Organization XIII - The Elite

By Trothael, in New Key Bearers

devilmonkey said:

Roxas said:

DM, I'll let you know when the exam is done and email it to you. Lot of business that needs to be attended to in the Org and hmwk irl so it's going slowl

wait, does this mean I was accepted? or is this a totally different exam? I'm a bit confused atm. and sick. this is putting my mental abilities into lower levels

No need to worry, dude. Everything is being taken care of. You'll hopefully have your answers tomorrow.

*Cracks knuckles*

Right-o. We just had a meeting at long bloody last. Got some stuff sorted out.

Check the main post.

WeirdUsername said:

I'd like to apply for a position.

Apparently, I'm more discreet than I thought. Has anybody seen this? Or did someone forget to say I wasn't accepted?

WeirdUsername said:

WeirdUsername said:

I'd like to apply for a position.

Apparently, I'm more discreet than I thought. Has anybody seen this? Or did someone forget to say I wasn't accepted?

Oh bugger...Looks like we forgot, I'm afraid.

WeirdUsername said:

WeirdUsername said:

I'd like to apply for a position.

Apparently, I'm more discreet than I thought. Has anybody seen this? Or did someone forget to say I wasn't accepted?

it was due to the fact that it was early early morning for most of us when the meeting started, so as Trothael said, we just forgot.

you guys had the meeting already *heart breaks*

Vertically Challenged said:

you guys had the meeting already *heart breaks*

No longer our problem, blame the Internal Affairs officer :P

you guys are tre jerks! haha im increadably hurt :( maybe one day Ill be able to come to one of these:P

On a completly different note! If I hosted a massive tourny here in Canada who would come?

We need to discuss WeirdUsername, so we might end up throwing a quick meeting tonight.

I'll go to this tourney, however you have to pay for my flight.

LOL haha just tell me when it is and I should be there (Although, im going to a football game right now so i wont be back for a bit ) Roxas, text me again with details thanks? :)

Vertically Challenged said:

you guys had the meeting already *heart breaks*

I sent you a text yesterday tell you we were.

Horrayz! I'm in the process! Now if only my BoD cards would get in so I can start making a REAL deck...

devilmonkey said:

Horrayz! I'm in the process! Now if only my BoD cards would get in so I can start making a REAL deck...

Let me know what you need either before or after and I will see what I can do.

a cup of hot, Jamine tea would be nice. Oooh! And a comphy new massage chair, maybe a lamp so I take the test at bed time. And number 1 pencils to make sure I mark my answers really dark

I'm tellin ya, bein a possible OrgXIII member sure has it's perks...people just givin ya what you need

devilmonkey said:

a cup of hot, Jamine tea would be nice. Oooh! And a comphy new massage chair, maybe a lamp so I take the test at bed time. And number 1 pencils to make sure I mark my answers really dark

I'm tellin ya, bein a possible OrgXIII member sure has it's perks...people just givin ya what you need

lol, even though I was talking about cards. hehehe, I have a lot of minor wants at the moment so this is probably the best anyone is going to get. Yay for having all the cards (except the 4 new promos, excluding Snow White ^^ [thanks again Brett ^^])

devilmonkey said:

people just givin ya what you need

Just wait till if you're hired in. There'll be a job listin on the door, 'n that's for day one.

It only gets worse from there. Mwahahahahahahaha!

okay, so when/where can I take the test? If the test is 1-on-1 IM required, I have an MSN, AIM and Skype, all of which work perfectly. I can also get a YIM, however I would prefer not to if possible.

If it's something that needs to be emailed (back) my email is [email protected]

At this moment in time, I'm to believe it will prolly be via IM. As for the exact when, we're still in the process of figurin that part out.

I'll throw out my assumptions that RL has taken it's toll on some of us, if not most of us, 'n we're tryin to sort out our own problems as of current.

We do apologize that things are movin sluggishly, DM. We do thank you for your patience 'n hope you understand our current situation(s).

well, I'm going to try to keep my options open. If someone sets an exact time/date for me I can be pretty good at maintaining that.

Alright we need at least 4-5 people or a majority for the next meeting. so when is everyone free?

I really can't say for myself. I've been ignoring reality recently, and along with that my lady. I really ought to spend some time with her.

I'm not so sure about myself either.

Pretty much every weekend in October is booked...hell, even the weekdays, October is a busy month for me...lots of planning of things and festivities. However, if everyone can agree on a day I can try to work around it. I'll keep you guys posted.

Same. Past couple of weeks have been busy, next few weeks don't look much better.

We may or may not have to have a meeting by e-mail/slower system than IM meeting.

B1ack on account of having no credibility. Devilmonkey : You will be contacted shortly about your exam.

i understand i am unknown but then i pose this give me a few months i finally am getting a cash flow back up and n november i am getting quite a few boxes so give me time ill soon have credibility alright.

B1ack said:

B1ack on account of having no credibility. Devilmonkey : You will be contacted shortly about your exam.

i understand i am unknown but then i pose this give me a few months i finally am getting a cash flow back up and n november i am getting quite a few boxes so give me time ill soon have credibility alright.

It's skill and activeness on the forums that gives you credibility, not how many cards you can afford.