The Final Alliance (Team Thread)

By Digi_Dude_78, in New Key Bearers

Hello to all forum members and members of this team...

We are another Team on the Kingdom Hearts forums and we are always welcoming new people in... and the older members are still welcome to come back as well...

We were originally 2 seperate teams... "The Knights of Heart" and "Team Final Fantasy", until about a year ago we decided to merge and become one entire group.

So our Leaders are as follows:
L1. Digi_Dude_78
L2. Namflow
L3. Riku_Fangirl
L4. Khaosknight

Members include:
M1. nightmaretown770
M2. Xabers
M3. K-ral
M4. Master~Riku
M5. blasphemous_hero / suzaku_phoenix
M6. demonofturks
M7. 43710r9drum84k8dud35
M8. finalform13
M10. Blasterjoe
M11. Mysticwarriormj
M12. ccooldudecool
M13. Junito
M14. AlexKid36
M15. SecretRare
M16. roxas keyblade master
M17. sungtrs
M18. sora09
M19. Roxas09
M20. sleepshooter01

If you are interested in joining/ re-joining, please make a post here and I will update the thread as often as I can...


Hey it's me Umbreon

reporting in for the day.

im still here to be a part of this team

im going to rejoin too

I know i'm already on the list but let me get this straight.... They redid the forums so now everything else is gone from the old ones?

Yeah basically thats what happened.

You can still access them for two weeks to get any important threads you have. there is a link in the Hallow Bastion section I beleive.


Umbreon changed his screen name again... and who is this blasphemous_hero guy I see re-joining...

Also... how do you EDIT posts????

Confusing... but until I know how.... I won't be updating our member list....

yeah, here's the can not edit post outside of the first five minutes.....

you dont recognize me

blasphemous hero said:

you dont recognize me

Well after reading your post in the other thread... I'll take a guess...


Yeah i think thats him...

but the question is now what do we do about the lack of being able to edit ......or use team sigs.

hello all I am still here and I hate the new avitars enfadado.gif

So let me get this strait this is a new ffg and the old one will be gone in 12 days?

yeah thats about the size of our current sitiuation.

I'm sorta getting used to the new forums as well K-ral... and I just found an avatar that suited my style... look on the other forums if you wanna see it...

But anyways...
How is everyone...

I'm good, i have a new goal to for a deck (tiss a secert, lol, not really)

what about you, you feeling any better?

well im here to stay i also have a trade thread now

drum dude (no way in hell I'm typing out that entire thing sry bro)

whats up?

not much just picked up my box of set 3 got a sephiroth

nice so what is everyone else up to

Staying alive. and studying for the test tomororw

i just made a trade thread last night

i made this name to mean helloredrumbakadudes lol

So, what are we going to do for the tournament?

So, what are we going to do for the tournament?

I dunno...

I could always do another "Battle of the Alliance" again... and see who should compete... and who shouldn't....