phase, you put the Act I shop item deck away for the rest of the campaign. (With extremely rare exceptions such as heroes who use the Jinn's Lamp)

Starting with the first Act II quest, the Act II shop item deck is in effect. This counts for shopping phases, treasure chests, secret rooms, or anything else which refers to the "current Act shop deck".

Edited by Charmy

After completing the interlude, players get access to any Act I shopping item. The Act II cards are only available after you complete the first Act II quest. At least, that is how I understood it from a little forum searching .

I think I don't agree with that ... or do I misunderstand the rules? The rulebook says:

Act II

After completing the Interlude , the campaign transitions to Act II. From now on, players choose quests from among the Act II options and prepare themselves for the Finale. Immediately after completing the Interlude, follow these steps :

1. Return the Act I Monster and Lieutenant cards to the box and retrieve the Act II Monster and Lieutenant cards. From now on, all monsters and lieutenants use their Act II characteristics.

2. Hero players now have a chance to visit the shop and purchase any Act I Shop Item cards . Deal out all remaining Act I Shop Item cards faceup. The hero players may purchase any number of Act I Shop Item cards they are able to afford.

3. Return all unpurchased Act I Shop Item cards to the game box and retrieve the Act II Shop Item cards . From now on, use the Act II Shop Item cards . Act I Shop Item cards currently in possession of the heroes are unaffected. Any Act I Shop Item card sold by the heroes during Act II is returned to the box.

After completing three Act II quests, it is time for the Finale. Players resolve one Campaign phase as normal and then the heroes travel to the Finale quest to determine the ultimate winner of the campaign!

So if I am getting this right, it says that we should use Act II card after completing the interlude. So if we decided to play the Act II rumor quest "At the forge" as the next quest after the interlude, it should provide access to Act II shop cards. Or am I totally wrong on this one?

You are right, I misread your post:)

No problem ;) ... So now we would agree that this is a bug in Atom's wonderful D2e Tracker, right? :P

We played the The Incident (Shadow of Nerekhall quest) this weekened. Here, the heroes receive 25 gold per research token in their play area when the quest ends, regardless of victory or defeat (in addition to the 25G per hero if they win). There is no option to register this in the campaign tracker. I had to check additional search items to compensate for this in order to get the gold balance right after finishing the quest.

I hope to work on the site somewhere this week guys, sorry for the delay on fixing the current issues

Today's fixes:

  • Playing a rumor that is in play is no longer required before moving to the interlude (as ruled in official faq/errata). (reported by rfisha)
  • Fixed a bug where Act 1 instead of Act 2 items were available for purchase when a rumor was played directly after the Interlude. (reported by SlimShady0208)
  • The 'Lone Knight' travel encounter can now be completed without selecting an item. (reported by Dommus)
  • Universal cards that cost more than 1xp can now be purchased without having to purchase 1xp cards first. (reported by vendettarock)
  • Fixed an issue where the Finale selection of Labyrinth of Ruin was linked to Fire and Brimstone instead of Tipping the Scales. (reported by k7e9)

Todays update (so far):

  • Hero overview page stats now correctly shows a speed that is lower than the max speed when it is forced by an item, also a small text was added to indicate this is still work in progress
  • Missing special objective added for SoN - The Incident
  • Missing special objective added for SoN - Respected Citizen
  • Fixed incorrect follow-up quests to HoB - Prison of Khinn

Also, if any of you just saw an error when visiting the site, it should be fixed now.