Nice to see the balls been picked up by other great contributors to get the SSU done. Finally had a chance to try my unit cards out in earnest last night.
Played by first official game of Dust Warfare, while teaching 4 other people. My allied force was utterly destroyed, so I'm back to the table to work on that, but the cards really made things easier to track.
I took the time to write Paolo a message on FB, but never heard back, I would love to be able to update some of the pictures on the ALlied and Axis cards, as I had to grab many of them from fan sites, etc. Anyone know if Paolo would be able to send me some of those, or how best to reach him. Hit me up at watchitplayed (at) live (dot) com if you can.
And wow, the new units at GenCon looked great. Even through the glass, they were pretty exciting to see!