By Mokoshkana, in Star Wars: Legion

1 minute ago, PhoenixOfCopper said:

Bell the t series tank drops ai so I think it will have that.

Does anyone remember what was said about the new generic comander? Was it that they share a "new ability" or "new abilities"?

Bolster is a given for two factions with no surge on basic units.

I want to see direct but it's a stronger uq uplink and the same price as uq uplink stapled to the unit. Going to be abused it cis. Mildly helpful in clones.

Is it worth more than 10 points? Is so I dont think it will be on the generic comanders.

it depends, Direct could state Phase 1s/B1's only or it could be Corps unit or it could be Clone Trooper/ Droid Trooper, some of theose are obviously more powerful than others

57 minutes ago, Thraug said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, and maybe I'm missing something as I seem to be the only one to bring this up, did they remove the wound a transported unit suffers when the transporting vehicle takes damage? I read all of the relevant keywords. and even looked over the previous RRG. and they seemed to just replace that wound rule with now allowing transported units to be targeted by attacks. This is a very big change.

Am I missing something?

No, you are correct. The passenger now only takes a wound if the transport gets blown up from under them. On the other hand, they can be shot at (with heavy cover).

9 hours ago, Ilostmycactus said:

Actually FFG specifically gives TTS as against its terms of service/IP infringing on its User Content document, so take that as what you will.

Of course they do. They have to do that legally or they risk losing their own copyrights.

They’ll do everything in their power to be “unaware” of it though. They know it’s not in anyone’s best interests to shut it down. Deniability allows them not to take action. Please don’t bring it up if you can help it.

i think they should have lowered c-3pos points if they raised r2-d2's points. because most will say why use c-3po if it costs more to run him.

is tabletop admiral fine from copyright infringment?

2 minutes ago, Geekboy75g said:

is tabletop admiral fine from copyright infringment?

No it’s not. Again best not to bring it up.

18 hours ago, lologrelol said:

It's only a small points increase. I'm sure they will still be a very solid unit.

Which means it makes even less sense... maybe it’s to help them sell the inevitable updated card packs...

I am so so so excited to finally brush the dust off of my beloved T-47 Airspeeder and bring it to the board again!! Looks like an absolutely amazing unit now

14 hours ago, RyantheFett said:

Oh wow they really did change a crap ton of things. Really impressive and a little sad that this will be the last thing we get from the developers before we enter the unknown. But they go out on a high note!

Stray observations from a baddy casual so take it with a lot of salt:


  • The elephant in the room. Did they hit GAR hard enough to allow more diversity in the meta? Pretty sure we will know soon enough, but I like to think they did. Can't wait to see what the meta looks like after this!


  • As a pusher of CIS being the most balanced/fun faction I look at the changes and go yup still best lol.
  • Nice that B2s got some love.
  • Droidekars oh boy looks fun, but not sure if they compete with the STAPs
  • Oh sweet tank commander!!!


  • So Han and Jyn..... meh I guess? Like Cassian is right there at 90 and we know Lando is right around the corner, so I would have liked a little more. Jyn gets better as Cassian's 2nd detachment lol.
  • Poor airspeeder. After two point changes it goes down 45, get a free harpoon (use to be 8!), immune to range 1, surge to crit, and a rule change to its movement, BUT we are still could be better lol. At this point I am glad the poor thing is now at least mediocre and I can't wait to give it another try.
  • Drive by gunning Han......... nice. Landspeeder will at least be crazy fun to try some of the crazy combos lol.
  • Chewbacca, Sabine, pathfinders, vets, and wooks all look nice. Feels like the faction has some real options now across the board.


  • Faction I know least about so not much to say. Will be interesting to see if they buffed the units enough to fight GAR or take the place of shores.
  • Palp blasting lighting from the back of the tank............. nice. If I have home wish for the meta it is just that.

I don’t think the question is did they hit Gar enough, it’s did they hit them too hard. Removing standby and aims from scout was probably enough, but they also increased aggressive tactics, gave a big increase to ARCs and R2 and a slight increase to p2... IMO it’s too much. Especially when you consider all the buffs to other factions. I also think the field commander rule allowing CIS to easily run double tank will be an issue.

Edited by NeverTellMeTheOdds
1 hour ago, ClassicalMoser said:

Of course they do. They have to do that legally or they risk losing their own copyrights.

They’ll do everything in their power to be “unaware” of it though. They know it’s not in anyone’s best interests to shut it down. Deniability allows them not to take action. Please don’t bring it up if you can help it.

My point is they aren't unaware. People aren't "hiding" anything from them. Yes ffg has made the decision as of now to ignore it. Same thing as them ignoring all the infringing 3d prints of things like phase 2's that people are selling.

14 hours ago, KommanderKeldoth said:

Going to have to wait for generic CIS command cards to come out on January, but yeah I looking foreward to a droid armored division

Correction. You can do it with Maul or Cad Bane. Just someone that can provide the rest of your command hand until the generic cards drop in January.

12 hours ago, samus17 said:

Just don't bother with Khobai. They have hot-take opinions that they'll never concede ground on. It's not worth the effort.

I have conceded ground though.

I said the airspeeder was just bad now instead of completely terrible

7 minutes ago, Khobai said:

I have conceded ground though.

I said the airspeeder was just bad now instead of completely terrible

wow massive improvement

I thought once this RRG dropped and you saw that clones lost standby sharing you would cool down a bit and be a positive addition to this forum but it's clear now, trolls gonna troll

I have cooled down. Im no longer calling for GAR to be nerfed.

But the airspeeder is still bad.

Ive laid out my case for why the airspeeder is bad. split weapon arcs and inability to combine its attack pool into a single arc. inability to reduce or ignore cover. poor survivability compared to other heavies. and goofy firing arcs and compulsory moves that require you to either kamikaze or awkwardly position the airspeeder every turn.

I will not say the airspeeder is good when its still bad. If calling out a bad unit as being bad makes me a troll then so be it. But at least im being honest to myself about units that are bad. Im sure after people get their airspeeders out and play around with them for a few games theyll reach the same conclusion that theyre still bad.

Edited by Khobai
6 hours ago, costi said:

Actually, there are no Empire changes. Apart from DT-F16 gaining a wound, nothing in Empire has actually changed, only got cheaper. The units that had problems still have the same problems, but for less points.

Yes, you are correct, they only changed one thing. By that definition nobody received changes but Rebels and the one change for Empire.

43 minutes ago, player5006253 said:

Yes, you are correct, they only changed one thing. By that definition nobody received changes but Rebels and the one change for Empire.

To be fair though some units only needed point cost reductions though. A lot of the rebel units had nothing wrong with them other than the fact they costed too much for how easy they were to kill. Similarly scout troopers costed too much for their survivability. Those units all fell into the category of units that could be fixed by lowering their cost.

Whereas other units needed changes that were more substantial... namely both Vaders. knocking 15 points off Vaders cost didnt even begin to fix him. All it does is soften the blow when he inevitably dies. But lowering his cost didnt make him any harder to kill when he shouldve been buffed to make him harder to kill.

The correct way to fix Vader wouldve been to either increase his wounds or increase his defense save. Depending on how much of a survivability bump they felt was needed.

commander vader: shouldve either been bumped upto 9 wounds (effective 18 wounds) -OR- bumped down to 7 wounds but given permanent defensive surge (effective 21 wounds)

operative vader: shouldve been bumped upto 7 wounds (effective 14 wounds) -OR- left at 6 wounds but given permanent defensive surge (effective 18 wounds)

Edited by Khobai

My original post stated that I felt the empire changes fell short. I think they got pretty close on a lot of it barring Vader still having issues in both forms and Inferno still looking meh.

It's really hard to say with Empire though because I think a lot of their failings lately had more to do with the fact that GAR was objectively a better version of what they do. Maybe that's different now?

Most of the Empire list looks usable now, I would have preferred a bit more for them but I couldn't say what exactly because I rarely play against them.

32 minutes ago, player5006253 said:

My original post stated that I felt the empire changes fell short. I think they got pretty close on a lot of it barring Vader still having issues in both forms and Inferno still looking meh.

It's really hard to say with Empire though because I think a lot of their failings lately had more to do with the fact that GAR was objectively a better version of what they do. Maybe that's different now?

Most of the Empire list looks usable now, I would have preferred a bit more for them but I couldn't say what exactly because I rarely play against them.

GAR is still objectively better than Imperials

Nothings really improved for Imperials. Shoretroopers got nerfed (understandably so but its still a blow for Imperials). Both Vaders still suck despite being cheaper. the dewback still feels bad being the same cost as tauntauns after you give it compulsory endurance and the cheapest ranged weapon option. The HH12 is still just as useless against heavy vehicles. The AT-ST and Occupier tank are just as impotent as they always were against Saber Tanks, making them cost 10 points less didnt put them on par with the AAT baseline at all.

None of the Imperials buffs were of any real consequence aside from the Boba Fett cost reduction which actually does make him super playable. I suppose Scout Troopers could also be playable in certain niche lists but the special forces slot is very competitive for Imperials so its hard to say if theyll actually get used.

They also completely overlooked the eweb, bossk, ISF, and speederbikes too. All those units needed a cost reduction at least.

Imperials made out the worst of any faction. Which I dont really understand because they were previously the worst faction...

Edited by Khobai
15 minutes ago, Khobai said:

GAR is still objectively better than Imperials

Nothings really improved for Imperials. Shoretroopers got nerfed (understandably so but its still a blow for Imperials). Both Vaders still suck despite being cheaper. the dewback still feels bad being the same cost as tauntauns after you give it compulsory endurance and the cheapest ranged weapon option. The HH12 is still just as useless against vehicles. The AT-ST and Occupier tank are just as impotent as they always were against Saber Tanks, making them cost 10 points less didnt put them on par with the AAT baseline.

None of the Imperials buffs were of any real consequence aside from the Boba Fett cost reduction which actually does make him playable. I suppose Scout Troopers could also be playable in certain niche lists but the special forces slot is very competitive for Imperials so its hard to say.

Imperials made out the worst of any faction. Which I dont really understand because they were previously the worst faction...

No they didn’t make the atst or occupier able to go toe to toe with saber tank and always win. What the did do was raise the cost of a lot of gar units making it less likely to run into a fully decked out saber tank, lowered the cost of a lot of empire units/upgrades, and completely reworked transport open. Transport open is a significant boost to empire and a moderate boost for rebels. And it gives those factions so many options now and changes to strategy. Instead of whining about not getting everything on your wish list, look at what you did get and figure out how to use it.

1) I never said the AT-ST or Occupier tank should go toe to toe with the Saber Tank and win. But certainly an AT-ST or Occupier Tank backed up by Stormtroopers with HH12s should have a chance of killing a Saber Tank. And statistically that isnt the case. All of those units are woefully ineffective against the Saber Tank's combination of dodge tokens and red saving throws. Instead of making the HH12 or AT-ST/Occupier more effective against armor they simply lowered their costs which doesnt help their lack of performance any.

2) FFG stated they wanted all heavy vehicles to be on the same level as the AAT which they claimed was the baseline for heavy vehicles. They clearly failed to achieve that goal with all four of the Imperial and Rebel heavy vehicles. None of them even come close to the AAT baseline.

3) The only GAR unit that got an appreciable cost increase was Arc Troopers which were previously overpowered. So if its supposed to be some kindve consolation that arc troopers are just good now instead of overpowered, youve failed to console me. Bear in mind that Imperials best unit (shoretroopers) also got nerfed just as badly. GAR is still the best faction and Imperials are still the worst faction.

4) Irregardless of how much the frequency of encountering Saber Tanks has or hasnt changed, the fact remains that factions like imperials and rebels are still not properly equipped to deal with Saber Tanks when they do appear (even two T47s vs one saber tank is LOL). Which means FFG has also failed in their stated goal of giving factions more options for dealing with heavy vehicles.

FFG basically did none of the things they said they were going to do with regard to heavy vehicles lol

Edited by Khobai

In this thread you have stated that Empire is the weakest faction multiple times and that Invader league bears this out. Empire had a 50% win rate against Rebels and CIS but got crushed by GAR, more so than the other two factions. You may be right that the faction has some systemic problems, but I think it is pretty close to balanced and was just struggling hard against a faction that kind of mimics it in play but more efficiently.

Calm down and see if these changes help fix things.

5 hours ago, Geekboy75g said:

i think they should have lowered c-3pos points if they raised r2-d2's points. because most will say why use c-3po if it costs more to run him.

Probably because you’re investing in ensuring that a single unit can net a victory point. If you can fight them to a draw on everything else for the objective, you win on that basis.

3 minutes ago, Derrault said:

Probably because you’re investing in ensuring that a single unit can net a victory point. If you can fight them to a draw on everything else for the objective, you win on that basis.

As I have said many times previously, secret mission is undercosted relative to bounty. Bounty is *harder* to pull off yet costs more.

I think the airspeeder has a new role of being the armor hunter for rebels. The ion gun for the troops also got a nice reduction to 18 points and that’s not bad at all.

with surge crit and impact 3, theoretically, if you roll well you can put six hits through on a dewback and even one shot them if the dewback player whiffs on his red saves. Same goes towards an ATST with white saves, if they blank out, that can two shot an ATST. These are of course very lucky scenarios but plausible! Granted, the airspeeder still rolls white, but white surge isn’t the worst. The clone ATRTs can survive a couple shots and get in there with the same defense rolls.

rebels really made off like bandits with this update. The amount of list customization now is incredible. Maybe we’ll see a return of wookies and fleets! I personally love them both.

I think they could have done a little more to bring up the airspeeder and landspeeder but it’s not like they can give everything barrage and call it a day haha

the airspeeders effective health is still only 10.5, thats extremely low for a heavy vehicle

the saber tank is 18, the at-st is 16.5

I wouldve liked to see the airspeeder's health increased to 8 or 9 (12-14 effective health) as well as giving it outmaneuver and a free dodge token each turn from an ability like agile or defend. that wouldve put it defensively where it needed to be for a heavy vehicle.