Starfighter Creation Thread

By LibrariaNPC, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Sabaoth Starfighter


Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class: Sabaoth Starfighter

Manufacturer: Unknown

Hyperdrive: None

Navcomp: None

Sensor Range: Closer

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 8 (50kg)

Passenger Capacity: 0

Consumables: 1 week

Cost/Rarity: 170,000 credits (27,000 used)/8 ® (Military)

Customization Hard Points: 2

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 5

Handling: +1

Defense: 1/0

Armor: 2

Hull Threshold: 8

System Threshold: 7


2 Wing Mounted and 2 Chin Mounted Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Arc: Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

And now the last one I statted up tonight:

Sabaoth Defender

Era: Rise of the Empire

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class: Sabaoth Defender

Manufacturer: Unknown

Hyperdrive: Class 2

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Close

Ship's Complement: Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity: 4 (20kg)

Passenger Capacity: 1

Consumables: 7 days

Cost/Rarity: Not available for sale (estimated at 240,000 credits/8 ® (Military))

Customization Hard Points: 1

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 4

Handling: 0

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 13

System Threshold: 9


2 Wing Mounted and 2 Chin Mounted Medium Laser Cannons (Fire Arc: Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 3)

2 Wing Mounted Concussion Missile Launchers ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short]; Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo 4, Slow-Firing 1; Linked 1)

I would be interested in sees C-73 Tracker, and Novasword conversions. Sorry if you did them and I missed it somehow.

I would be interested in sees C-73 Tracker, and Novasword conversions. Sorry if you did them and I missed it somehow.

The Tracker was one I had on my random docket but kept putting it off. I'll get that statted right up, which will be easy since it's a weaker Z-95.

The NovaSword was one that I didn't even know about, so thank you. I'll try to work on that one today if all goes well here at the office.

Yeah the Novasword is my favorite fighter that was in Saga but not D6. It's SubPro's attempt to create a successor design to the Z-95, like the X-Wing was for Incom, but it came out much earlier during or in the buildup to the Clone Wars.

Yeah the Novasword is my favorite fighter that was in Saga but not D6. It's SubPro's attempt to create a successor design to the Z-95, like the X-Wing was for Incom, but it came out much earlier during or in the buildup to the Clone Wars.

I saw, and I'm working on some of the details now. Just finished a display design for work, so I may have a bit of time to plug these out. Expect something in the very near future, and keep the requests coming!

C-73 Tracker Starfighter


Era : Rise of the Empire

Hull type : Starfighter

Ship Class : C-73 Tracker Starfighter

Manufacturer : Sublight Products Corporation (Subpro)

Hyperdrive : None

Navcomp : None

Sensor Range : Close

Ship's Complement : Pilot

Encumbrance Capacity : 8 (60kg)

Passenger Capacity : 0

Consumables : 1 day

Cost/Rarity : 20,000 credits used (estimated at 65,000 at production)/5

Customization Hard Points : 1

Silhouette : 3

Speed : 4

Handling : -1

Defense : 1/0

Armor : 3

Hull Threshold : 8

System Threshold : 7

Weapons :

Two wing-mounted medium laser cannons (Fire Arc: Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

NovaSword Space Superiority Fighter


Era : Rise of the Empire

Hull type : Starfighter

Ship Class : NovaSword Space Superiority Fighter

Manufacturer : Sublight Products Corporation (Subpro)

Hyperdrive : Class 2

Navcomp : Equipped

Sensor Range : Close

Ship's Complement : Pilot; Co-pilot (optional)

Encumbrance Capacity : 9 (110kg)

Passenger Capacity : 1 (can act as the Co-pilot)

Consumables : 4 weeks

Cost/Rarity : 145,000 credits (65,000 used)/7

Customization Hard Points : 2

Silhouette : 3

Speed : 5

Handling : +1

Defense : 1/1

Armor : 3

Hull Threshold : 11

System Threshold : 8

Weapons :

Two fuselage mounted medium laser cannons (Fire Arc: Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

One nose mounted concussion missile launcher ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [short]; Breach 4, Blast 4, Guided 3, Limited Ammo , Slow-Firing 1)

Very nice. I'll have to show them to the GM and see if he'll let me buy a novasword for my pilot character next session if you don't mind.

Edited by RogueCorona

Hey, LibrariaNPC , could you critique my vehicle stats I posted in the thread "Some Vehicles". I'm asking because I will probably have to make up many vehicles stats for my current campaign and I don't want to have to rely on others all the time, so I would like to practice my vehicle designing skills.

Very nice. I'll have to show them to the GM and see if he'll let me buy a novasword for my pilot character next session if you don't mind.

The whole reason why I've been statting was so they could be used! I started this as a way to get things out there to get critiques so I can have balanced ships in my own game and so people in my games and other games would have new things to pilot or to blow up.

So please, have at it! I'll be linking a pdf at some point in the near future of what I have so far for ease of access and downloading, so keep your eyes peeled!

Hey, LibrariaNPC, could you critique my vehicle stats I posted in the thread "Some Vehicles". I'm asking because I will probably have to make up many vehicles stats for my current campaign and I don't want to have to rely on others all the time, so I would like to practice my vehicle designing skills.

Lord Zack, would you mind posting or sending the link so I can get to it easily? The search function isn't the greatest here, so a direct link would make that critique session a whole lot easier.

And please feel free to critique my vehicles as well; it's how we get great things produced, wouldn't you agree?

I mainly stick with Stock Ships, as they are plentiful and are something that players have a good chance to get their hands on. That, and it's hard to tell if the custom ship is even plausible in the mechanic when compared to a stock version; I mean, the Falcon is already tough enough to try to map out in EotE.

But, if it helps, here's a quick write-up:

Hull type: Starfighter

Ship Class: Modified Prototype Nubian Bomber

Manufacturer: A rogue Xi Char Engineer

Hyperdrive: Class 1 (Class 10 backup)

Navcomp: Equipped

Sensor Range: Short

Ship's Complement: Pilot; Co-Pilot; Gunner

Encumbrance Capacity: 20 (10 tons)

Passenger Capacity: 3

Consumables: 2 weeks

Cost/Rarity: Custom work not available for sale

Customization Hard Points: 0

Silhouette: 3

Speed: 5

Handling: +2

Defense: 1/1

Armor: 3

Hull Threshold: 13

System Threshold: 10


2 Cockpit Mounted Medium Laser Cannons ( Fire Arc: Forward; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

1 Cockpit Mounted Medium Laser Turret ( Fire Arc: Turret; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Close]; Linked 1)

1 Cockpit Mounted Proton Torpedo Launcher with Nano-missiles ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 7; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 5; Blast 3; Guided 2; Limited Ammo 10; Slow Firing 1)

1 Cockpit Mounted Ion Encumbrance System ( Fire Arc Forward; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range [short]; Breach 6; Limited Ammo 5; Slow Firing 1; Ion)

Any other random requests?

I'm trying to put what I have in alphabetical order to turn into a pdf, but time has been against me (i.e. my PC time is during work hours). I'm still working, just not as fast as I'd like. . .

I'm thinking the Chiss might make an appearance in campaign, so maybe a clawcraft. I'll probably use an earlier version than the Nsiss-class, but more people would probably use that version. I'll just drop some of the stats a bit.

Edited by Lord Zack

I'm thinking the Chiss might make an appearance in campaign, so maybe a clawcraft. I'll probably use an earlier version than the Nsiss-class, but more people would probably use that version. I'll just drop some of the stats a bit.

The problem with the Clawcraft is the lack of data. If they statted the Nsiss-class in any of the books, I would surely reduce the speed and the maneuverability.

Are there any other changes you would suggest, Mr. Flibble?

Not at this point. I think you've done your usual great job overall; I just wondered whether the Speed ratings were a little low. (I'm perfectly willing to listen to different opinions, by the way; I didn't try to do any real research before I commented.)

The Eta-2 is a TIE predecessor, but if I remember right, it's also supposed to be stripped down to the wires to be the lightest, fastest ship possible for Jedi pilots with Jedi reflexes, so it's not outrageous for it to have a speed edge over a TIE/ln.

Valid point. Perhaps it should have a speed edge ove the TIE/In, but the TIE/In still remains more manueverable.

So, amp the speeds up to 5 and 6, respectively, to make them a bit closer to what we see in action?

This might be beating a dead horse, but I'm reading through Your thread and this one (Eta-2) strikes me hard.

I think considering it's price, Eta-2 should be much, much better.

Best pilots of the Republic were supposed to jump from Delta-7 to Eta-2, but sacrificing defence and missile launcher is not worth 1 point of speed advantage.

Eta-2 is 6 times more expensive than TIE, but the TIE seems better becouse of superior handling (versus lower speed).

I think with THAT price, Eta deserves to be somehow superior to Delta-7.

I would Suggest Handling 3+. TIE don't need to be more agile than Eta, becouse TIE is not Eta succesor. TIE is Eta's cheaper brother.

On the other topic, I have noticed You have D-5 Mantis statted. Could You share Your view on this ship? I'm considering to "give" it to my group.

Are there any other changes you would suggest, Mr. Flibble?

Not at this point. I think you've done your usual great job overall; I just wondered whether the Speed ratings were a little low. (I'm perfectly willing to listen to different opinions, by the way; I didn't try to do any real research before I commented.)

The Eta-2 is a TIE predecessor, but if I remember right, it's also supposed to be stripped down to the wires to be the lightest, fastest ship possible for Jedi pilots with Jedi reflexes, so it's not outrageous for it to have a speed edge over a TIE/ln.

Valid point. Perhaps it should have a speed edge ove the TIE/In, but the TIE/In still remains more manueverable.

So, amp the speeds up to 5 and 6, respectively, to make them a bit closer to what we see in action?

This might be beating a dead horse, but I'm reading through Your thread and this one (Eta-2) strikes me hard.

I think considering it's price, Eta-2 should be much, much better.

Best pilots of the Republic were supposed to jump from Delta-7 to Eta-2, but sacrificing defence and missile launcher is not worth 1 point of speed advantage.

Eta-2 is 6 times more expensive than TIE, but the TIE seems better becouse of superior handling (versus lower speed).

I think with THAT price, Eta deserves to be somehow superior to Delta-7.

I would Suggest Handling 3+. TIE don't need to be more agile than Eta, becouse TIE is not Eta succesor. TIE is Eta's cheaper brother.

On the other topic, I have noticed You have D-5 Mantis statted. Could You share Your view on this ship? I'm considering to "give" it to my group.

Okay, now I can get back to this.

First, there is no such thing as a dead horse on the forums from my experience. Things get mentioned and rehashed all the time as new opinions come in. As long as it promotes good discussion and improves the finished product, I am all for revisiting things.

Second, about the Eta-2, here are the notes:

1) The cost is what is listed from previously published works. I don't fully understand where FFG got the pricing scheme from, but without it, I'm at a loss for setting up exact prices. Feel free to tweak that.

2) The Delta was modified heavily from it's creation until the Clone Wars. The version I posted is a bit of a conglomeration of bits of data, leading to what I have. If you aren't fond of it, feel free to tweak it.


My problem with the Eta-2 is that it's been fangasmed over WAY too many times. Fans have statted it in previous versions of the Star Wars RPG as being much faster and manueverable than a TIE fighter, which doesn't make much sense.

Now, here's the logic behind the "issues" you see:

First, the Eta isn't as maneuverable due to the "extra equipment" attached. Canon resources also state that a TIE fighter with the "extras," like life support, shields, hyperdrives and the like suffer in some way, often when it comes to speed and/or maneuverability. With this in mind, the Eta having these makes it suffer a bit when compared to the lobotomized TIE fighter.

Also remember that the Eta has a LOT of things that a TIE doesn't: landing gear, astromech slots, ability to connect to a booster ring, shields, ion cannons, and little things like life support and ejection seats.

Second, the cost of an Eta vs a TIE can be argued based on production. The Republic wasn't choosing just one company to produce a single fighter, but was buying everything they could from whomever was producing good ships. You can argue a bit of price gouging, of course, but you could also debate that the ships were being produced at the rate each company could make them while they did other projects. This raises costs and reduces availability.

When you look at a TIE fighter, Sienar won the bid and pretty much did little else besides making TIE fighters. They made it their primary assembly, had other places cheaply produce individual parts, and built from there. In the end, you have a company that is well equipped to make a single fighter in bulk. . .which cuts down the costs.

Third, the Eta was a successor to the Aethersprite, but served a slightly different purpose. Not a hugely different one, but a different one all the same. As a successor, the price may have been jacked up or, due to production costs of a new fighter(see above), the costs were increased high.

Finally, take a look at the era. The Eta was built with the Republic, and the Jedi, in mind. Most of the ships used by the Jedi Order were usually FAR more expensive than their "standard" counterpart, either due to the affiliation, customization, or even simple price gouging. Speaking of the gouging, not only was the Eta designed in the middle of a galaxy-wide war, but it was also designed and sold to a government that tended to be corrupt and spend a lot more than it needed to. This "corruption" ended after Palpatine essentially took over the Senate, meaning major decisions, like purchasing ships, didn't have to go through as many hands and, therefore, opinions.

So do I think the Eta is overpriced for what you get? Of course I do.

Does it fit with the setting and the era? Yes, yes it does.

Eta is clearly overpriced, but price we have (I think it appears in some WotC book first), is a market price.

Corrupted Republic might have paid 500k for this. But the market price is market price. You pay for what You get. Noone pays 240k for used fighter if it's not worth it.

And You get almost handcrafted fighter with expensive parts.

For TIE mass production, they have to choose good price/effect ratio. For handcrafted Jedi toys, they might use something 3 times more expensive and 10% better.

More often than not, with bigger price comes better quality. It might be a bit bigger and heavier than TIE, but better control, engines with better kick and again, better control, should be enough to compensate this...

IMO ;)

Eta is clearly overpriced, but price we have (I think it appears in some WotC book first), is a market price.

Corrupted Republic might have paid 500k for this. But the market price is market price. You pay for what You get. Noone pays 240k for used fighter if it's not worth it.

And You get almost handcrafted fighter with expensive parts.

For TIE mass production, they have to choose good price/effect ratio. For handcrafted Jedi toys, they might use something 3 times more expensive and 10% better.

More often than not, with bigger price comes better quality. It might be a bit bigger and heavier than TIE, but better control, engines with better kick and again, better control, should be enough to compensate this...

IMO ;)

You are more than welcome to your own opinion. I personally just stay as close to the resources I have as possible.

Also note that EotE said is best on page 357:

When it comes to starships, buyers can rely on three rules: if you want quality, trust the starshipwrights of Fondor; if you want to impress, buy Kuati; if you need speed, go Corellian.

That said, "impressing" has a heavy pricetag, and since the Actis was built by Kuat. . .

Alright ladies and gents, here it is: the first of my pdfs ! (Now with public posting, so you should be able to see it now!)

This has the entire Starfighter chapter; all 52 ships!

I did make a few tweaks to a few of the ships, namely:

--Handling on the Supa Fighter and T-Wing are now at +1 instead of +2

--Price of the Eta-2 Actis has been dropped to 290,000 new and 140,000 used. I found this in the Starships of the Galaxy from Saga Edition, and thought it fair to make the change.

--Removal of a few "notes" of edits.

--The Helix will be saved for the Freighter chapter, and will not be found in this file.


Edited by LibrariaNPC

I think you forgot to change it so anyone can see it.

My apologies, everyone; I made a mistake with the setup.

It's been fixed, so everyone else SHOULD be able to get to it. Let me know if you run into any problems!

My apologies, everyone; I made a mistake with the setup.

It's been fixed, so everyone else SHOULD be able to get to it. Let me know if you run into any problems!

Apologies acceptet admiral Libraria... :P

I hate to say it but I still can't download the pdf.

It's really impressive Work... Have you ever though about making other vehicles? Like podracers, walkers, capital ships? ;)