I checked the thread but whoever posted that **** can't type in sensical manner
The Final Alliance (Team Thread)
Mouse said:
I checked the thread but whoever posted that **** can't type in sensical manner
Ahem, as a soon to be moderator, can I remind you to try not to post foul language on these boards. This is a forum for people of all ages and backgrounds.
sorry lol I'll watch what I say from now on
yeah, well changing over from the original heart forums had it's set backs on setting things up. Plus I dont think I've seen finalhourofdarkness (not sure about the wording or spelling) active recently much either so the thread is a lot worse for wear but.
That is the original thread, although it's not much better.
I'm back... so what have I missed...
I see that we also have a new member joining...
Mouse I think it was...
Well we have just a couple of rules...
1. You Gotta be Active - Best way to make new friends and talk to other players...
2. HAVE FUN....
That's about it... but yes as Trothael warned you... watch what you type... this forum is used by everyone... we are supposed to be a friendly place...
Also what does everyone think of a new forum boards for the Alliance members....
We have a forum board? Let alone a new one, man I missed everything playing DMC 3 apparently
Wait, so we have a forum board or should we get one? Okay I'm confused...
Hey Roxas, still want my Oathkeeper right?
(Oh and I got a lot of stuff you want from Set 3, but I'm not sure how much I'm willing to trade with right now.)
I got some alright cards I have the entire first series and some of the second I have a bunch of soul eater but no riku card yet*tear tear tear*
Xabers said:
Wait, so we have a forum board or should we get one? Okay I'm confused...
Hey Roxas, still want my Oathkeeper right?
(Oh and I got a lot of stuff you want from Set 3, but I'm not sure how much I'm willing to trade with right now.)
Yes, shall we work out the deal through email? If so, my email is [email protected]
Okay, I'll get back to you soon, but I'm on vacation so now so it might be some time next week.
Hey mouse, maybe you should get some Set 3 packs and try to get a Riku out of them. It's only one attack lower than the Set 2 one and its not as rare.
set 3 as far as I know ain't avialible in my town it seems it's a lil hard just to get series 2 cards here
Yeah good point. A lot of people who even have Set 3 stuff ordered online.
i believe I have a spare of both Riku's. Let me check on that, maybe we can work out a trade for a Riku.
No no...
Guys... Im asking what you think it would be like if we had another forum boards to got to... just us... Sort of like the way the other teams have...
We might have one already in wolfmans world... but who knows...
I was wondering if you were refering to that. Hmmm...sounds like something to consider. We could trail one I suppose and see where that goes.
It definitely can't hurt. But I think it would be cool.
starts throwing 1billion hammers at namflow for not being very active
Cards I have that are available for trading;
First Series:OathkeeperR,Wonderland lvl2R,Ariel lvl3R,Aladdin lvl1(holo)R,Ariel lvl1R
Second Series:Mushu lvl4R,Beast lvl1(holo)SR,Ursula lvl8(holo)SR
Third Series:Aladdin lvl4R,Simba lvl2R,The Cheshire Cat lvl2R,Genie lvl1(holo)SR,Jasmine lvl0R
Hey guy, I just pulled Aerith
I have 2-3 Riku lvl 2 (L+D) and 1 more Riku lvl 3
so which would you prefere?
Level to would be kool with me which ever you'd least miss player card wise I usually like one's wiht more starter hp
that would be two. Is there another Uncommon that you're looking for? Cause I need three Oathkeepers and I would like to make you an equal trade.
for clarifiction, yes Xabers I still do want you Oathkeeper. Just want to make that clear.
not that I can think of in paticular if you have any spare jack skellington or lvl or donald duck lvl2 that would suffice for me I don't really use oath keeper
Alright, I'll send one of each.
Just email me at [email protected] with your address information and I will send you mine and try and make a run to the post office, or see if my mother can, sometime this week.
I should have mine in the mail this week to
Alright, I can offically end my hunt to finish set one.
Now, to find this Game Stop with my cards.......*google*