Vigilance Initiative
3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
(2 Strain taken)
Star Wars: Dark Times - Bounty Hunting Doesn't Pay OOC
3 successes
Vigilance (Initiative)
2 successes
You guys have the first four initiative slots.
Current order
1. @Edgehawk - fitzy can stand as an incidental due to your triumph on initiative if you would like.
3. @LaGouache
4. Weequay guards. Two of them. - (Rival), soak 4, wounds 13, def 0/0
@Silim can Join when hira dark sun rolls initiative.
Everyone is short range from weequay guards
everyone is engaged with one another.
Edited by Sincereagape@LaGouache the second guard is still up. Kr'o w k's shot did 10 damage -4 soak means the guard is only 6/13 WT.
My bad, I'll edit my post to fix that.
Ranged (light)
2 successes, 2 advantage
6+2=8 damages, 4 after soak it is 10/13 for the guard. I use advantages to perform a 2nd maneuver to take cover.
Edited by LaGouacheI botched the roll for the sniper with the rocket boots. They are now out of the scene after failing their piloting check to get onto the water tower.....
Current Weequay guard stats line....4 soak...11/13 (After a strain from frag grenade)
@oneeyedmatt87 -- Take 11 damage I believe from Frag Grenade. Blast not activated. Thanks.
edit: top of the round Edgehawk
Edited by Sincereagape
Why 11 ? Frag Grenades do not have Breach or Pierce qualities by the books, but maybe it is a custom one from GM-Corp ?
34 minutes ago, LaGouache said:Why 11 ? Frag Grenades do not have Breach or Pierce qualities by the books, but maybe it is a custom one from GM-Corp ?
8 base damage + 3 successes. I believe he is relying upon the player to adjust for his own soak, before applying the wounds.
38 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:8 base damage + 3 successes. I believe he is relying upon the player to adjust for his own soak, before applying the wounds.
Yes, unless otherwise noted. I'll be relying on you guys to minus soak for damage taken. I'll note breach/pierce in damage descriptions.
Edited by Sincereagape6 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:Yes, unless otherwise noted. I'll be relying on you guys to minus soak for damage taken. I'll note breach/pierce in damage descriptions.
Good deal, my sheet is updated. 11-3 soak for 8 wounds.
Quick question: What kind of check will it take up get the skiff upright and moving again. I assume we don't want to leave it here...
Edited by oneeyedmatt876 minutes ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:Good deal, my sheet is updated. 11-3 soak for 8 wounds.
Quick question: What kind of check will it take up get the skiff upright and moving again. I assume we don't want to leave it here...
This might be a little unorthodox but no check needed to get the skiff upright...
1. Two of you are able to push it up manually with a maneuver, each would suffer 4 strain.
2. Three of you are able to push I up manually with a maneuver, each would suffer 2 strain.
-Neither require a brawn check..
Average Mechanics check with one setback.
48 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:This might be a little unorthodox but no check needed to get the skiff upright...
1. Two of you are able to push it up manually with a maneuver, each would suffer 4 strain.
2. Three of you are able to push I up manually with a maneuver, each would suffer 2 strain.
-Neither require a brawn check..
Average Mechanics check with one setback.
I can try the mechanics check on my next go round.
I can do it too if you prefer to make a combat check.
8 hours ago, LaGouache said:I can do it too if you prefer to make a combat check.
Just thinking flavour Kr'owk loves his vehicles...
@Edgehawk is up in the round. Otherwise @MrTInce or @oneeyedmatt87 can go if we don’t hear from edge by Sunday.
@oneeyedmatt87 @Edgehawk @MrTInce @LaGouache @Silim - Newest IC post is up with a prelude to the main plot.
I might fast - forward the plot to Nar Shaada to begin the next phase of the story. With you guys having dropping off Zig and Zag to the Black Sun - and in turn receive the reward of 6,000 credits for bringing in both alive.
Also, each of your characters gains 15 exp for this little run on Mos Shuuta.
There will be a three week time lapse between Mos Shuuta and the next phase. Let me know if this works for all of you. I'm planning to send a PM to Silim since I haven't heard from them in a few weeks.
So 1200 credits each?
5 hours ago, MrTInce said:So 1200 credits each?
Yep that sounds right.
Edited by SincereagapeI'm 100% on board with this. Do you want me to narrate a scene to close out the mos espa sequence?
17 minutes ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:I'm 100% on board with this. Do you want me to narrate a scene to close out the mos espa sequence?
Works for me. Do. Eeeet.
15 exp for mos shutta for everyone. Along with 1,200 credits.
@Tramp Graphics is going to be joining the bounty hunting group to add some assistance for the unplanned but welcomed antagonist additions rob the story.
Busy weekend ahead. Will try and get the next phase of the story up sometime early next week or over the weekend. I can't wait to ignite red lightsabers.
@everyone. Someone make an average astrogation check to jump to mar shaada. Maybe boosted with unskilled boost or skilled boost. Roll well.
@LaGouache - I know Wes proga doesn’t have sense but roll a force dice for a dm triggered sense roll
these rolls will shape the narrative of the opening post to act 2
Edited by Sincereagape