The Next Expansion

By Anarchium, in General Discussion

I've got a handful of questions and thoughts. Let's get started!

  • Is there an expected release cycle for this game's expansions? (i.e., every 6 months/9 months/yearly.)
  • Have there been hints, subtle or otherwise, as to what we can expect for near-term expansions?
  • Do we have any idea when (if ever) a so-called "Big Box" or "Deluxe" expansion will be coming? Are we sure there ever will be deluxe expansions?
  • Does it seem to you, as it does to me, that this game may never see expansions offering additional game boards, à la Arkham Horror? That the board is already complete thanks to the global format?
  • Sleeving and storage suggestions -- any good options that can account for future expansions, too? (Kind of hard without knowing what to expect ...)


  • Does it seem to you, as it does to me, that this game may never see expansions offering additional game boards, à la Arkham Horror? That the board is already complete thanks to the global format?

I wouldn't rule it out completely as a possibility. Other worlds have inherent problems both mechanically and thematically. (I don't actually want a map of Carcosa for example. It is vast and mysterious and I'd rather leave its grandeur to my imagination.) but FFG people are smart cookies and might figure out something that could work.

But what if we stretch the possibilities a bit more and don't have a location board the character peices go to physically and move around? We could have puzzle boards akin to Mansion of Madness' lock puzzles or cult progression boards.

Heck maybe you could mix puzzle board and location board. Let's go real crazy. New old one, Nyarlothetep, where defeating him with mysteries are thrown out entirely. Instead you have to travel the world and find peices of map. The peices form a location board and when it is complete you can travel to the Pyramids to go to the location board and travel through that to defeat Nyarlothetep.

Another option for new locations may still work but instead of an entire board think smaller and have a new location peice that in certain circumstances is added to the board. (Althought they sorta already have this mechanic with some of the mysteries)

One board that sort of makes sense would be the dreamlands, because it exists parallel to the Earth. that would technically also open up the moon, which is lush with forests in the dreamlands.

Additional board? ?? I don't think that. ..

some new expansion same as FL yes sure.

I think can be new type if cards when you need to past 2 3 cards in 1 journey or even you combine cards together for some kind of maps yes maybe.....

lets ask what we need now?

I think we need more investigator old ones and sure we need more cards like mythos and expeditions and other stuff. Maybe some new gates which can open in wilderness.....

Additional board? ?? I don't think that. ..

some new expansion same as FL yes sure.

I think can be new type if cards when you need to past 2 3 cards in 1 journey or even you combine cards together for some kind of maps yes maybe.....

lets ask what we need now?

I think we need more investigator old ones and sure we need more cards like mythos and expeditions and other stuff. Maybe some new gates which can open in wilderness.....

I second Glaurung's thoughts about new investigators being an interesting (and urgent) need for the game.

I won't expect too many AOs coming that early, tho: every AO will probably come with 24 research encounters and 6 mysteries (to match Forsaken Lore's new higher variety standards), so that I'm expecting a series of expansions having one or two AOs / box (one for small exp, two for bigger exp).

As for the boards... I guess Talisman showed how it's possible to expand ad libitum every board. It's enough that they decide to expand a certain region of the world and link a city on the main board with a space on an expansion board.

It'd be nice to see some Egypt in details, or something like that.

As for the schedule... I'm in no rush to see more stuff arriving; I do hope that what we get, is good. With a good theme, a clever design and some interesting variations.

I second Julia and Glaurung's thoughts about investigators being needed. I think they might go along the same lines as with Descent and release a small box expansion then a big box expansion. For the big box, I would hope to see the extra investigators, maybe 4 following Descent's pattern, along with an AO and maybe a board but doubtful. With the small boxes containing an AO, research encounters, and mysteries.

Another +1 to getting just investigators and AOs. Given that the original box gave us 12 Investigators and 4 AOs, I could envision a "Deluxe Expansion" giving us half that - so 6 more Investigators and 2 AOs.

To warrant it being "Deluxe" they could add in some items that add to theme without relying on specific AOs. For example, while we already have Madness and Injuries like Dunwhich added for AH, we don't have the relationship mechanic that was added in the Lurker expansion. The notion of heralds (independent of AOs could be introduced). One thing I miss (and others have noted) is that gates don't tie to another world. So one thing they could do is give us more Other world encounters and introduce a mechanism whereby, once you enter an OW for a gate, it becomes sticky and subsequent encounters are tied to the same OW. The only reason to not do that now is that we don't have many encounter cards per each OW.

Last, I agree with Julia that I'd rather wait and get something good instead of getting something rushed - while Forbidden Lore came out "soon" I'm sure that it's because they pretty much withheld things from the base game in order to keep the base price down.

Just an idea, but I think it could be possible to create a new gameboard

altogether, replacing the one we have, adding in some new locations for

gates to appear with other world side boards?

The idea of more investigators would be ideal, but more GOO's is always

on my favorite expansion list!


I think if any expansion come without at least one AO that will be weird. We need more of them so un my opinion there no doubt at least one should ne in next expansion. Investigator we need most but also we can get a city tokens or new gate tokens as well. Why not? This board is still quite cool you can do many thinks here without make this game same difficult and complicated as AH now.

Also I still believe we need some unique allies deck like in AH for EH. Should be not easy to get them but they should provide some good bonus and bad punishment if they die....

I'm just hoping for them to keep the format they have but also to add investigators. Some are just plain weak and when I finally started to pick as opposed to randomly selecting my investigator ala Elder Sign, I killed my loss streak. Hard. So the only thing that's missing are investigators and I would rather they be investigator's that give the few playable ones runs for thier money instead of more that are just "blah" and don't have interesting abilities. I only use 5 of the 12. I'm still as new to the game as everyone else though so I may be glossing over a real powerhouse just because I think he looks like a boring combat monkey....

Oh! An' please for the luvagod no more boards! The board it has is great and really normal people are a lot more likely to buy an expansion if they know that the game itself will stay the same size.

More of the same when the same is as excellent as Eldritch Horror is never a bad thing....

I've been wanting to start this topic myself, so thanks for starting it.

I'm waiting with bated breath to hear anything about a new expansion. When do you think we should be seeing something for it? I'm fairly new to FFG and not sure how often they release or preview stuff for a game such as Eldritch Horror. I started playing X-Wing about a year ago and I think I'm spoiled as they are always releasing previews to upcoming expansions.

I'd love to see them at some point release an expansion somehow built around the Elder Things or the Mi-Gos. This could introduce a slight change in game play as neither are AOs.

I'd also like to see a miniature expansion.

An extra board could work as an overlay board, as happened with Runebound, although the specific reference locations card might prove awkward.

I've been wanting to start this topic myself, so thanks for starting it.

I'm waiting with bated breath to hear anything about a new expansion. When do you think we should be seeing something for it? I'm fairly new to FFG and not sure how often they release or preview stuff for a game such as Eldritch Horror. I started playing X-Wing about a year ago and I think I'm spoiled as they are always releasing previews to upcoming expansions.

I'd love to see them at some point release an expansion somehow built around the Elder Things or the Mi-Gos. This could introduce a slight change in game play as neither are AOs.

about new expansion ffg info: about 1 month we should get a some info.

@Glaurung- I believe you but just out of curiosity, how do you know?

I guess he's implying that they could announce something during the GenCon. I'm curious about it too!

I guess he's implying that they could announce something during the GenCon. I'm curious about it too!

Yes indeed! They always give some info on GEnCon. So I'm pretty sure we will have info about next Expansion thus time.

I only curious it will be same small box as FL or Big box as Core game?

I'm guessing that the next expansion will be a small one. Arkham trained me to expect two investigators for every one GOO. Right now we are at 12 investigators to 5 GOOs, so I expect the next expansion will be a small GOO centered expansion with a significant expansion of the mythos decks, and maybe the generic/location decks as well.

I know it's possible to include investigators in small expansions, but I remember someone here saying that adding investigators means adding more plastic stands, and I don't remember seeing a small expansion with plastic components before.

I think the game doesn't need any big box expansion. Or maybe just one, if the additional board and components would add some kind of an area like Dreamlands, but even that is questionable. I'm content with just adding new GOOs, investigators and other stuff. While adding some new mechanics may be a good idea, too much of them would turn EH into an AH-like abomination. Now, I don't mean to say it as an insult to AH, but merely to state the fact about unnecessary bloat AH suffers from. AH is a great game on its own, but when I want to play AH, I'll it.

I think the game doesn't need any big box expansion. Or maybe just one, if the additional board and components would add some kind of an area like Dreamlands, but even that is questionable. I'm content with just adding new GOOs, investigators and other stuff. While adding some new mechanics may be a good idea, too much of them would turn EH into an AH-like abomination. Now, I don't mean to say it as an insult to AH, but merely to state the fact about unnecessary bloat AH suffers from. AH is a great game on its own, but when I want to play AH, I'll it.

Yes i agree with you but big expansion is mean a lot of stuff like new cards and some tokens but not necessary for new board. Just a lot of stuff without additional board.

I would like more investigators as well. I am seeing an expanison that would make expeditions a key component.

Is it possible to modify investigators from AH? It would've been awesome if FantasyFlight allowed crossover of investigators.