The Keyblade Bearer's Team Meeting Place

By WayToTheDawn, in New Key Bearers


d00d, not cool.

if ya wanna dance, dance to slam by Pendulum

I don't think I can outdo that really muscular guy. Ya know, the one without the shirt?

Well speak for yourselves, but I'm getting my michael jackson on


Shak wins, for now. *gets top hat*

*smooth criminal*


Whats ben happin' y'all!!!

I just sneezed if that counts?

Uh, just school and work. Getting ready to blow my head off before Thanksgiving. You?

Does this site take a while to load for anyone else?

It does take a good minute to load...but not too long...

Anything in life that takes more than 5 seconds just isn't worth it.

Well Luna...I think you might want to talk to your lady friend about that one, if ya know what I mean...

Awkward Innuendo FTW!

hi every one would it be ok if i rejoin the team? and are we still doing the whole world thing?

WayToTheDawn said:

Well Luna...I think you might want to talk to your lady friend about that one, if ya know what I mean...

Awkward Innuendo FTW!

lol as soon as I clicked publish I said outloud, "What have I done?..." haha.

tony, yes we're still doing teams. But I can't answer the re-acceptance bit.

ok i would like to rejoin as captin of disney castle/(region-texas) and my character as chip and dale (or just chip if i can only chose one) if that is ok with every one.

tonybam14 said:

ok i would like to rejoin as captin of disney castle/(region-texas) and my character as chip and dale (or just chip if i can only chose one) if that is ok with every one.

Yeah...Just put your info in sig like mine

Sent your cards today!!! Needed stamps...

I know we discussed about picking reps for "team tournament" thing Finaldarkness is holding but is anybody actually interested, also did we ever decide on weather or not to do our invitational or not and maybe have a Flag Sora as the final prize? That'd be cool

Meh...I've been too busy to be in an online tourney, and I don't have any set 3 XD

So, how's everyone else been lately?

I've been mad busy and stuff as well with preperations of the move and such. I've also been reading a lot of books and doing my mediation and Yoga...ah man Yoga feels so good.

I've been falt out working all day everyday, which somewhat explains my inactivity

he also parties like a maniac, MANIAC ON THE FLOOR
Aw man song references ftw!

Roxas_Lawliet i hope the move go's well and mediationis good for the soul

I don't believe in souls but thank you for your words. I hope so too happy.gif

I'm what does this group do?

TheChampIsHere said:

I'm what does this group do?

We are a competitive team, playtest group and discuss things about the game, though most of these conversations are over aim or another IM service. I also will trade better with team mates and sometimes hook them up with stuff they may need cardwise

Thats cool, but what me...nobody plays near you?

Thats fine, that is what a team is for. It allows you to contact people who you dont live near and play them online in a friendly environment.

Many of us aren't near each other (myself included) and that is the beauty of teams =]