Detailed decal set

By Millennium Falsehood, in X-Wing

This is just...mindblowingly cool! Now where do I get my hands on some decal paper!?

I did some decalling myself, i did lukes x-wing also came out great but my camera sucks. Here is one of the ships i did


Looks totally great! You designed the decals by yourself, too? Or did you find them somewhere?

Thanks, some were made by me some were found from online model decals that i shrunk down to the right size

Then i did lukes correctly and the rest i just customized it to my own style so i can easily tell which ships are mine when i run game nights and demos and have to lend people ships, plus they look really cool and can always be brought back to their original look if i wanna resell. Which of course i doubt ill ever do unless im homeless lol.

I also made pictures for the backs of my manuever dials so i know what ships are what, and some rebel and imperial insignia decals for my range rulers and manuever templates.

Edited by yagyu

MF it's a red pentagon not hexagon on the Ties, it's also on the port hand side, I've painted a fair few... kill markings would also be good for ties, I know there is a least one picture of Soontir's TIE/IN with them along the starboard side.



Obama as a TIE we know he's truly evil, working for the Empire.

MF it's a red pentagon not hexagon on the Ties, it's also on the port hand side, I've painted a fair few... kill markings would also be good for ties, I know there is a least one picture of Soontir's TIE/IN with them along the starboard side.



Obama as a TIE we know he's truly evil, working for the Empire.

"You didn't build that!"

Where's his pen and cell phone... lol

Just remember the Empire isn't evil, the Emperor was...

Actually, I'm curious where you're getting the references for the original models from. I'm genuinely interested in seeing those. :3

MF it's a red pentagon not hexagon on the Ties, it's also on the port hand side, I've painted a fair few... kill markings would also be good for ties, I know there is a least one picture of Soontir's TIE/IN with them along the starboard side.

tie_fighter__26.jpg Baron-Soontir-Fel.jpg

Obama as a TIE we know he's truly evil, working for the Empire.

"You didn't build that!"

can't stop laughing.

Actually, I'm curious where you're getting the references for the original models from. I'm genuinely interested in seeing those. :3

The Replica Prop Forum and Modeler Magic have some really great refs, but Modeler Magic is the primary source. They have some really good and rare photos of ships like Red 4, 6, and 12. The RPF has that thread I mentioned before that has collected a lot of additional references that I've used.

Here are the Modeler Magic albums:

Red Leader:

Red 2:

Red 3:

Red 4:

Red 5:

Red 6:

Red 12:

Since Red 4, 6, and 12 are not very well documented, I needed to use some people's studio scale builds of those ships to fill in the blank spots, so they're not absolutely accurate.

I would love to see rogue squadron decals.

Interesting we can see the details of both Wedge and Porkin's droids: neither of them are R5 units like you can see behind them from their cockpit views. It's also funny we don't have any of Red 10! He had quite a few lines and there were definitely shots of his X-Wing in the Death Star's trench.

There were shots of him, but they used Red 5 for his ship. I might use it as the base for his ship.

When will you be selling these?

They'll be a free download you can print yourself. :)

I'll be making a how-to article on how to print them, add a film, then apply them.

Edited by Millennium Falsehood

Thanks for doing this! My painting abilities weren't what they once were, and decals are a perfect solution.

I can't wait for the how-to!

Have you thought about doing some simple kill markings strips or even nose-art? Even pilot names under the cockpit like the Navy does? Some Twi'liek girls and SW styled ship names.

How is it going? Are there any good or bad news? :)

@ Millenium Falsehood:

Have you had a chance to work on instructions for the decals yet? I can download the graphic which has the decals on it, but I'm not exactly sure how to make it 1/270...

Any updates?

Awesome idea!! Looking forward to using this :-)

This is so sweet! Can't wait to see the finalized file and get to customizing some of my models. I suck at model painting, so bow to your generosity and work.

Edited by HapeK

I want these... for the GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!

would you make markings for special squads we name. (ie..121st Tyger Squadron). i know would like to have some done

even tho they are not cannon or EU.

i know i'd like to change my 181st markings to their 'new' markings

Edited by kar2nr

Hey y'all, it's been a while, but I finally got the decals for Red Squadron done:


At least, until I think up some new panels for Reds 7-11. ;)

Now on to Gold Squadron and Red Squadron's Y-wing markings.

After that, the markings for TIE Fighters.

Don't try to apply these yet until I get them finalized. I'm going to arrange them in such a way that you only have to apply a few decals (like 9 or 10) to mark up a whole ship. This way you can mark the entire squadron in very little time.

Edited by Millennium Falsehood