Talisman - Digital Edition

By Nomad_Carl, in Talisman

I think I'm gonna wait until they get it out of the pseudo-Beta stage in Jan./Feb. 2014.

I hope you can turn rules on or off, like the Reaper figure. I will wait until then.

I hate the reaper figure, but I wouldn't consider buying it without the rest of the Reaper expansion.

Why so little talk about this? Is anyone playing?

People are most probably commenting on the Steam Forums for the game rather than here.

Just to add, that if you haven't already managed to snag the game on Steam, I am giving away a game key over on Talisman Island .

No competition, all it will take is an email and you could be getting in on the game in time for when online multiplayer releases!

Congratulations to Talisman fan " evhaloon " for being the lucky one to be chosen at random to win a Steam Code for Talisman: Digital Edition from Nomad Games!

Thanks also to everyone that took the time to enter the competition!

Why so little talk about this? Is anyone playing?

Me, I am, got the gold pack :)

How do you like it? Share your thoughts! I won't be able to get this 'til it comes out for iOS... :unsure:

Will we have to pay for a separate version for each of our devices? eg will I have to pay twice if I want it for PC and for IOS?

I'm not entirely sure, but I would imagine so. It would be like buying a game for 360 and another for PC.

Online multiplayer update is now live!

Have fun everyone!


Six days later, and nobody's talking about this?

come onnnnn, dish! :D

Unfortunately it has been a bit of a disaster. Sync issues and game crashing almost every online play. Apparently Nomad are releasing an update tomorrow to rectify the issues!!!

Unfortunately it has been a bit of a disaster. Sync issues and game crashing almost every online play. Apparently Nomad are releasing an update tomorrow to rectify the issues!!!

It's a little unfair to describe it as a disaster, but you're entitled to your opinion.

Many people have played online and enjoyed it. We're working as hard as we can to fix the issues people are having.

Games joined or started = 40 online - sync issues on 30, crashed games 6, completed games 4

That's only 10% of games completed. I'll leave it up to the rest of you to form an opinion on how successful the online update has been so far.

I love playing Talisman of course and can't wait to play a stable version of the game.


Of course the game is In early release and we all expects bugs. It's not a criticism of nomad games at all. I just would like to play online without the game crashing etc

Edited by talismanamsilat

I agree with Talismanamsilat I played a online muti-player today with him it was going well until it had sinc issues and looped out. I would be ok if the game success was at least 80% but 10% is very bad indeed. He is totally right it is early access but one would think early access meant some bugs and a better game completion, you have to understand most of us want to play against other players not ai (which has issues as well). I personally have never completed a online game all the way through but I have not been keeping record or how many games I've attempted.

I think a big thumbs up to Nomad games but in the meantime we need the muti-player sinc fixed so we can at least finish a game :) .

Update today :) .

Played three games not one completed still has sinc+game issues. Sad :( .

Couldn't even start an online 3 player private game. Froze on 1 second. We all tried being host!

Aye tis a shame all these bugs but I think Nomad games did the right thing by putting it out on early access so they can rectify these virtual heeby jeebies before final version is released.

The crazy sorceress was engaged in epic combat with the monk on the CoC and what did she do? Try to beguile the goodly friartuck every round and failing miserably despite having a craft advantage to engage friar tuck in psychic combat. Silly AI.

Despite these bugs Im having a blast online, just as much fun if not more than Battlefield and COD.

Keep it going Nomad dudes, doing a fine job.

Loving this digital edition, i think i prefer it this way, looking forward to more fantasy flight games in digital , maybe Runebound? Or Descent?

Just purchased it. Played 2 and a half games with the AI, and so far I am 1-1.

My experience:

1. I found a few minor bugs. Each game probably experiences 2-3 of them. None were game breaking. I can recall one was with the preservation spell which for the life of me, It would not let me cast. Another couple instances where the game got confused and gave me no option to continue... just hung up like it was waiting for me to do something (I ended up quitting and continuing the saved game, which worked fine). I've had a few unexpected quits.

I also think it gets confused a bit (or at least I do) when play is happening and I'm looking at cards in play or character information. This may be more of a flaw with the UI design than an actual bug.

2. It feels very much like the board game, and I really enjoy that aspect. They have captured that perfectly.

3. I like the added leveling and goal mechanics. I feel like they need more goals - maybe that will come with time.

4. I was not a fan of the graphics... board doesnt have the charm of the original game and the characters look too crude as cut out photo images of the pieces. This presentation needed to be a bit more high end.

5. Overall the user interface is average... It's not as slick as it could be, and is confusing in some areas. But to its credit, I've also seen much worse.

Overall.. I'll give it a 3 out of 5 stars right now. Considering buying the reaper expansion as I've been told that really improves play.

Edited by chemical22

Digital Edition is definitely going in the right direction, combining rules purity with elegant and smooth interface and graphics. Just gotta get the bugs out and clean up / make clearer the text, maybe add the music from Prologue, and it'll be amazing!

I really love this digital edition and yes, I would absolutely recommend getting The Reaper expansion as it adds more adventure cards and of course good old Thanatos himself.

I've asked on the Steam forums last week when/if a big box expansion is in the works and I have yet to receive a reply.

I really hope FFG will do more games digitally. Elder Signs: Omens is also released digitally and I like it too. But the games I would really love to see digitally are Runebound - which I think would EASILY lend itself to a digital format, Descent, but with a very robust scenario generator and a competent AI to test scenariois against, and possible Runewars, although with Age of Wonders III coming out which is a classic franchise, FFG might be taking a larger risk competing against it.

Also, I had the bizarre idea of playing physical Talisman but adding in some random adventure cards face down on the board. The adventure deck would be shuffled and each player in turn would add a card face down in the outer and middle regions. You would still draw cards as normal but also have to encounter the face down card as well. What do you guys think of this?

New update today fixing a lot of stuff! They recently added languages too!

Its great! I find it cool to be able to play the game in French. It will be so good when all expansions becomes available.