Card_Breaker's Trade List[UPDATE 27] End of KHTCG... I need holo Awakening Sora if it exists

By Card_Breaker, in Agrabah Bazaar

Hi, I'm interested in a bunch of your SRUs

Namely The King!!!, King triton, Ansem, Jafar Genie

I know you don't need anything but I have some SRU's i'd be willing to trade as well as some SRs.

For some of the uniques, the king especially, I'd be willing to give you a SRU and something else (like a SR)

Let me know if we can work something out, my trade thread is in my sig

TheChampIsHere said:

I guess I'll have to do that deal then...$13 and 6 Rs for the 2 promo foils (Riku promo, Mersora), correct?

Yep, email me.

Thirroxin: I'll sell it for...$15?

Vertically Challenged: How 'bout $15?

GTrogi: What about cash? $80?

I can't do 80, how much would you want for just the king? also do you have paypal or would it be by mail?

question... i get paid on monday so i can send it out then. can i get your email? do i send first? sorry my first time buying from someone online aside from ebay. but i can do 15 for sure... thanks a lot.

lol i juist remembered, you want me to throw in a card signed by my screen name? i like halloween town a lot, so it'll be that :)

i need a chip & dale, 3 bambi 3, and a king. how much is that

I am interested in your Spare Sephiroth. I have alot of the cards you have highlighted in pink, maybe we could work out a deal so that you have those cards for trade in the future?

im still wanting the chip of course, but how much for your king triton, aerith, and ansem. maybe even a non holo cid or 2. If i can get these i can have extras to play with that arent in a binder. haha

if the cards in pink are what you need... i have

base set

super rares

Sora Lv 1 x1
Sora Lv 2 x1
Sora Lv 3 x2
aladdin lvl 3 x1
genie lvl 2 x1
genie lvl 3 x1
genie lvl 4 x1
tinkerbell lvl 2 x1

set 2

super rares

sally lvl 0 x1
riku lvl 3 x1
jack skellington lvl 3 x1
hercules lvl 1 x2
hercules lvl 2 x1
winnie the pooh x1
tinker bell 3 x1
tinker bell 4 x1
moogle x1
leon x1
hades x1
clayton x1
disney castle x1

set 3

super rares

trickmaster x2
aladdin 4 x2
the cheshire cat x1
jasmine x1
pinnochio x1
winnie the pooh x2
owl x1
tinker bell 0 x1
agrabah lvl 3 x1
monstro lvl 2 x2
neverland lvl 2 x1

these are just my holos of course, i have plenty of non holos as well, just tell me if you need anything else :)

I'm pretty sure that whatever is in pink is what he only has one of. He has at least one of every card out except Sora lvl 2 promo foil.

GTrogi said:

I can't do 80, how much would you want for just the king? also do you have paypal or would it be by mail?

How's $25 for the King? I do by mail.

Thirroxin: [email protected] and we both send whenever possible. So as long as both sides of the trade are sent, it's fine. And yeah, please send a signed card! Any card will do.

If you want all those (Ansem, Aerith, Triton, Cid non-foil [only have 1, sorry]) then it'll be an additional $55. But if you want Ansem and Triton, you'll need to wait for GTrogi's response. And TheChampIsHere is correct, I only list SR/P cards in my binder, so my copies of C/U/R cards aren't listed on the list, so I don't need any of those extra.

wishmaster: How's $45?

Roxas: Only interested in cash. I can give him up for... $20?

I forgot to ask, can I get your e-mail to swap addresses for the 2 promo foils?

cool. i gave you an email. :)

Thanks, but I think I'l have to decline, its too much work to go get american money then send it away, :P If you do have paypal and would like to worksomething out with that, let me know, thanks

my email is [email protected]

ill take the ansem, aerith, chip/dale, and any cids you have.

------as of now i need-------

aerith x1

cid x1 (unless you have extra holos)

ansem x1

chip and dale x1

thats cool is that for non halo of bambis, i dont realy need a chip and dale just want one to have one. how much with out it.

Thirroxin said:

my email is [email protected]

ill take the ansem, aerith, chip/dale, and any cids you have.

------as of now i need-------

aerith x1

cid x1 (unless you have extra holos)

ansem x1

chip and dale x1

Then how's $55 for all four?

TheChampIsHere: Umm... what do you mean?

wishmaster: $30

coolness i can do 30 thanks ill let you know when i get the money

cool. ill take all four and ill email youmy adress. thanks again

I though I was giving you:

6 Rares


Mersora promo foil
Riku promo foil

If so, I didn't get your e-mail to swap addresses...

TheChampIsHere said:

I though I was giving you:

6 Rares


Mersora promo foil
Riku promo foil

If so, I didn't get your e-mail to swap addresses...

Yeah sorry, got so many requests for cards I forgot yours. I replied to you before... But it is [email protected]

How much for Hundred Acre Wood?

Vertically Challenged said:

How much for Hundred Acre Wood?

$15. (stated on page 6)

LOL ssorry i didnt really look ... i kinda feel bad now :P Ill get back to you asap about it ... anythign i can do leik trade you for part of it and pay for anotehr part? :) even like ... a bunch of SR's and like $5-$10?

Vertically Challenged said:

LOL ssorry i didnt really look ... i kinda feel bad now :P Ill get back to you asap about it ... anythign i can do leik trade you for part of it and pay for anotehr part? :) even like ... a bunch of SR's and like $5-$10?

it's okay! Sure, cajole me. gui%C3%B1o.gif