The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

17 hours ago, LordBritish said:

I don’t like watching trailers because then I’m aware those moments exists.

I draw the line at leaks and theories, but Disney's been very good at letting throwaways go in trailers and keeping the rest under wraps.

Edited by wilsch
On 10/2/2020 at 12:48 PM, wilsch said:

I draw the line at leaks and theories, but Disney's been very good at letting throwaways go in trailers and keeping the rest under wraps.

aye that’s fair. Just I prefer to go by the wholly blind experience. Hence I had got irritated when my friends started talking about various characters. I’m that kind of weird.

Final thoughts and hopes going into Season 2:

Pls no Ahsoka. Or Sabine. Or Bo Katan.
I like them all very much, but I don't want any established characters in The Mandalorian. I want it to stay separate from the other media. And in Bo Katan's case, I'll be disappointed if she isn't dead.
(all of the above is subject to change if handled well or done in particular ways)

I really, really want to know what happened to Manda'yaim.

I also really want to know what happened to the covert. I'm the sort of person who wants detailed casualty reports, a breakdown of the battle, tactics, sitreps, a recounting of the aftermath, etc. but I'll settle for a general description. Maybe some flashback scenes?

I want to see the armorer again.

I'd like them to tone down the overdramatization of everyone forgetting the Jedi. I made a post early in this thread detailing my thoughts on the subject.

And this is probably the most important, but I want them to pay attention to how Mando feels about what happened to the covert. All too often, visual media glosses over the aftereffects of something that traumatic.
Now this doesn't mean I want them to address it in a particular way, I just want them to explore it. Mandalorians' philosophy around death is interesting, and I would love to see that included to a certain extent.

Final wish: MANDO'A! Please..? (He says, listening to Sam Kim's awesome new Mando music mix ...)

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Final thoughts and hopes going into Season 2:

Pls no Ahsoka. Or Sabine. Or Bo Katan.
I like them all very much, but I don't want any established characters in The Mandalorian. I want it to stay separate from the other media. And in Bo Katan's case, I'll be disappointed if she isn't dead.
(all of the above is subject to change if handled well or done in particular ways)

sorry, but


Well that's something I didn't want to know going into it. Nor do I want its authenticity elaborated upon.

As for the first episode of season two...

This is the way. ^_^

It started off well, and improved as it went on.

When I heard "Mando on Tatooine," my first thought was that it was a bum lead, operating on old intel of Mando himself. Then my immediate second thought was that it was Cobb Vanth. It pleased me to no end that it was the latter.
Through sheer coincidence, my Mandalorian clan ended up getting named Vanth, and it was only later that I realized there was a pseudo-Mando named Vanth. I thought that was an awesome story, and am very glad that it got brought up.

Thoughts in no particular order or completeness:
1. Pit droids are as pit droid-y as ever.
2. I know someone who is going to be very bummed that the spaceport lady showed up again.
3. It's a cowboy movie. I watched enough of those as a kid (heck, I've still got an entire movie shelf double-stacked full of VHSs) that I know very well what a cowboy movie looks like, and this wasn't even trying to hide it. Right down to the windmill.
4. The dragon was awesome . They handled it perfectly. It's the perfect Star Wars blend of fantasy, sci-fi, and western. Harpoons, explosives, getting eaten by a dragon and then flying back out, feeding it a (or multiple) cow(s)...
5. Total GM move with the "it'd sense the vibrations." That is such a GM "I've got to find some way to make this interesting so they don't just blow it up with their ship" move. Love it.
6. Krayt Dragon pearl!
7. Mando speaking Tusken was awesome.
8. This is far and away the superior Tatooine episode.
9. "Engine with a seat" podracer speeder bike was awesome.
10. This is the way, I have spoken.

Krayt pearls are rather large, not sure that one would fit in a standard lightsaber hilt.

Edited by Eoen
10 minutes ago, Eoen said:

Krayt pearls are rather large, not sure that one would fit in a standard lightsaber hilt.

Hmm... I wonder what would happen if you used a Krayt Dragon pearl in a Death Star... :D

I am somewhat happy.
Did not need to see the return of the worst season 1 character (Peli Motto) but there she was...

Loved the red eyes creatures that stayed out of the lights.

The opening fight, including stabs to the heart and a mobster flat out throat shooting a gladiator, was the most brutal thing in the show yet and it rocked.

The horrible Bantha special effects were great!

I am not sure I like the Krayt Dragon no longer being a mystery.

Always loved Tusken Raiders now I even love their dogs.

12 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:

I am somewhat happy.
Did not need to see the return of the worst season 1 character (Peli Motto) but there she ...

I love that character she’s awesome.

Do you think that clone was Boba Fett he looks younger than Rex?

Just now, Eoen said:

I love that character she’s awesome.

She should have been in Willow. Then she wouldn’t have stood out like a sore thumb... again.

Just now, Eoen said:

Do you think that clone was Boba Fett he looks younger than Rex?

It’s boba fett.

Just now, Eoen said:

Do you think that clone was Boba Fett he looks younger than Rex?


I'm holding out hope that it isn't, but I'm guessing it probably is.

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:


I'm holding out hope that it isn't, but I'm guessing it probably is.

It doesn’t seem like Fett to go into retirement.

2 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:

She should have been in Willow. Then she wouldn’t have stood out like a sore thumb... again.

There is room for all kinds in a big galaxy.

Awesome Episode, totally has the "feel" of an Edge adventure!

I was hoping we would get a Mos Shuuta easter egg show up on the Tatooine map R5 was displaying.

It was **absolutely** Fett.

He even looked all burn scarred, like he'd survived the stomach acids of a sarlac.

55 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Hmm... I wonder what would happen if you used a Krayt Dragon pearl in a Death Star... :D

I thik they'd be utterly useless. We've seen the kind of kyber crystals a Death Star uses in Rebels: huge, gigantic slabs of crystal.

"Krayt dragon pearls" as we know them from the RPGs are just kyber crystals that look and behave like kyber crystals. And a bunch of Tusken Raider mooks shouldn't be able to find one. And they're too tiny and rare for powering a superlaser.

The basket-ball sized bezoar from the episode... that's not kyber, and would be useless for a Death Star or a lightsaber.

Just now, micheldebruyn said:

I thik they'd be utterly useless. We've seen the kind of kyber crystals a Death Star uses in Rebels: huge, gigantic slabs of crystal.

"Krayt dragon pearls" as we know them from the RPGs are just kyber crystals that look and behave like kyber crystals. And a bunch of Tusken Raider mooks shouldn't be able to find one. And they're too tiny and rare for powering a superlaser.

The basket-ball sized bezoar from the episode... that's not kyber, and would be useless for a Death Star or a lightsaber.

I was just making a joke in response to a comment regarding them being too large for a lightsaber. (because there is a "Krayt Dragon Pearl" lightsaber crystal, for as little sense as that makes)

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

Obviously Boba Fett ate the sarlacc and then that krayt moved in.

How do those pearls fit into a laser sword?!

By the way, is the Marshall (great performance by Timothy Oliphant, btw) the first ever instance of a character from the novels, comics, or games making the leap to live action?

2 hours ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Loved the red eyes creatures that stayed out of the lights.

What planet was that upon? Were we supposed to recognize it? Were the red eyed (robots? creatures?) also something from some SW lore I don't know?

1 hour ago, RLogue177 said:

Obviously Boba Fett ate the sarlacc and then that krayt moved in.

Kidding aside, there could be some sort of connection. He is there watching what happened below. May not be just a coincidence. I noted that the dragon one time came out on top of the cliff, like there's a hole up there to the cave below. Combine that with the statement about the dragon eating the sarlacc, and I'm guessing it's supposed to be THE sarlacc that ate Boba. Perhaps the dragon arriving to eat the sarlacc was the catalyst that allowed Boba to escape. He may even be pissed that his savior was killed. Hopefully we Boba's escape in a flash back!

2 hours ago, Eoen said:

Do you think that clone was Boba Fett he looks younger than Rex?

Recall that the sarlacc could digest it's victim's over a "thousand years". There has to be some sort of stasis going on to prevent victims from dying of old age or rotting away (if dead) before they are digested. He may have aged more slowly while in the sarlacc.

2 hours ago, Eoen said:

Krayt pearls are rather large, not sure that one would fit in a standard lightsaber hilt.

Or the large pearl has a chunk chipped away and formed as part of the process in forming a lightsaber crystal.

New observation. I only watched it once so far, but I thought the spittle coming from the dragon was eating away people like it was acid? Am I wrong? At the end we then see Mando covered in it after obviously swimming in it. The armor was undamaged and saved him? But, he's not completely covered in the beskar.

1 minute ago, Sturn said:

Kidding aside, there could be some sort of connection. He is there watching what happened below. May not be just a coincidence. I noted that the dragon one time came out on top of the cliff, like there's a hole up there to the cave below. Combine that with the statement about the dragon eating the sarlacc, and I'm guessing it's supposed to be THE sarlacc that ate Boba. Perhaps the dragon arriving to eat the sarlacc was the catalyst that allowed Boba to escape. He may even be pissed that his savior was killed. Hopefully we Boba's escape in a flash back!

That wasn't The Great Pit of Carkoon, though.

2 minutes ago, Sturn said:

Recall that the sarlacc could digest it's victim's over a "thousand years". There has to be some sort of stasis going on to prevent victims from dying of old age or rotting away (if dead) before they are digested. He may have aged more slowly while in the sarlacc.

The victim isn't necessarily alive that entire time. Yes the sarlacc keeps them alive, but for how long? Their natural lifespan? Far past? If so, then I'd be interested as to how, as I imagine you'd have a lot of scientists combing it over for the elixir of life.

And everyone needs to remember that Boba naturally ages slower than the clones as he was not a victim of the Kaminoan's advanced aging. He'd only be about 40 right now, if I did the math correctly. (22 BBY+10=32, 32+9=41, yep, I think I'm right)

12 minutes ago, Sturn said:

There has to be some sort of stasis going on to prevent victims from dying of old age

That is some strange logic...