New character ideas !

By korneelt, in Talisman

This character is a hardass woman, k?

Start: Tavern
Alignment: Neutral
2 Strength
4 Craft
4 Life
3 Fate
You automatically defeat any Construct. You may convert Construct trophies into a follower, trophies with a strength or craft value below 7 may be used as a Mule. Construct trophies with a strength or craft value of 7 or higher may be used as either a Warhorse or a Horse and Cart, you may not change a Warhorse Construct into a Horse and Cart Construct or change a a Horse and Cart Construct into a Warhorse Construct.
You need only roll 1 die if you attempt to open the Portal of Power by Craft.
You need only roll 2 dice in the Mines.
You may discard any Trap card with no effect.

I figured as constructs are pretty rare this character's theme unique ability, she could do with beefing up, so she's borrowed a couple of the Power that is the Dwarf's abilities and I've given her immunity to Deep Realms traps.

I got the idea for this character and a few others because their is a serious lack of chubby to the Talisman world, especially women characters are all so skinny. Well not this lady, she is Big Momma and proud of it. Worshipped by her tribe.

Earth Mother
Start: Forest
Alignment: Neutral
2 Strength
4 Craft
5 Life
1 Fate
You do not lose life in the Desert.
Whenever an Event card is drawn, you may choose to ignore its effects.
The Sentinel does not attack you when moving from the Outer Region to the Middle Region.
You may restore 1 life when you are in the Fields.

I thought these powerful defensive abilities fitted with a wise matriarch in tune with the Earth, even the Sentinel recognises her sanctity, she's as old as the Ifrit.

Edited by Dungeon Crawler Jack

Here is the hardass engineer ;)

I slightly changed the wording of one of the special abilities to help it fit on the card. Also I added a Riding Horse to the list of things constructs can be changed into, too give a little more choice.


and here is Rawsuagr's Zombie

Not too sure about the picture yet, he hasn't got any feet! haha but other than that it is ok.

Again slightly tweaked it a little, hope you don't mind :)

As you can tell I must have had some spare time today. I was sent home from work early with a severely bad back. Been sitting with hot water bottles and confound to my chair. Let the Talisman homebrew commence! hehe

These are beautiful Jacky, thank you so much!

In general, anyone is welcome to take my ideas and use them themselves, so I'm really pleased you made that much easier on everyone. I'll have to remember your character card skills :D

Edit: On a side note, I wish I had time to put together a good grouping of player created characters. I have the skills and tools to give professional PDFs for everyone to print... just not the time... at the moment. Could be a fun side project. I'd need an artist that would want to illustrate these cards though, unless I really wanted to dust off old skills.

I am in the process of doing this so if anyone is interested I will have them in printer friendly groupings :-)

Lizard Man

4 Strength

1 Craft

5 Life

2 Fate


  • If you are defeated in battle and just lost a life, roll 1 die. If you roll a 6, your thick scales protected you and you did not lose that life, though you still lost the battle. A character that is using a form of armour gains +1 to the roll instead.
  • You do not lose a life in the desert.
  • You may evade enemies or characters in the desert or the oasis.

Start: Oasis

Alignment: Neutral

Edited by chemical22

Oof, dat Camel Riders abilities, tho

Jackycamel rider is interesting character now, but i'd still boost further; +1 S, C and F or maybe +2S and 1 F, and make the first ability free to use. Currently I estimate him to be at ca 15 points.

The evasion is nice especially with the teleport ability (just leave small critters and immediately draw 2 cards instead); but sooner or later oasis will get cluttered with useless or bad cards.

the move ability as it is now is pretty useless; when would it be worth to sacrifice a fate just to move further? very rarely id say.

similarly the desert ability isn't worth much; how often during a game do you actually need the bottle?

the extra baggage is nice, but again, usually not so very different from getting a free mule/2G - more useful certainly but not by all that much

Edited by Rawsugar

Jackycamel rider is interesting character now, but i'd still boost further; +1 S, C and F or maybe +2S and 1 F, and make the first ability free to use. Currently I estimate him to be at ca 15 points.

The evasion is nice especially with the teleport ability (just leave small critters and immediately draw 2 cards instead); but sooner or later oasis will get cluttered with useless or bad cards.

the move ability as it is now is pretty useless; when would it be worth to sacrifice a fate just to move further? very rarely id say.

similarly the desert ability isn't worth much; how often during a game do you actually need the bottle?

the extra baggage is nice, but again, usually not so very different from getting a free mule/2G - more useful certainly but not by all that much

I think he's designed very well. I will agree that the spend a fate to roll an extra movement is not really worth the fate - except in the most specific of instances. What might be an interesting addition is the ability to spend the fate after you've rolled for movement.

Edited by chemical22

Jackycamel rider is interesting character now, but i'd still boost further; +1 S, C and F or maybe +2S and 1 F, and make the first ability free to use. Currently I estimate him to be at ca 15 points.

The evasion is nice especially with the teleport ability (just leave small critters and immediately draw 2 cards instead); but sooner or later oasis will get cluttered with useless or bad cards.

the move ability as it is now is pretty useless; when would it be worth to sacrifice a fate just to move further? very rarely id say.

similarly the desert ability isn't worth much; how often during a game do you actually need the bottle?

the extra baggage is nice, but again, usually not so very different from getting a free mule/2G - more useful certainly but not by all that much

I disagree mostly to this, I think he's designed very well. I will agree that the spend a fate to roll an extra movement is not really worth the fate - except in the most specific of instances. What might be an interesting addition is the ability to spend the fate after you've rolled for movement.

So on average you lose more than 1 life to deserts pr game? how? :)

Or are you saying that there will not be a time, fairly early in the game too, on average, when a strength 3 and craft 2 character will draw creatures he cant defeat or places that are useless or dangerous?

was just thinking about making it a boost, it's still not a very good ability at such a price but would make it as useful and rolling 2 for free

I hear what you are both saying...

So perhaps you would suggest making him a Strength 4 Craft 2 start?

Also I agree that choosing fate after rolling the dice would be a better ability; if you really get a bum die roll you can spend a fate to move further away. Although if he had no fate he'd probably have the right hump! :lol: Sorry love bad jokes! :D

I have made the evade ability only work in the middle region and limited to monsters and dragons now to level him out a bit

what do you guys think?

Jackycamel rider is interesting character now, but i'd still boost further; +1 S, C and F or maybe +2S and 1 F, and make the first ability free to use. Currently I estimate him to be at ca 15 points.

The evasion is nice especially with the teleport ability (just leave small critters and immediately draw 2 cards instead); but sooner or later oasis will get cluttered with useless or bad cards.

the move ability as it is now is pretty useless; when would it be worth to sacrifice a fate just to move further? very rarely id say.

similarly the desert ability isn't worth much; how often during a game do you actually need the bottle?

the extra baggage is nice, but again, usually not so very different from getting a free mule/2G - more useful certainly but not by all that much

I disagree mostly to this, I think he's designed very well. I will agree that the spend a fate to roll an extra movement is not really worth the fate - except in the most specific of instances. What might be an interesting addition is the ability to spend the fate after you've rolled for movement.

So on average you lose more than 1 life to deserts pr game? how? :)

Or are you saying that there will not be a time, fairly early in the game too, on average, when a strength 3 and craft 2 character will draw creatures he cant defeat or places that are useless or dangerous?

was just thinking about making it a boost, it's still not a very good ability at such a price but would make it as useful and rolling 2 for free

I actually edited out the "I disagree with this" - but you caught it too fast. :) Because I don't really disagree, I just have a difference of opinion.

I don't think the stat boost is needed though -the stats seem well rounded. Most characters can take a beating for 3 strength/craft characters at the beginning unless they are characters that have "pumped up" stats in the 5-6 range and those characters, in General, have some lackluster abilities because they get such an early start at the gate.

Again, just an opinion. The one thing I know is that I'm not always right.


Only a thirsty fool, takes damage twice in the desert :)

How much he should be boosted is really a matter of how powerful you want him to be. at the moment he's among the weakest characters. add 2S 1F and he's among the stronger noncaster characters, add just 1S and he's still somewhere in the bottom half, in my estimation. I tend to balance characters at a high level of power, but less can do it ;)

Time to post another character

Mystic warrior

Start: Chapel

Alignment: Neutral

3 strength

3 craft

4 life

2 fate

When you attack another character, you may choose to make the attack psychic combat. You may not do this when you are attacked by another character.

You may add 2 to your strength in battle and 2 to your craft in psychic combat

When you attack another character in battle or psychic combat you may encounter the space you are in after the battle or combat

Edited by Rawsugar


Hound Master

3 Strength
3 Craft
4 Life
1 Fate


  • If you do not have one, take one Wanted Poster at the start of each turn.
  • On a movement roll of a 6, the Hound Master may move to any character or enemy in the same region as him that he possesses a Wanted Poster for. If this ability is used, The Hound Master must encounter the character or enemy that it lands on. If there are multiple targets available, then the player may choose which to move to.
  • Place 5 hound tokens on the Hound Master's character card. When in battle, the Hound Master may choose to use his pack of hounds to fight on his behalf with a Strength equal to the tokens on the card. If the Hound Master loses battle, instead of the usual combat results, remove 1 token and end the combat. This ability cannot be used if there are 0 tokens on the card or if he is attacked by another character.
  • If the Hound Master visits the Menagerie, he may spend 3 gold to restore 1 hound token per visit, up to a maximum of 5.

Start: City
Alignment: Neutral

Edited by chemical22

I like the Hound Master, especially the wanted posters ability. Wanted posters don't get used enough in my games so this would definetly help :)

I had a go at him too: Hound Master

Nice pic. Like it very much.

I revised him though, since you did that. Changed his stats and wording, wasn't happy with it :)

Put the changesup and I will change it for you buddy :)