Glad to see Xaldin so soon
I am extremely interested about using Org.XIII Members as friends though- That should really make for some interesting Decks ^__^
Glad to see Xaldin so soon
I am extremely interested about using Org.XIII Members as friends though- That should really make for some interesting Decks ^__^
dutpotd said:
Hmmm, the game will definately be shaken up with the release of this set (and of course, everyone I know is just ecstatic that they are continuing to release sets well into KH2 characters ^^).
I'm not too sure if Xaldin and his 4 equipment cards will be practical... BUT, can you imagine, two challenges and magic (Stopga - hope a nobody or whatever gets 6 magic) = some serious challenge damage.
- dut
Why you continue to consider Stopga a viable card I will never know....just cause you can lucksack into it on a regular basis, doesn't mean it's good, lol.
Anyways, Xaldin's spear...Is better than its Japanese counterpart. In Japan, you had to remove a Spear to challenge again...being able to just do it makes this a much more viable option. Competitive? No, still not competitive....much like Dark Decks, plenty of people will think it is though. lol.
As for the questions so far: Auron's Support would change depending on how many friends are in the Discard, otherwise it would say "X is equal to the number of friend cards in your discard pile when this card comes into play ."
And of course you can't change your player midgame, that'd be like cheating....unless they make a special rule in the new set....*sigh* I really hope they don't
Hey, everyone. Oathkeeper here. It's been a while since I've posted up on the Forums. Good to see people's voices again.
Spear says "When four or more of these are equipped, you can challenge twice in one turn."
I love this possibility.
Two particular tourney formats jump to mind: Curse of the Heartless and Coliseum.
Change the field to "dark" and challenge away 4 HP in the same turn? Very nice.
Partner up with Riku in Coliseum, and use a couple Soul Eaters to sap away 6 in one turn? Nasty.
And here's my favorite thought. I hope I'm correct about this.
Even though the spears have to go on Xaldin, Xaldin doesn't necessarily have to be your PLAYER for that effect to work, does he?
Granted, if he's in your friend area and starts collecting spears, he'll be the target of friend removal quicker than you can say Simba; but I like the potential of the combo with other XIII members.
Keep 'em coming, Jaffer and Rob. This set is gonna shake things up!
Y'know Oathkeeper makes a pretty good point with Xaladin and his spears. It doesn't say anywhere that he has to be your player to use that ability so as far as I can tell, yeah he's right, Xaladin could just be in your friend area and you could still use this effect.
I like the spears and the idea to challenge twice cause even if you lose the first one, you're pretty likely to win the second one at least. My only problem is how good are your odds of having four of them at once? Might be good, but might be one of those cards you use once in like every five duels.
WayToTheDawn said:
dutpotd said:
Hmmm, the game will definately be shaken up with the release of this set (and of course, everyone I know is just ecstatic that they are continuing to release sets well into KH2 characters ^^).
I'm not too sure if Xaldin and his 4 equipment cards will be practical... BUT, can you imagine, two challenges and magic (Stopga - hope a nobody or whatever gets 6 magic) = some serious challenge damage.
- dut
Why you continue to consider Stopga a viable card I will never know....just cause you can lucksack into it on a regular basis, doesn't mean it's good, lol.
Anyways, Xaldin's spear...Is better than its Japanese counterpart. In Japan, you had to remove a Spear to challenge again...being able to just do it makes this a much more viable option. Competitive? No, still not competitive....much like Dark Decks, plenty of people will think it is though. lol.
As for the questions so far: Auron's Support would change depending on how many friends are in the Discard, otherwise it would say "X is equal to the number of friend cards in your discard pile when this card comes into play ."
And of course you can't change your player midgame, that'd be like cheating....unless they make a special rule in the new set....*sigh* I really hope they don't
Stopga is better than a lot of folks realize, and rather easy to get with Donald L4.
Don't say the spear and Xaldin aren't competitive just yet. Wait until we see the whole set and the new meta that develops. People might surprise you.
The smart money says you're exactly right on Auron.
I don't think they're referring to changing their player Mid-Game, but rather at the start of each new game or tournament round. Since you have several in your deck, you could theoretically choose a different player card to start the next game. You're not making any changes to your deck, so I would guess that would be a legal play.
Oathkeeper said:
WayToTheDawn said:
dutpotd said:
Hmmm, the game will definately be shaken up with the release of this set (and of course, everyone I know is just ecstatic that they are continuing to release sets well into KH2 characters ^^).
I'm not too sure if Xaldin and his 4 equipment cards will be practical... BUT, can you imagine, two challenges and magic (Stopga - hope a nobody or whatever gets 6 magic) = some serious challenge damage.
- dut
Why you continue to consider Stopga a viable card I will never know....just cause you can lucksack into it on a regular basis, doesn't mean it's good, lol.
Anyways, Xaldin's spear...Is better than its Japanese counterpart. In Japan, you had to remove a Spear to challenge again...being able to just do it makes this a much more viable option. Competitive? No, still not competitive....much like Dark Decks, plenty of people will think it is though. lol.
As for the questions so far: Auron's Support would change depending on how many friends are in the Discard, otherwise it would say "X is equal to the number of friend cards in your discard pile when this card comes into play ."
And of course you can't change your player midgame, that'd be like cheating....unless they make a special rule in the new set....*sigh* I really hope they don't
Stopga is better than a lot of folks realize, and rather easy to get with Donald L4.
Don't say the spear and Xaldin aren't competitive just yet. Wait until we see the whole set and the new meta that develops. People might surprise you.
The smart money says you're exactly right on Auron.
I don't think they're referring to changing their player Mid-Game, but rather at the start of each new game or tournament round. Since you have several in your deck, you could theoretically choose a different player card to start the next game. You're not making any changes to your deck, so I would guess that would be a legal play.
Turn 1 Phil, now try and play your stopga...
Its way too situational and with set 3, it becomes near impossible to play, even if you can pull it to your hand. And in any good control deck, they have options (Pinochio) to take out stopga, especially if they know you pulled it and you are trying to set it up. And if you had to use a mickey to get it, you just wasted your mickey, congratulations. Even if you do pull it off, if you are facing any good aggro deck, they have a sephiroth out, and since you were too focused on getting Stopga out, your resources are out.
Oh, and Xaldin isn't competitive because he requires too much set up with the spears to be effective, he's just a upgraded form of the dark cards. Just because we haven't seen everything doesn't mean its good, it can mean its even worse than I believe it is.
But thats the thing its cheating when you take a player card thats not in your deck and switch it out, but with org members they will be in your deck cause when you have a deck all the cards are together and at the beginning of the match you take out your character and place it down as your main character. Then after a match nothing says you cant switch them out cause its still in the deck and wasnt taken from an outside source. Though they would have to make new rulings on this cause in the old ruling the rules say your only allowed exactly one player card to use in your deck. But eh either way its a fun possibility
I think everyone is too focus'd on the good 'n bad of a card (or card combos) before they even see the rest of the set. Right off the bat, I glance at the cards as an individual, 'n note that it has it's pros 'n cons (possibilities, probabilities, imposibilities, etc.).
However, I can't say that a card is good by itself just at a glance, cause by doin so, I take away the combos (who else sees the Herc-bounce dark card/play Pinochio/discard bounced dark card combo? With a combo like that, who needs Abu?) But certainly, without knowin what's to come yet, we can't fully state that a card(s) are good or bad entirely, due to the lack of knowin what's to come.
I, for one, am definitely enjoyin the current cards by themselves. I know that they'll be releasin quite a lot more (162?? I gotta get them all!!) and the possibilites are beginnin to become more open (double attack phase? What next? Play a world, lose a health instead of gainin it? Or better yet, don't gain a health period?) to allow us to further our entertainment of the game altogether.
Heck, I had a friend of mine flip out when he saw these cards. Who knows what else lies in store for us? I'm excited!
Choitz said:
I think everyone is too focus'd on the good 'n bad of a card (or card combos) before they even see the rest of the set. Right off the bat, I glance at the cards as an individual, 'n note that it has it's pros 'n cons (possibilities, probabilities, imposibilities, etc.).
However, I can't say that a card is good by itself just at a glance, cause by doin so, I take away the combos (who else sees the Herc-bounce dark card/play Pinochio/discard bounced dark card combo? With a combo like that, who needs Abu?) But certainly, without knowin what's to come yet, we can't fully state that a card(s) are good or bad entirely, due to the lack of knowin what's to come.
I, for one, am definitely enjoyin the current cards by themselves. I know that they'll be releasin quite a lot more (162?? I gotta get them all!!) and the possibilites are beginnin to become more open (double attack phase? What next? Play a world, lose a health instead of gainin it? Or better yet, don't gain a health period?) to allow us to further our entertainment of the game altogether.
Heck, I had a friend of mine flip out when he saw these cards. Who knows what else lies in store for us? I'm excited!
About the Pinochio herc combo, it seems rather pointless to take out that heartless with 2 cards when you can just beast it away with one and save the pinochio for something actually useful (Soul Eater, Oblivion) its easier to predict cards that the opponent could hold based on the type of deck they are running with a little common sense. If they are running and holding one card, odds are its a soul eater, oblivion, or a heartless (and you should know the main heartless they use).
If you note that a card has pros AND cons, then you say everyone is too focused on that...what is your point with that? It sounds like you're doing the same thing you are accusing others of doing.
The possibilities aren't as open as they were before, Soul Eater acts as a Double Attack Phase, but it GUARANTEES you that extra damage rather than a second challenge. Play a world, lose a health? Ever hear of a card called Halloween Town lv1.
Well the reason Dark Decks fall apart is because the Heartless aren't really designed to give any real benefits to Dark Players. For Light Decks you have Tinkerbell, Bambi, Genie for his huge attack power, the Phil+Sebastian+Owl+Winnie the Pooh combo etc. etc. Dark Players have a few decent WR-stopping options due to the fact that any good Dark Deck will be overflowing with Heartless. There's also the fact that you can play cards like Jafar, Captain Hook, etc. in your friend zone to lock out certain friends... but... without the versatility of a Light Deck there's stuff they just can't respond to.
Like Stealth Sneak. A Light player has a chance against stealth sneak if they have the right cards. But there is no "right card" for a Dark user. And without the ability to WR there's not much a Dark player can do against a Light player who stalls aggro through healing cards.
Dark Riku and Ansem are both very powerful player cards. If the Heartless cards provided the same kinds of benifits that normal Friend cards do, then Dark Decks would be in pretty good shape. And really, Dark Decks aren't THAT weak. Hopefully they'll be given something in this set that makes up for the actually very few flaws they have.
And as Choitz said, you've got to look at the rest of the set before judging the strength of an individual card. No card is an island, so to speak. They all interact with each other. It's not just Dark Riku. It's not just Ansem. It's not just Auron. It's not just Xaldin. It's Xaldin + his Spears + Org XIII + the Nobodies. It's Dark Riku + Attack Cards (Soul Eater included) + Magic + Dark Cards. It's Ansem + Magic + Dark Cards. It's Auron + the Light/Player cards + Magic + Dark Cards + Magic/Friends + Friend Cards +.... so on and so forth.
Choitz said:
I think everyone is too focus'd on the good 'n bad of a card (or card combos) before they even see the rest of the set. Right off the bat, I glance at the cards as an individual, 'n note that it has it's pros 'n cons (possibilities, probabilities, imposibilities, etc.).
Isn't takin note, a cards pro 'n' cons, the same as focusin on the good 'n' bad (or card combos)? Hypocritical statement much?
I agree with Mr. Dawn, nobodies are just glorified dark decks, may be fun but certainly not top tier. Nobodies currently have a lack of the following.
Draw power
Search power
combat tricks
pretty big things to lack right off the bat when compared to light decks. Now again I'm not saying it won't be fun to have Organization XIII decks but I don't expect to see them to have a good match-up against light aggro or world rush.
"Stopga is better than a lot of folks realize, and rather easy to get with Donald L4.
Don't say the spear and Xaldin aren't competitive just yet. Wait until we see the whole set and the new meta that develops. People might surprise you."
no one is disputing it being easy to fetch, they are disputing how good it actually is. Stopga is too easy to interfere with things like turn 1 phil, Pinnochio, Simba Monstro, heartless, all of those things slow it down immensely as you have to dig up answers to just play the card and for what, so they don't draw for one turn. that won't even always give you the advantage as more than likely they too have had ample time to set up their board and be prepared for the incoming stopga. I think it's worse than you think.
Equipment hate>Xaldin. If there is a card that gets rid of all equipment then he will be terrible, end of story. Let's look at something real quick. Xaldin has 5 base attack value and the spears give him +2 each so assuming that you have 6 equppied to him that's 17 total attack value each challenge. now a riku lvl 3 with a sephiroth is 16 total attack value. It took you 6 cards to just barely top their one. do you see where I am going with this? Don't say the spear and Xaldin are competitive just yet. Wait until we see the whole set and the new meta that develops. certain people might be right about him.
"I don't think they're referring to changing their player Mid-Game, but rather at the start of each new game or tournament round. Since you have several in your deck, you could theoretically choose a different player card to start the next game. You're not making any changes to your deck, so I would guess that would be a legal play."-Oathkeeper
Isn't changing the player card for your deck in mid-match in fact altering your deck? Which I am pretty sure would be illegal.
i gotta say right now im laughing at xaldin, i dont care how many spears he has if the nobdies lack versitality then they are no better then dark decks and are a waste. roxas brings up great points you have to wait to get 6 spears just to trump riku lvl3 and sephiroth and then what have weak nobodies to help him attack with riku can throw magic and magic/friends plus huge support friends and attack cards, they better show me something amazing with nobodies and dark decks or else im unimpressed
Wow, I love the "rational thoughts" in this forum. Shall I clarify? I think I shall.
Myself : "I think everyone is too focus'd on the good 'n bad of a card (or card combos) before they even see the rest of the set. Right off the bat, I glance at the cards as an individual, 'n note that it has it's pros 'n cons (possibilities, probabilities, imposibilities, etc.)."
Ecomics21 : "If you note that a card has pros AND cons, then you say everyone is too focused on that...what is your point with that? It sounds like you're doing the same thing you are accusing others of doing."
Roxas _ Lawliet : "Isn't takin note, a cards pro 'n' cons, the same as focusin on the good 'n' bad (or card combos)? Hypocritical statement much?"
- Was there anywhere in this statement that claim'd I was not a part of the 'focused everyone'? Do show me, for I am quite interested in where I claim'd 'I never would think like that !'. I, too, obviously jump'd to my own conclusions about the cards, 'n was merely statin such. I believe this is call'd an observation of facts.
Let's try this again, shall we?
Myself : "I, for one, am definitely enjoyin the current cards by themselves. I know that they'll be releasin quite a lot more (162?? I gotta get them all!!) and the possibilites are beginnin to become more open (double attack phase? What next? Play a world, lose a health instead of gainin it? Or better yet, don't gain a health period?) to allow us to further our entertainment of the game altogether."
Ecomics21 : "The possibilities aren't as open as they were before, Soul Eater acts as a Double Attack Phase, but it GUARANTEES you that extra damage rather than a second challenge. Play a world, lose a health? Ever hear of a card called Halloween Town lv1."
- Clearly there's a lack of imagination in here. What's to stop the imagination from creatin a high level'd Nobody card that might state 'When a player plays a world card, that player loses health equal to the World's level', or a magic card that states 'Play this only when your opponent plays a world card. Discard a card from your hand. Instead of your opponent gainin 1 life, they lose 1 life'. Or heaven forbid, an equip card that states 'Players cannot play world cards'. I absolutely doubt these cards will ever be made, but does that stop me from thinkin them up? Nah. I call it ' creative thinkin '. We've got a whole section in the forums somewhere where people made up their own card ideas, 'n no one thought those ideas to be pointless or such, so why start now?. 'N really, who hasn't heard of Halloween Town lvl 1? Throw that world into one of these combos, 'n see how quickly an aggro deck makes it's stand. It'd be awesome!
Ah, thirds a charm. Really, I was charm'd by this. You should be. too. Be charm'd. It makes it funny.
Myself : "However, I can't say that a card is good by itself just at a glance, cause by doin so, I take away the combos (who else sees the Herc-bounce dark card/play Pinochio/discard bounced dark card combo? With a combo like that, who needs Abu?) But certainly, without knowin what's to come yet, we can't fully state that a card(s) are good or bad entirely, due to the lack of knowin what's to come."
Ecomics21 : "About the Pinochio herc combo, it seems rather pointless to take out that heartless with 2 cards when you can just beast it away with one and save the pinochio for something actually useful (Soul Eater, Oblivion) its easier to predict cards that the opponent could hold based on the type of deck they are running with a little common sense. If they are running and holding one card, odds are its a soul eater, oblivion, or a heartless (and you should know the main heartless they use)."
- Ah, yes, an opinion. Evil little thing. Everyone has one. Question is, can they use 'n state it correctly? The 'Herc-nochio' combo was developed to take out higher level cards that a Beast card couldn't reach, even if a Jack was on the field (Wyvern, Darkside, Battleship, 'n who knows what else they're makin. Keep that in mind). 'N who's to say that you didn't already use your Beast to discard a Stealth Sneak from before, 'n are all out? No one can predict an outcome. This is purely a strategic possibility that not a lot of people may have thought up. Not everyone is runnin a Riku in their deck, let alone Soul Eaters.
'N there we have it, folks. I hope you had fun readin this 'n rationalizin with it as much as I did writin, copy'n, 'n pastin it altogether. I hope this clears up some miscommuncations 'n thoughts. There are lines between the lines. Read them carefully, aye? Just a thought. C|
Anywho's, no harm, no foul. Tis but a game, one which I look forward to seein grow 'n expandin more 'n more daily. I can't wait for the next card, can you?
~Drink up, me heartys, yo ho!~
Auron is definitely a must-have for my deck. I don't mind adding 2 or 3 copies in my same deck.
Xaldin and his spears are pretty cool in a long run.
What I definite would want are Roxas, Axel and his wheel-like chakrams, Jack Sparrow, Sora's Brave and Wisdom Forms, Seifer, Vivi, Queen Minnie, Diz, etc.
I still wonder why everyone is already dimissing everything as uncompetitive when we've only seen 2% of the set.
1st turn Phil messing with your magic? Who says there isn't a card that blanks another card's text?
Dark and Nobody decks are being put down; we haven't even seen a single dark or nobody card from this set. Maybe they'll get the keys they've been missing to make them top tier.
If I remember some Japanese cards correctly, there may even be a couple ways to play two worlds a turn. (Timeless River was INSIDE Disney Castle in KH2, I believe this translated into the card game).
Alot of us here on the forums are just theorizing some possible strategies. Sure, alot of them will not be viable. Some of them will.
Aggro, World Racer, Balance, Control; these are what we know right now. Techniques, Forms, who knows what else?; these are things to come. With 98% of the set left to reveal, I'm sure we'll see some old strategies improve and some new ones emerge.
All I'm asking is for everyone to remain respectful, and keep the discussion a discussion , not an argument.
Fate, I'm with you about Axel. His Fire magic will be sweet.
people need to calm down about these new cards I think if you look back at what we've all posted you'll see we all agree we need to see the rest of the set. I wanna see if nobodies achieve versatility and playability unlike the dark decks last set. With that note I also want to see dark Decks gain support so they arent just lost when the Org decks come out. As of what we know with the exception of Roxas and Mr Dawn who always no more then us it seems XALDIN IS BAD AS OF RIGHT NOW AND IF NOBODIES FAIL TO ACHIEVE GOOD NOBODY SUPPORT THEY WILL BE BAD. So yes we are judging good and bad based on what we've seen but we also are eager to be proven wrong by the rest of the set.
Hehe, so much Stopga hate and so very quickly ^^
Of course it is impractical, most people consider most balance decks themselves impractical... I was just dropping my fav card in with 2 challenges a turn and I thought I'd mention how damaging it could be if possible (note, not probable of course).
Keep in mind I 100% agree with the 1st turn Phil or otherwise thing. Cards like Phil/Owl/Monstro etc. force players to play balanced decks, those that don't 'just' rely on one method of play whether it be Magic/Magic-friend/Friends. I've moved more away from big magic decks after the last set becuase of Phil, and I'm sure most people have at least opened up their decks to combat the blanket 'no' cards, and to have answers to the various psuedo-locks that the game has.
I think the next set will add some quirky stuff (of which Xaldin and nobodies may end up being, i.e. fun ideas, but won't work at the same competitive level as a light deck), but it will also add some dynamics to a game which has become sluggish thanks to some 'end all x' cards, and their relative ease to play first turn.
Everyone here is very quick to jump to, and comment on, the efficiency of cards of the day as they relate to the predicted meta that will ensue come full release of the set. The bottom line is Kingdom Hearts is a fun game, and everyone should build and play with different rules, different cards, and generally have a good time
To that extent, the first few cards of the day are exciting - Auron arguably very practical - and I would be lieing if I said I wouldn't be checking back here daily to see the new cards and everyone's reaction.
- dut
ps. stopga rocks, and maybe it is just my sack of luck but... mwahahahaha good card is good, what more can I say? Sadly, I don't think many people on the forums have got to play my Stopga set 3 deck, so I'm not surprised by all of the naysayers
Maybe I will bring it to Origins/Gencon this year, although I suspect by the later we will all be well into tinkering with set 4.
Well i know one thing about some of the nobodies but I dont want to spoil any thing about them. But I do think they are decent but this comes from a player who just likes to have fun playing with his favorite character lol. But automatically saying things like Xaldin with all his spears fighting a sephiroth is kinda bad to just throw out cause you could always parasite it or attempt a discard or who knows maybe theres a nobody or somehthing that could work against, or a world card for the heck of it. As for Auron I like him but once again hes best used for a world packed with dark cards and best with a Leon so you will always have that level 4 to play auron right off the bat. Cause if people see auron on the field they will get ready for him in the event of a challenge and target him with effects more so than most.
Though I really like this set no matter what cause one of my fav characters is gonna be in it so I wouldnt care if the cards suck either way cause its fun to play anyways.
WayToTheDawn said:
Xaldin is...well...he's kinda lame.
He's gonna be aggro cause of his lances that have a Soul Eater like ability....and if he's gonna be an Aggro Player he has nothing on Riku Aggro that is popular in the Meta right now and will continue to be popular with the release of the Way to the Dawn Equipment Card, which was so broken in Japan.
He'll probably make an appearance more as a friend, as a level 2 with 5 power and 2 Magic.....I just hope there's an OXIII member who can cast Magic, or else I won't understand why he has a Magic stat in the first place.
Other than that though....yay for OXIII players!
I think the text on Axel says he can cast Fire type magic (either he has 4 MP or it was reguardless of level, it"s been a long time). I would like to know if the effects of Org XIII members stay active while they're friends, because that would be pretty cool.
Kiro, Leon makes it so he is unaffected so regaurdless Auron would be taking a trip either out of play or to the discard pile.
just a little something i noticed, in the picture of the starter deck the timeless mickey actually still looks like the art from the past sets are they going to mix the old art with this bad new art
So...Will Turner...
I have to say I'm likin' him. Finally a good and solid level 2! (and no Triton doesn't count) lol.
Choitz is probably going to explode with excitement though haha.
Will Turner, finally a Port Royal friend, this cards will work excellent when the Way to the Dawn card actually comes out and Riku will be amazing XD
Roxas: I wasnt talking about using Leon to protect Auron on the field I meant you will have leon which will assure that you can always play out a level 4 or lower friend without worrying about if you have the right levels. Cause to me Auron needs to be used right away or else he will get targeted easily.
WIll Turner, and I most assuredly agree with you Mr. Dawn it is a solid level 2 that gives you something awesome that all light decks will have for equips and it has a good attack value yo use for later after his effect has been used up. Though I kinda wish I saw that come with his effect cause I frogot he was a blacksmith in the movie which would say he goes for equipment lmao
Will Turner very nice card very nice...doesnt help the Org decks at all but for light decks he's not a bad lvl2 at all
oh boy....another search card