Tales from the Fringe Anthology IC

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Part Three: RO-0K, Raxle Alucard, and Bestin
Chapter One: The Delivery

Time: 0750 15.4.8 GRS
System: Station 88

The dashboard beeps and a hologram flickers into existence, the faint blue construct displaying the elderly Mriss who hired them for this job. Quissar, AKA "Pigeon", was a savvy information broker. After a few years, he branched out to other methods of trade in information; first information acquisition (espionage is such a dirty word), and now taking part in the safe transport of information as well. He has become a giant, if a diminutive one, in his field and a go-to for many noteworthy galactic citizens, though he'll never admit it. He and RO-0K have a comfortable working relationship, but the droid insisted on being strictly a freelancer. "Hello, all. I have more details for you now. The anonymous sender will transfer the data at 0900 Coruscant time, which gives you about… an hour and a half. The recipient is a big-shot in the Sacul Industries Group, and a landing pad has already been earmarked for you at the SIG tower in the financial district. The standard payment applies, but you'll be glad to know, Rook, that he has acquired something special for you in addition to the credits. I’m told you'll greatly appreciate it."

RO-0K tilted his head. We shall see. He says flatly, plugging into the jack mounted to his console and pulled up information of the landing pad. Data received, Does the client require a passcode to verify identity?

"No, he says he'll know you when he sees you. Not that I'd agree with that..." the Mriss says with a hint of amusement in his voice. "However, I insisted. It's in the datapackage, you'll need to transmit the clearance code in order to land on their pad."

Acknowledged. RO-0k replied, The client probably assumes that the first droid to approach will be me. Organic reasoning can be extremely flawed it seems, and this client seems to have a very poor sense of operational security. Pitiful. You are aware that if the client is found to be incompetent in their security procedures, I will not accept blame for failure to complete the task, but I will extract suitable payment as recompense in accordance to our outstanding agreement. I can reference the appropriate paragraph if needed.

"Yeah, Rook, sure. No problem. He probably figures that all he needs is the data and he doesn't care much who from as long as he gets it."

Very well. We will depart momentarily. RO-0K assured him.

Bestin, Raxel prepare for departure. RO-0K announced over the intercom. A thought occurred to him. Could Raxel use his unique physical ability to fit inside protocol droid coverings? He made an internal note to approach Raxel to test his hypothesis.

Edited by RuusMarev

Copy. I replied back. R1 check all systems and give me a status update. I ordered R-1C. I wonder where are we off to now.

Can we really trust this Mriss specially one named pigeon. Someday I should search and see what's a pigeon anyway.

R1 plugs in and runs a diagnostic, focusing in particular on the comms array and encryption circuits. After a couple minutes he beeps in satisfaction, [All systems go.]

I reply back to RO-0K and Bestin. All systems are a go. Standing bye. Here's to a quick and easy trip. But I know they never are. Hopefully R1 will get some new upgrades plus I always wanted to develop a bodyguard droid.

So where to this time? He asks RO-0K excitedly.

"Good, sssso we won't die in route? I hate going through hyperssspace." Bestin had always loved the solid ground, and wouldn't go up in space if he could help it.

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The package will be transmitted to us and we are meeting the client at the Sacul Industries Group tower, in the financial district on Coruscant. RO-0K replied.

RO-0K is starting to wonder about the Client.. they

transmit the data, but don't trust sending the data over the holonet or other transmission media

Edited by RuusMarev

Well that sounds a little weird. He said with a very concerned voice. We may want to take some extra precautions when we arrive. But not look like we are taking extra precautions. This client seems over protective to me. I have a bad feeling about this. I can hear R-1 telling me it's going to be ok. RO-0K knows what he's doing. But I tell myself, it's not RO-0K I'm worried about.

"If you asssk me, I think we ssshould meet in a neutral zone. If he don't trust us why ssshould we trussst him?

RO-0K we should do cursorily check of the data. R1 can help. But we don't want to corrupt it so need to be careful. Maybe we could track where it came from. This may help us to know more about the client before we meet him. So what do you guys think? Raxle states in a overly clam voice.

RO-0K's circuits perked up, it would be nice to acquire some tidbit of information, RO-0K doubted it would be worth the effort.. although it wondered if the client even bothered to encrypt the data. Take appropriate precautions, RO-0K warned. We don't want them knowing that we... peaked.

At precisely 0900, the dashboard beeps; they're receiving the datapackage transmission from someone aboard the nearby space station. Upon accepting it, the screen shows a progress bar and a massive file size. A cursory examination reveals that it is heavily encrypted. Before much further investigation can be done, a warning message pops up that something or someone is hacking into the Rook's computer system, piggy-backing off of the transmission (which continues at its slow pace).

I run to RO-0K and I yell for R1. R1 help me access RO-0K internal computer. R1 tells me his security program has been disable. We need to expel this intruder quickly. R1 get access to RO-0K data files. R1 states we are lock out. Gain access to operating systems. R1 states again we are locked out by the intruder.

I yell. Bestin get up here. Someone is hacking RO-0K. I need your help.

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The slicer on the other end easily works around Raxle's attempts at expulsion and sends a stream of junk data to throw him off while he attempts to do what he's really there for.

RO-0K tried working the controls to assist in expelling the intruder, glancing at Raxle.. Would you please stop playing and expel the interloper from my ships system? RO-0K made a note to upgrade Rook 's security protocol. The droid lamented that it now fell into the pathetic category it placed many of it's past incompetent clients. It was determined to fix this deficiency as soon as possible.

RO-0K also began to plan how it would send Bestin to deal with the hacker if it was discovered who it was... perhaps Bestin would eat the invader... RO-0K had heard of wookies pulling arms off of those that offended them.. Bestin should have the adequate strength to do as well... Yes, that would do nicely as a start.

Edited by RuusMarev

R1 turn on the activate security. R1 said he found a backdoor key and the security is back up. Great! R1. Now we need to get him out.

As soon as it comes up, the slicer takes it down and sends another barrage of junk data making it nearly impossible to pin him down and kick him out. The transmission continues loading, reaching about 60% complete.

R1 said he's found the intruder's hack. R1 quick we need an encryption to stop him. Raxle said in a very firm voice. This should make it harder for him to hack. Good job R1. Next we need to get security system back on.

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The slicer hastily enacts another command in the system, but was careless making it easier for Raxle to obstruct him. The transmission is nearly complete, at this point, so the intruder is running out of time to do anything else in the system.

Finding the backdoor key allow me to expel the intruder. Wow we got him out. That was tough. Raxle walks over and grabs a bottle of Brandy. Pours a cup full and takes a drink. This guy was good. We need to figure out what he did to the system. I found a portion of the intruder's signature but it doesn't make since. So I'm not sure if it's a fake. Only time will tell. I will get to work on figuring out the damage. After a few more sips of this brandy.

Bestin runs up into the cockpit. "What'ssss going on? You ssssaid someone'ssss hacking?"

Edited by jhh3