PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

2 minutes ago, Bellona said:

Does Sgt Poe require any further medical attention than the above?

If not, then he's fit as a fiddle physically-speaking, but probably shaken by his close encounter with Ventress ... or could that second Triumph indicate that he bounced back mentally too?

Mechanically, he's fine. Narratively, I tend to shy away from miraculous recoveries, but with 2 Triumph I'll allow it, considering the Force involved. I would suggest that you narrate it as him not being nearly 100%, but you've got him into good enough condition that he's in fighting shape and wants to stay in the fight (not that he'll have much of a choice).

@Bellona , there's a single clone minion with 4 wounds, and then Camo is pretty beat up (and blind).

Once you resolve that, we'll move to Discord just in time for Ker'see and Chee'Okee to leave and to start the encounter with Jorin. It's hard to make a cut here, but that's the best I can manage.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

@Bellona , there's a single clone minion with 4 wounds, and then Camo is pretty beat up (and blind).

Once you resolve that, we'll move to Discord just in time for Ker'see and Chee'Okee to leave and to start the encounter with Jorin. It's hard to make a cut here, but that's the best I can manage.

Thanks for the info - I'll get onto it in the morning (my time) as I really need to some sleep now.

Before I start rolling those dice tomorrow morning, this is my understanding of the group's current health situation:

  • @P-47 Thunderbolt /Camo is at 11/26 WT, 6/18 ST, and has 1 Average CI (Blinded).
  • One CT is at 4/5 WT.
  • @MrTInce / Ker'see is at 13/17 WT, 4/15 ST, and has 2 Average CIs (Scattered Senses and Hamstrung).
  • Duchess is at 9/20 WT, and has 1 Easy CI (Discouraging Wound).
  • Mireska is at 3/17 WT.
  • @SuperWookie /Chee'Okee is fine.

@P-47 Thunderbolt :

Mireska using Heal+ on Camouflage:

Heal power + upgrades on Camouflage (and more?) : 5eF+4eP+3eD 1 success, 1 advantage, 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ds.png p-s.png p-s.png p-a-a.png p-s.png d-th.png d-f-f.png d--.png

1 LS pip used to activate the basic Heal (4 + 4 = 8), 2 LS pips used to activate the Strength upgrades (2x 2 = 4) = 12 Wounds removed, 12 Strain removed

Medicine check was successful = Blinded CI is removed

Camouflage is at 0/26 WT, 0/18 ST, and has no CI.


Mireska using Heal+ on Ker'see ( and Duchess ) :

Heal+ on Ker'see (Duchess too?) : 5eF+4eP+3eD 1 failure, 5 advantage, 4 Light Side, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png d-f-f.png d-f.png d-th.png

1 LS pip used to activate the basic Heal (4 + 4 = 8), 3 LS pips used to activate the Strength upgrades (3x 2 = 6) = 14 Wounds removed, 14 Strain removed

No Me dicine skill Success* to use the Heal power upgrade to remove the Critical Injury. :( (I'l l try again afterwards with a mundane Medicine check .)

Ker'see is at 0/17 WT, 0/18 ST, but she still has 2 CIs (Scattered Sense and Hamstrung). (End of encounter = Crippling Blow no longer in effect.)

Mireska then whips out her physician's kit and tries to treat Ker'see's 2 CIs in a mundane fashion.

Medicine+ vs. Ker'see's CI (Scattered Senses) : 4eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-a.png p-a.png p-s.png p-s.png b-s-a.png d-f.png d--.png

Result (+1 Advantage from Physician's Kit): 2 Successes, 4 Advantages).

Scattered Senses CI is removed.

Medicine+ vs. Ker'see's CI (Hamstrung) : 4eP+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 6 advantage
p-s-a.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-a-a.png b-a-a.png d-th.png d-th.png

Result (+1 Advantage from Physician's Kit): 2 Successes, 7 Advantages).

Hamstrung CI is removed.

* The failed skill check portion of the Force power dice pool triggers Mireska's Will of the Force talent (convert 1 destiny token from DS to LS). @P-47 Thunderbolt Destiny pool is now: LS 5 vs. DS 4.

Edited by Bellona

@P-47 Thunderbolt

Mireska using Heal+ on nameless (?) CT ( and Duchess? ):

Heal+ on a CT (and Duchess?) : 5eF+4eP+3eD 2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Light Side, 5 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ds-ds.png p-s-a.png p-s.png p-s.png p-s.png d-f.png d-th-th.png d-f-th.png

1 LS pip used to activate the basic Heal (4 + 4 = 8).

Nameless CT is now at 0/5 WT.

As there were not enough LS pips to even heal Duchess, her CI remains despite the successful Medicine check portion of the dice pool.

Mireska can take the 2 Threats as +2 Strain (she's working under pressure right now).

Edited by Bellona


Mireska using Heal+ on Duchess (and herself):

Heal+ on Duchess (and Mireska?) : 5eF+4eP+3eD 2 successes, 1 threat, 5 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
f-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s.png p--.png d-th.png d-f-th.png d-f.png

1 LS pip used to activate the basic Heal (4 + 4 = 8), 2 LS pips used to activate the Strength upgrades (2x 2 = 4) = 12 Wounds removed, 12 Strain removed

2 LS pips used to activate Magnitude upgrade (+1 recipient) = Mireska also affected.

Medicine check was successful = Discouraging Wound CI is removed from Duchess.

Duchess is at 0/20 WT, and has no CI.

Mireska is at 0/17 WT, 0/17 ST. (For the rest of the day, Mireska will have to rely upon regular first aid to heal herself because she's reached the 5/day stimpack/Heal limit.)

Edited by Bellona

@Bellona Thank you.

10 hours ago, Bellona said:


11 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:


I have no idea as to what that means. :)

@P-47 Thunderbolt and @MrTInce

I've posted IC, covering all that Heal and Medicine use. If you want me to change any of the IC description, please let me know and I'll do so. :)

*bows with a flourish*

1 hour ago, Bellona said:

* The failed skill check portion of the Force power dice pool triggers Mireska's Will of the Force talent (convert 1 destiny token from DS to LS). @P-47 Thunderbolt Destiny pool is now: LS 5 vs. DS 4.

I'm using the Destiny Pool tracker on Discord. When you flip a DP, you can go ahead and record it there.

1 hour ago, Bellona said:

Mireska using Heal+ on nameless (?) CT:

Sentry, I named him IC. ("General, Sentry's hit bad.")

36 minutes ago, Bellona said:

I have no idea as to what that means. :)

G reatest o f a ll t ime.

10 hours ago, Bellona said:

Before I start rolling those dice tomorrow morning, this is my understanding of the group's current health situation:

Yes. Apologies, I was only keeping track of the N/PCs I have direct control over. I need to adjust more to the GMing frame of mind.

7 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm using the Destiny Pool tracker on Discord. When you flip a DP, you can go ahead and record it there.

Sentry, I named him IC. ("General, Sentry's hit bad.")

G reatest o f a ll t ime.

Yes. Apologies, I was only keeping track of the N/PCs I have direct control over. I need to adjust more to the GMing frame of mind.

Thank you for the acronym explanation. :)

I've adjusted the IC to reflect Sentry's name.

And did you adjust the DP or shall I go and do that?

Just now, Bellona said:

And did you adjust the DP or shall I go and do that?

I already adjusted it.

1 hour ago, Bellona said:

I have no idea as to what that means. :)

Greatest of All Time

See you all on Discord for the continuation!
