The Next Expansion

By Anarchium, in General Discussion

I find a lot of those characters are broken.

...And FantasyFlight doesn't mind?

I guess they will be releasing sooner or later other characters. With fan creations, they've always been quite permissive, as long there's no profit in creating fan material for their games.

When should we expect some news about a new expansion?? No news since April.

X-Wing has spoiled me!

Maybe some news a SDCC??

I'd say if they have something prepared, they'll reveal it on GenCon in August.

they need to introduced plane tickets, perhaps a influence check to get them or combining two tckets.

My GF always asking me when next expansion would be out. They should atleast tell us the general concept of next expansion.

When I worked in the gaming industry we would be planning three to five expansions ahead. Some stuff would get pushed to another release all the time too. With boardgame like this it be better to strike while the iron is hot and hint to things to come.

Well if someone really wanted to sneak peak at an expansion, artists sometimes have art shown before the product.

they need to introduced plane tickets

Seriously? The first overseas flight was done by Lindbergh in 1927; before that we had only national, short flights, that were all but cheap. Considering the general setting for HPL tales are "the roaming 20s", I'd hardly believe anyone would be comfortable with "getting a flight ticket and move from Tokyo to London".

I just want a ticket that allowed me to wilderness spot. While there is a charter plane asset and Mountians of madness was only assessible by plane in a story...

Late twenties was when airports come into play, and time for the zepplins to make a show.

I want a Zepplin ticket :)

Edited by Daisu

You score a good point about Mountains of Madness, but the story IIRC was set somehow later, maybe in the early 30's?

It's interesting your suggestion about the possibility of getting more often charter flights, tho :)

Regarding Great Old Ones in next expansion, is there any slumbering god associated with illnesses? Because Forsaken Lore introduced new condition type: an illness. There is just one of the kind(Poisoned) so I am quite sure there will be more in next expansion.

Edited by Nameless01

probably diseases likely by rats or mummies

I'd love to travel to Bermuda triangle and resolve encounters there.

It would be a nice idea for a new board.


Edited by ruferto

...or the Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz, CA ;)

I've heard the idea being tossed around about chartered flights. I agree they would be way too scarce in the roaring twenties so why not make a chartered flight a service - item for like 3 influence instead? Just have it be a rare card kind of like the one in Forbidden Island. Sure, it can take you anywhere but you'll only see one per game.... I think that would be balanced even if they also worked into a future encounter or two. Giving us a one shot go wherever ya' want would be a big help without unbalancing the game in our favor, is what I mean.

Oh. Also since we are making musicians into investigators did seriously no one think of Glenn Miller??

There's already a charter flight card in the game. What are you all talking about? Lol.

Zeplins and plane tickets apart from the one asset. An investigfator as a pilot be nice. New ways to move would be an avenue the expansion could take.

They might also be a new resource to be needed for the next ancent one. Elder sign went that kinda route.

Edited by Daisu

Hello everyone! :) How many and which Ancient Ones do you think will be added to EH in future expansions? :)

I think they will do one at a time, I seen other expansions similiar to that.

I'd say one / box if they keep going on with expansions in line with Forsaken Lore. If they go also with bigger boxes, then 2 / big box.

I'm wondering about what they'll do with Ithaqua (should they add him as an AO at all, that is), because technically he's already in game as Wind-Walker.

I'm always of the idea that, if they wanted Ithaqua to be the Wind-Walker, they would have named that monster "Ithaqua", and not "Wind-Walker". So, I'm confident sooner or later we'll see an Ithaqua AO (especially because there's a lot of stuff to create a great theme around it, and it suits perfectly as an expansion AO)

Sure, but Wind-Walker is just another Ithaqua's name, not a whole kind of monsters, isn't it? At least that's how it appears to be in the encyclopedia I have. It is as if you were playing against Shub-Niggurath and had the Black Goats of the Woods and Ram with a thousand Ewes monsters in play as well. It may be feasible with Nyarlathotep, who is known to have many forms (not just names), but otherwise It appears really nonsensical to me.

I see it possible only when you explicitely have to return the Wind-Walker rumor to the box, even before building the mythos deck.

They could still treat the Wind-Walker and Ithaqua as two different entities for the game.

Klaymen, I see your point. I guess the only thing we can do is to wait and see what happens!