Thanks man! This stuff is
Very helpful and useful
Reference Sheets
Got them downloaded… for whatever reason, it wasn't cooperating this afternoon.
The new combat sheet is awesome. Love it! Thanks again Gribble.
Exalted5 said:
Got them downloaded… for whatever reason, it wasn't cooperating this afternoon.
The new combat sheet is awesome. Love it! Thanks again Gribble.
No probs. Could have been Dropbox having issues due to Sandy - not sure where they are hosted.
Note: I've made a couple of updates that we caught in last night's session to the sheets, but I won't release til next week with the beta update. For those curious:
- Had the Gthroc and YT-1300 sensor range mixed up (page 1 of reference sheets).
- I made a SNAFU in the starship combat reference, adding the "gain the advantage" difficulty table to the attack difficulty. I've separated this out in an update.
gribble said:
Just a quick note - I've updated the combat reference sheet with the vehicle sheet. It's a lot smaller than the personal one to fit everything I wanted to in, but hopefully still legible:
Oof, yeah, that font is too small to be useful without a magnifying glass on hand.
Venthrac said:
gribble said:
Just a quick note - I've updated the combat reference sheet with the vehicle sheet. It's a lot smaller than the personal one to fit everything I wanted to in, but hopefully still legible:
Oof, yeah, that font is too small to be useful without a magnifying glass on hand.
Is that on the printed version, or just onscreen? Seems a lot better when actually printed for some reason…
Regardless, sorry if it's too small for you, but the only way I could find to increase the font was to remove some of the info… and frankly I'd rather have the info there but small than not there at all…
Printed version. I have poor eyesight that ins't correctable with glasses so, I'm probably a poor test case anyway.
On the General Reference sheet, under "Icons", the table entries misspell the word "net" as "nett".
Venthrac said:
Printed version. I have poor eyesight that ins't correctable with glasses so, I'm probably a poor test case anyway.
Sorry mate - I guess this isn't for you. If you have access to an A3 printer, that might be a solution?
Venthrac said:
On the General Reference sheet, under "Icons", the table entries misspell the word "net" as "nett".
Not in this part of the world (New Zealand) I didn't…
Oh, is that how it's spelled in New Zealand? I had no idea. That's really interesting.
Carry on, then!
According to your reference sheet for the weapons table, the blaster pistol requires four advantage to activate. However, on the weapon table in the week 8 update, it only requires 3 advantage to activate.
Venthrac said:
According to your reference sheet for the weapons table, the blaster pistol requires four advantage to activate. However, on the weapon table in the week 8 update, it only requires 3 advantage to activate.
Thanks. Also caught what looks to be a change in the latest update to give holdout pistols 1 HP - both will be fixed in next version.
Latest version linked below:
I've also updated the combat reference to reflect the week 10 damage changes:
Previous version archived at:
Changes are:
- Page 2 - Sensor ranges of Gthroc 720 and YT-1300 corrected.
- Page 3 - Updated "building a dice pool" to reflect rules for combined checks.
- Page 5 - Updated rule for additional successes on attack roll in combat and modifiers for attacking with two weapons (as per week 10 update)
- Page 7 - Force Pike special qualities updated (as per week 10 update)
- Page 8 - Holdout blaster HP corrected, blaster pistol crit rating corrected.
- Page 12 - Weapon qualities updated (as per week 10 update)
- Page 15/16 - Changed table to not break rows across pages.
Thanks again for being johnny-on-the-spot with keeping these updated.
Seconding the thanks.
Another "thanks!" from me. Can't imagine playing the game without it, with only one book to go around the group, and crates of Krayt in said book.
Special request: A 4 page version with the most often used references. Landscape pages, so I can pin those in those neat 4 panels screens. (A guy can try.)
Aazlain said:
Special request: A 4 page version with the most often used references. Landscape pages, so I can pin those in those neat 4 panels screens. (A guy can try.)
So, turning that back around (seing as you asked) - what are the "most often used references"?
Fair is fair.
- Maybe one panel for the basic stuff: Dice mechanics, Difficulties, icons, Building a dice pool. spending destiny…
- Got to have one for combat related stuff: Overview, which skill to use for initiative, range bands (modifiers to hit/maneuvers to cross), Combat modifiers, concealment, ongoing effects, healing/repair…
- Another one for spending Advantage/threat
- Last one could be for critical hits and injuries
That's just on top of my head. Might not fit neatly.
Let's fit social skills and their corresponding opposing skills in there. I had trouble remembering which to use at first.
Not sure if it would be possible to fit both normal and space combat in there.
No pressure at all. Thanks again.
Man youre fast!
Ever read the Dark Tower series?
Id say your the gunslinger of references!!! lol
Aazlain said:
No pressure at all. Thanks again.
Sounds reasonable - I'll see what I can do. No promises though. I'm working on something else at the moment that should hopefully make a few people happy, plus it's a busy time of year. But I'll aim to get something done by the end of the Beta (Dec) at least.
Locksathy said:
Ever read the Dark Tower series?
Id say your the gunslinger of references!!! lol
No, but I'll assume that's a compliment and say thanks.
Okey dokey, that "something else" I've been working on, which hopefully will make people happy, is an updated, one-page per career set of talent trees, now available here:
Apologies in advance for the small font for the talent descriptions. I wanted to get it all on a single page, and this was the biggest I could make it!
gribble said:
Okey dokey, that "something else" I've been working on, which hopefully will make people happy, is an updated, one-page per career set of talent trees, now available here:
Apologies in advance for the small font for the talent descriptions. I wanted to get it all on a single page, and this was the biggest I could make it!
Small font's not an issue on my end.
Have to say, this is pretty **** sweet.
Thanks yet again for taking the time and effort to put all this together.
gribble said:
Okey dokey, that "something else" I've been working on, which hopefully will make people happy, is an updated, one-page per career set of talent trees, now available here…
Very nice. Especially useful at character creation. You should add a link to your first post.
Aazlain said:
You should add a link to your first post.
I would, except that you can't edit posts on these forums after a few hours…
gribble said:
Aazlain said:
You should add a link to your first post.
I would, except that you can't edit posts on these forums after a few hours…
Yeah, the editing feature on these message boards leaves a lot to be desired.
There is a way to edit hours later. Or there used to be. Let me test and be right back….
Nevermind. It looks like the "editar" switch no longer works?