Just now, RuusMarev said:Would we do the escape in this forum, or move to Discord?
After we conclude this scene, we'd have to move to Discord. We're getting up against the wire here.
Just now, RuusMarev said:Would we do the escape in this forum, or move to Discord?
After we conclude this scene, we'd have to move to Discord. We're getting up against the wire here.
@RuusMarev , @MrTInce , @SuperWookie , with Ventress gone, Jorin could turn around and rendezvous at the G9 if desired. The Fanblade does have a hyperdrive though, so it isn't essential.
13 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:@RuusMarev , @MrTInce , @SuperWookie , with Ventress gone, Jorin could turn around and rendezvous at the G9 if desired. The Fanblade does have a hyperdrive though, so it isn't essential.
you mean
Jorin's Trophy?
so, where do we start?
Who's up?
I'm removing Jorin from the order for the time-being, we'll resolve those in the hangar first, then come back to Jorin.
Initiative order:
@SuperWookie , you're up, or someone in your place.
, here are the stats I've cooked up for the Fanblade. Willing to hear out alternatives/tweaks:
Silhouette 2*; Speed 4; Handling +3; Armor 2; HTT 7; SST 8; Defense 1/1; Sensors: Short; Hyperdrive: Class 1; Navicomputer: Equipped (5 jump capability).
Weapons: Two wingtip-mounted Medium Laser Cannons (6; 3; Short; Linked 1).
Jorin could always point the thrusters toward Ventress as he leaves..
That might cause her to run..
5 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:Jorin could always point the thrusters toward Ventress as he leaves..
That might cause her to run..![]()
Oh, I thought you were already out of the hangar. Guess you're back in the initiative order then.
Initiative order:
The Fanblade doesn't seem to have that much of a backblast though, so I don't think that would work.
Shrug, then Jorin will do Camouflage proud by putting the mission first and leave with Rota. (possibly to the ship?)
Edited by RuusMarevJust now, RuusMarev said:Shrug, then Jorin will do Camouflage proud by putting the mission first and leave with Rota. (possibly to the ship?)
Just hang on, don't get too far ahead.
On your turn, a Maneuver to accelerate, then a maneuver to move out of the hangar. We'll take it one step at a time.
Someone else can have my slot, I'm not feeling up to a post at the moment.
@P-47 Thunderbolt (and anyone else who's planning on GM'ing this campaign):
Just to let you know, there were plans for a short side-story involving Mireska at Jabba's place and her acquisition of a second lightsabre crystal. Maybe it can still be included if Mireska and company catch up with Jorin and co. there after the battle on Teth.
The relevant posts are noted in the spoiler below (mainly to save space) ...
The conversation started on OOC p. 116 (top half) , with EliasWinder's reply to RuusMarev:
On 10/2/2020 at 6:37 PM, EliasWindrider said:... I was going to let each player *find* (vs buy) 2 crystals. Bellona is going to get ventress' corrupted crystal on teeth which purifies to what she wanted which I think is a Solari. Go back and edit to finding 2.
On 10/2/2020 at 6:53 PM, Bellona said:Definitely not a Solari (DoH), please! It's too expensive (even though that's a moot point if it's taken as loot), it uses too many hard points (3), and it has one huge drawback for Mireska - and Ventress, for that matter (it can't be used if the bearer's Morality falls below 50). ... Not that I'm planning on Mireska plunging to the depths of Morality, but it's still not an ideal crystal for her.
I have my eyes on a Lorrdian (FaD CRB) for Mireska. It's cheaper, uses only the usual 2 hard points, and has better mod options (particuarly if she ends up putting it into a shoto or guard shoto later on.
On 10/2/2020 at 6:58 PM, EliasWindrider said:My mistake. I must have mis remembered your previous posts.
And then the conversation continued a few days later in the Misc thread, p. 45 (from the middled of the page) ...
On 10/6/2020 at 2:26 AM, Bellona said:I just took a look at Corrupted Crystals (Disciples of Harmony p. 52), and now I'm not sure if that's the ideal way for Mireska to obtain her Lorrdian Gemstone. Per RAW, the new user must reach Light Side Paragon status - or at least Morality 70 - just to get a corrupted crystal back to normal (i.e., usable as a Lorrdian in this case).
While Mireska strives to be a good person in general, she is also willing to use DS pips (e.g., the "Dark Side Triage" in the Petranaki Arena on Geonosis) or questionable Force powers* (e.g., getting away from Trench) in an emergency if it will save lives, including her own. When I first created her, I determined that this one flaw - as seen through the lens of the Coruscanti Jedi dogma - would make it unlikely that she would ever reach LS Paragon status, and that she would most likely spend the game bouncing up and down between Morality 45 to 69.
That does not make it likely that she'll ever get that Lorrdian out of a RAW corrupted crystal. Unless we step away from that one particular requirement in RAW?
Otherwise there was the option of a jeweller (or reward?) in Jabba's palace, IIRC.
* Which reminds me: the EU had Plo Koon and a few other Jedi use "Emerald Lightning"/"Electric Judgement". That sounds like the Unleash variant of the Protect power.
On 10/6/2020 at 3:39 AM, EliasWindrider said:Do you want to meet a jeweler in jabba's palace? The reward is jabba letting the republic use hutt space hyperspace lanes.
and the conversation continued down to the bottom of Misc p. 45, ending with the first post on Misc p. 46.
We're at the top of Round 3 .
Mireska might as well take a stab at Ventress (to continue the "wear down Ventress' Strain" campaign) ...
(I don't think that there are any floating bonus from which Mireska can benefit. If there are, then I'll add more dice in a separate dice roll.)
Incidental: activate Supreme Centre of Being 3, at the cost of 1 Strain.
Manoeuvre: move from Disengaged to Short range of Ventress (this is to allow her to use the Draw Closer talent again as it requires the expenditure of at least 1 Force pip on moving the target in order to activate properly).
Action: Draw Closer talent vs. Ventress
Rd 3 - Draw Closer vs. Ventress
3 successes, 4 threat
... And of course I forgot Mireska's own active Force dice! *face palms*
Forgot the (active) Force dice!
4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
Final Results (1 LS pip to bring Ventress from Short to Engaged, 3 LS pips for +3 Successes; +1 Success from Personalised Design; +1 Advantage from Fine-Tuned Emitter) : 7 Successes, 3 Threats.
Damage 14 (7 base + 7 Successes) - 17 (Parry 10+2 + Peerless Interception with FR 5) = less than 1 damage.
Assuming that Ventress uses the 3 Threats to activate Improved Parry vs. Mireska, then Mireska takes 9 Wounds (Breach 1 obviously ignores Soak 4) from one of Ventress' lightsabres.
@P-47 Thunderbolt : Ventress will presumably use the PI's Activate Quality upgrade (no cost) against Mireska for either Concussive 2 (= Staggered, i.e., no actions for next 2 rounds) or Disorient 3 (adding +3 rounds to Mireska's Disoriented condition, so it ends in Round 7 instead of Round 4).
Mireska is now at 11/17 WT, 1/17 ST, Disoriented (+1 Setback until the end of her turn in Round 4, unless Ventress extends it by 3 rounds more), and maybe another ongoing status effect.
Furthermore, the next two attacks against Mireska both have their difficulty upgraded twice (Sense power and its defensive upgrades) and all attacks against Mireska have their critical rating increased by 3 (Supreme Centre of Being 3). Mireska's own Peerless Interception is still active (active FR 4; entire tree except for the Critical Counter upgrade; lasts until the end of Mireska's turn in Round 4). She also has Circle of Shelter to help protect Chee'Okee if they are within Engaged range of each other, and Guardian of the Republic .
Ventress is now at 0/21 WT, 10/20 ST. She is also at Short range to the door, and is Engaged with Mireska until one of them moves.
@SuperWookie : Chee'Okee is currently not Engaged with Ventress, due to Mireska's movement/Draw Closer combo.
Edited by Bellona
Tactical thoughts ...
Mireska will take the last possible PC slot in Round 4 (the following round), in order to squeeze the greatest effect out of her Peerless Interception.
Ranged attackers should use Stun settings against Ventress (if they are at Short range, of course). Stun damage is subject to Reflect/Parry but not to their Improved versions as far as I recall.
Edited by Bellona
Are still grasped by Ventress? Also can you reflect a lightsaber?
Edited by MrTInce6 hours ago, Bellona said:Assuming that Ventress uses the 3 Threats to activate Improved Parry vs. Mireska, then Mireska takes 9 Wounds (Breach 1 obviously ignores Soak 4) from one of Ventress' lightsabres.
@P-47 Thunderbolt : Ventress will presumably use the PI's Activate Quality upgrade (no cost) against Mireska for either Concussive 2 (= Staggered, i.e., no actions for next 2 rounds) or Disorient 3 (adding +3 rounds to Mireska's Disoriented condition, so it ends in Round 7 instead of Round 4).
Furthermore, the next two attacks against Mireska both have their difficulty upgraded twice (Sense power and its defensive upgrades) and all attacks against Mireska have their critical rating increased by 3 (Supreme Centre of Being 3). Mireska's own Peerless Interception is still active (active FR 4; entire tree except for the Critical Counter upgrade; lasts until the end of Mireska's turn in Round 4). She also has Circle of Shelter to help protect Chee'Okee if they are within Engaged range of each other, and Guardian of the Republic .
Yes to Improved Parry. Mireska takes a Strain with the remaining Threat.
I'm not going to activate the quality.
Noted on the matter of difficulty and Critical rating.
Notice: I'm going to be overhauling Ventress dramatically for future sessions. My intention is to allow greater flexibility by making her 1. likely to defeat a single opponent, but not exceptionally easily, 2. a challenge against two, but likely on the back foot, and 3. likely to retreat or call in backup against more.
I believe this will be more enjoyable, and better reflects what we see in the show, especially because she is often dueling Kenobi or Anakin on a 1v1 level.
As a part of this, she will keep Peerless Interception, but I will not usually use it, and will almost certainly not use it unless she is in the position of fighting multiple opponents. Likewise, I would appreciate it if Mireska would generally not use it in future when directly dueling Ventress. If it sounds like I'm hedging my bets, that's because I am. Just exercise discretion and be reasonable, comparable to the matter of not using Move to just crush PCs or a boss in round one of combat.
A note on how I'm going to build her: I will be building her as I would any NPC, so she won't be built in OggDude's or "by RAW."
3 hours ago, MrTInce said:Are still grasped by Ventress? Also can you reflect a lightsaber?
No, you are not still bound.
I assume you are referring to Lightsaber Throw, and no. You would Parry Lightsaber Throw.
Camouflage can go next, he has Scrap 'Em. Then Ker'see can go in slot number three, just before Ventress.
Incidental: Aim
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at Ventress (Stun setting):
Shooting at Ventress
1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
Phew, just enough. With the 3 Advantage, she'll take another 2 Strain for Resist Disarm, and he'll suffer 2 Strain to take the Scrap 'Em! incidental, affecting Ker'see, Chee'Okee, Varactyl Squad, and the clone minion group. He'll spend the Triumph to negate her defensive bonuses, reducing Defense to 0.
Once @Bellona posts for Mireska, I'll get an IC post up.
8 hours ago, Bellona said:@P-47 Thunderbolt (and anyone else who's planning on GM'ing this campaign):
Just to let you know, there were plans for a short side-story involving Mireska at Jabba's place and her acquisition of a second lightsabre crystal. Maybe it can still be included if Mireska and company catch up with Jorin and co. there after the battle on Teth.
The relevant posts are noted in the spoiler below (mainly to save space) ...
The conversation started on OOC p. 116 (top half) , with EliasWinder's reply to RuusMarev:
And then the conversation continued a few days later in the Misc thread, p. 45 (from the middled of the page) ...
and the conversation continued down to the bottom of Misc p. 45, ending with the first post on Misc p. 46.
Yep, I remember. I'd rather not go with the original proposal for why Hondo's willing to give the crystal though... Do you mind if we change it?
I was thinking something along the lines of Jabba requesting everyone to stay at his palace so he can properly thank them, and everyone agreeing since they need the alliance. Then he offers each PC a choice of a selection of his treasures (piece of gear/amount of credits agreed upon by the GM, or else a narrative object), and Mireska senses the crystal.
There's the possibility that due to the whole Jedi/Clone Trooper thing, no one would accept, except that Mireska would want the kyber crystal.
Or maybe a drunk Hondo gives Mireska what he thinks is a simple necklace that he thinks would look good on such a pretty lady, and it happens to be a kyber crystal.
Something less... mortifyingly uncomfortable, if you don't mind.
20 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Yes to Improved Parry. Mireska takes a Strain with the remaining Threat.
I'm not going to activate the quality.
Noted on the matter of difficulty and Critical rating.
I don't know if you caught it, but the final result was only 3 Threats, so there were no Threats left over for inflicted Strain. (Mireska's lightsabre automatically adds +1 Advantage.)
5 minutes ago, Bellona said:I don't know if you caught it, but the final result was only 3 Threats, so there were no Threats left over for inflicted Strain. (Mireska's lightsabre automatically adds +1 Advantage.)
Ah, yes, of course. Apologies, I missed that. I thought it had been resolved somehow, but then I couldn't remember how and thought I must have just been imagining it.
14 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:...
Once @Bellona posts for Mireska, I'll get an IC post up.
Mireska's turn (at the top of Round 3) was rolled into the edited IC post describing Ventress' attempt (at the bottom of Round 2) to use first Draw Closer to "'sabre" her, then V's attempt to use Force Assault (resisted successfully by M's good Discipline).
(EliasWindrider asked me at the bottom of the OOC post for V's Round 2 turn to narrate the results IC. Then when no one seemed ready to take the first turn at the top of Round 3, I just added M's turn there for the sake of the flow of action.)
20 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Yep, I remember. I'd rather not go with the original proposal for why Hondo's willing to give the crystal though... Do you mind if we change it?
I was thinking something along the lines of Jabba requesting everyone to stay at his palace so he can properly thank them, and everyone agreeing since they need the alliance. Then he offers each PC a choice of a selection of his treasures (piece of gear/amount of credits agreed upon by the GM, or else a narrative object), and Mireska senses the crystal.
There's the possibility that due to the whole Jedi/Clone Trooper thing, no one would accept, except that Mireska would want the kyber crystal.Or maybe a drunk Hondo gives Mireska what he thinks is a simple necklace that he thinks would look good on such a pretty lady, and it happens to be a kyber crystal.
Something less... mortifyingly uncomfortable, if you don't mind.
No problem! I'll happily go with drunken Hondo's unwittingly valuable gift.* That might make Mireska more likely to give him the benefit of the doubt at their next meeting (whenever that occurs; I'm not clear on how that timeline works in TCW).
Just so long as M gets the crystal for free.
(Jorin already has his second free crystal, IIRC. I don't know what arrangement was in place for a second free crystal for Ker'see, let alone Chee'Okee.)
* Something along those lines would actually have been my first choice.
1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:...
Notice: I'm going to be overhauling Ventress dramatically for future sessions. My intention is to allow greater flexibility by making her 1. likely to defeat a single opponent, but not exceptionally easily, 2. a challenge against two, but likely on the back foot, and 3. likely to retreat or call in backup against more.
I believe this will be more enjoyable, and better reflects what we see in the show, especially because she is often dueling Kenobi or Anakin on a 1v1 level.As a part of this, she will keep Peerless Interception, but I will not usually use it, and will almost certainly not use it unless she is in the position of fighting multiple opponents. Likewise, I would appreciate it if Mireska would generally not use it in future when directly dueling Ventress. If it sounds like I'm hedging my bets, that's because I am. Just exercise discretion and be reasonable, comparable to the matter of not using Move to just crush PCs or a boss in round one of combat.
A note on how I'm going to build her: I will be building her as I would any NPC, so she won't be built in OggDude's or "by RAW."
Fair enough. I wasn't really happy with having to use Peerless Interception so soon again anyway.
Mireska used PI against Ventress mainly to avoid the "Ventress meatgrinder", as she knew that the party's best bet was to keep V distracted while Jorin got the goods/huttlet. I knew that M didn't have a hope in h*** of damaging V (Adversary 3, Parry rank 10 and Soak 6, plus whatever else she had up her sleeves), so all she wanted to do was to survive the hopefully short melee combat until V decided to cut her (minute) losses and leave.
As I've noted earlier, M was not originally supposed to be a duellist as there were at least 2 other PCs who could take on that role. Since then I've had to re-build her to be a bit more robust in lightsabre combat - just to survive an encounter with Ventress.
Edited by Bellona
Just now, Bellona said:Fair enough. I wasn't really happy with having to use Peerless Interception again so soon anyway.
Mireska used PI against Ventress mainly to avoid the "Ventress meatgrinder", as she knew that the party's best bet was to keep V distracted while Jorin got the goods/huttlet. I knew that M didn't have a hope in h*** of damaging V (Adversary 3, Parry rank 10 and Soak 6, plus whatever else she had up her sleeves), so all she wanted to do was to survive the hopefully short melee combat until V decided to cut her (minute) losses and leave.
As I've noted earlier, M was not originally supposed to be a duellist as there were at least 2 other PCs who could take on that role. Since then I've had to re-build her to be a bit more robust in lightsabre combat - just to survive an encounter with Ventress.
Yes, I understand. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. Thank you.
1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Camouflage:
Incidental: Aim
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at Ventress (Stun setting): Shooting at Ventress : 3eP+1eA+4eB+2eC+1eD+4eS 1 success, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
Phew, just enough. With the 3 Advantage, she'll take another 2 Strain for Resist Disarm, and he'll suffer 2 Strain to take the Scrap 'Em! incidental, affecting Ker'see, Chee'Okee, Varactyl Squad, and the clone minion group. He'll spend the Triumph to negate her defensive bonuses, reducing Defense to 0.
Once @Bellona posts for Mireska, I'll get an IC post up.
Just realized I forgot a die from Blinded and forgot the Advantage from FaB. I'm really forgetful today, apologies.
forgot a die
1 failure, 1 threat
Okay, that changes things. 0s2a1T
I'm going to take a gamble and use Natural Commando to reroll.
Natural Commando
1 failure, 2 advantage, 1 Despair
Good news, I missed so Mireska doesn't get hit. Bad news, I missed, so none of the benefits apply.
2 Advantage recovers 1 Strain and passes a Boost to next, FaB 2 is a Boost to Varactyl Squad.
With the Despair, it'll upgrade the difficulty of Ker'see's next check.
Apologies, both as Camouflage and as a player. That didn't go as well as it looked like it had.
Speaking of forgetful, I was supposed to upgrade it once for an engaged opponent:
forgot a die
0 successes, 1 threat
Okay. THIS time I got it right. I think.
So that's 1s1a1D. And it means I hit Mireska. Good grief. I'll post again and resolve it. I apologize again, I'm struggling to keep track of things today.
Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt