someone please challenge me i'm bored
The Final Alliance (Team Thread)
I suppose I can duel you. Pick your arena (AIM, Chatzy, MSN, Yahoo)
mouse roxas this is not a trade thread jeez roxas ill play u in Chatzy room 1
It's called inter-team trading and no one's mentioned it illegal. Keep in mind that the point of a team is to help other get stronger (ie practice duels and trading stronger cards).
It's called inter-team trading and no one's mentioned it illegal. Keep in mind that the point of a team is to help other get stronger (ie practice duels and trading stronger cards).
Is any one finding this site to be slow on their computer? I am and it is why i'm not on as much
i like the old forum better as well easier to find what u wanted
and it was a joke roxas just dont like reading two pages of trade talk
I wasn't laughing.
@ K-rai
Don't worry about it, this site is rather slow.
I rebuilt my deck today it's better then my last anyone up for a duel
I've been anonymously surfing the forums to see if much has changed in my absence...
and from what i can gather...Digi, you are the only Leader still around?
If this is true...
I think its my duty to come back to the forums.
I don't know if I will be playing the TCG anytime soon...but I think its the right thing to do to stay here.
So, after a much need break...
I'm back
Blasterjoe said:
I've been anonymously surfing the forums to see if much has changed in my absence...
and from what i can gather...Digi, you are the only Leader still around?
If this is true...
I think its my duty to come back to the forums.
I don't know if I will be playing the TCG anytime soon...but I think its the right thing to do to stay here.
So, after a much need break...
I'm back
Why are you not playing anymore Joe, didn't you hear? I'm going to try and sponsor the first MI tourney.
Blasterjoe said:
I've been anonymously surfing the forums to see if much has changed in my absence...
and from what i can gather...Digi, you are the only Leader still around?
If this is true...
I think its my duty to come back to the forums.
I don't know if I will be playing the TCG anytime soon...but I think its the right thing to do to stay here.
So, after a much need break...
I'm back
Why are you not playing anymore Joe, didn't you hear? I'm going to try and sponsor the first MI tourney.
MI tourney? What'd I miss this time?
I'm going to try and host the first Michigan Tourney. Prize may be a 20 card pack. 10 Common 7 Uncommon 2 Rare and a Super Rare.
MI tourney you say...interseting
Where at's???
ya know I've been out for so long, i dont have any of the new cards from the 3rd Set....and I think I still have meh old deck
If its around I might be able to come...
Will you be selling packs of the third set by any chance???
joe do u have a chip and dale ill trade good set 3 stuff for it
Blasterjoe said:
MI tourney you say...interseting
Where at's???
ya know I've been out for so long, i dont have any of the new cards from the 3rd Set....and I think I still have meh old deck
If its around I might be able to come...
Will you be selling packs of the third set by any chance???
I have no idea yet, my friend and I are still trying to figure out the fine details. After all a Karate Master and a Game Stop employee don't make much.
Rofl, I think a Karate Master and a Gamestop employee could rule the world together, but thats just me
Drum - Sadly I dont have a Chip and Dale, but I belive my old list is accurate, take a look:
If that Sora lvl 3 is foil take a look at my trade thread.
I dont know, it also depends on how much we have to set aside because both of us have to pay off new computers. The main place is to find somewhere to hold the tournament.
I have a prize in mind and I can do the prize
I'll look at the Sora later today.
Ok, when u get more details about the tourney just post it here and ill respond with an answer.
Hey, who's all left the forums?
Has Namflow left? Khaosknight?
how about Devilmonkey? are the mods still the same?
sigh...maybe i was gone TO long
Blasterjoe said:
I'll look at the Sora later today.
Ok, when u get more details about the tourney just post it here and ill respond with an answer.
Hey, who's all left the forums?
Has Namflow left? Khaosknight?
how about Devilmonkey? are the mods still the same?
sigh...maybe i was gone TO long
Alright well, for now i dont believe we have Mods. I think Mr. Dawn. Roxas_L gopho and Tuffles are supposed to be reelevated to Mod Status soon.
Namflow was back the other day and so far I havent seen him since. Khaosknight hasn't been back yet.
Devilmonkey is here.
Blasterjoe said:
I'll look at the Sora later today.
Ok, when u get more details about the tourney just post it here and ill respond with an answer.
Hey, who's all left the forums?
Has Namflow left? Khaosknight?
how about Devilmonkey? are the mods still the same?
sigh...maybe i was gone TO long
Alright well, for now i dont believe we have Mods. I think Mr. Dawn. Roxas_L gopho and Tuffles are supposed to be reelevated to Mod Status soon.
Namflow was back the other day and so far I havent seen him since. Khaosknight hasn't been back yet.
Devilmonkey is here.
w00t, kk ty
Always had a, weird i guess, feeling about Khaos. Nice kid, but I think he told some tales (like the Videogame he was making...I'm pretty sure I found the game he had the pics for
Glad to hear that every1 else is still around =)
hmmm...I might have to brake out my old deck...I think its in my bedroom o.O
Yeah, well I found all my set 3 spares so I'll post them in your trade thread soon
Sweet Thanks! I made a new trade thread on This forum...under Agrabah Sub forum
Not quite sure if its all right though...just ask in the thread and I'll tell ya if I have them all =P