Space station, Satellite & more

By LinoB, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

The inspiration for this model came to my mind while I was working on the Mc80. I started to work on it two weeks ago and made four variants to fulfil a variety of roles.

I'm proud to show you what I classified as the Mc35 Heavy Frigate.

f0kh08D.png yCFuhG5.jpg blmdjHV.jpg bDtSxrX.jpg FoCCFmm.jpg ze5He5u.jpg WWfAnEA.jpg

I know I didn't make any official announcement but I can answer demands for my models since the 25 sept, so don't be shy!

Edited by LinoB

And now I need to start deciding what versions I want!

The command for sure, & probably the assult!

I am going to have one hellofa Mon Cal Expeditionary Fleet!

All I really need now is the MC90, and the Viscount!

Just a few more weeks... we'll be moving to our new house. My Armada collection will be unpacked alongside with my painting equipment. I'm afraid I'm gonna spend too much here and Mel's.... :D

2 hours ago, Norell said:

Just a few more weeks... we'll be moving to our new house. My Armada collection will be unpacked alongside with my painting equipment. I'm afraid I'm gonna spend too much here and Mel's.... :D

Just pop over to my Plastic crack addiction thread if you need to feel like you are buying responsibly. ;)

My next order should finally take care of my shapeways wish list, here, I'm drooling over ships he has only mentioned!

On 10/19/2019 at 8:48 PM, cynanbloodbane said:

All I really need now is the MC90, and the Viscount!

Is this some sort of subtle request ;)
Because I would like to have both of those ship myself, I'm just not sure my printer is big enough to make the 17km variant of the Viscount.

I'd jump in on the MC90 bandwagon as well...

Just the reminder of my Mom Cal wish list. Mel has hinted that he was going to do a Viscount eventually. It is the MC90 that almost never gets mentioned. As it is just a bit smaller than an ISD, I'm not sure if it would be possible on your printer, but I would definitely be interested if you could. ;)

Seriously though, I am actually super hyped for the VSD I, and will probably get 2 versions of the MC35 as well.

I will post some pictures of the VSD progress this weekend. For the MC90, I will do it, but it will likely be somewhere next year.

I'm patient. That's a big project anyway. I wouldn't want to rush it! ;)

Some pictures of the VSDI progress. Unlike the models previous to the "MC35", it's way more easier for me to make new models design for the type of printer I'm using. Let say it, adapting my old models was not the easiest task, So I restarted this one from scratch last week.

ZOIbiyQ.jpg r85bY8m.jpg YERbDIh.jpg YSFdzdP.jpg

For the record, I don't intend this to be taken as a ticket tacky, type criticism. I was honestly picturing the VSD I, with 2 engine thruster cones, instead of 3.

I am absolutely loving the open wings, and look forward to how the missile launchers will be depicted.

I honestly don't know how many of these I will be want.

I will need to do at least one as Imperial, possibly two as Republic, maybe as many as three for the corporate sector... Tough decisions... but also first world problems.

21 minutes ago, cynanbloodbane said:

I was honestly picturing the VSD I, with 2 engine thruster cones, instead of 3.

I was not sure about making it 2 or 3 main thrusters. the rear is going to be a part that insert in the main hull, I will just make both variants available. Same for the wings, they will be available in open/close position.

Where is LinoB hosting all his cool creations now??? His Shapeways shop is missing like 90% of his content!

@CadetBrick I know you already find out but you can contact me on Facebook.

I will post the final VSD this weekend or early next week, but I will take this opportunity to show you another ship. Someone requested me to make one of the unidentified MC cruiser. Edit: After the recent informations, I change the name of the ship to "Mon Nath" and I will made the model available on thingiverse with the appropriate credits.




Edited by LinoB

Sweet! I honestly can't get enough MC classes.

I'm going to be placing an order after Christmas.

15 hours ago, LinoB said:

@CadetBrick I know you already find out but you can contact me on Facebook.

I will post the final VSD this weekend or early next week, but I will take this opportunity to show you another ship. Someone requested me to make one of the unidentified MC cruiser, I asked to Mr. Larroca and he granted me permission to make a model out of his drawing. So here a WIP of General Vanden Willard cruiser witch I name "Mon Rocca " in honor of its creator!






I got some bad news folks. Marvel is taking fan work and using it in comics without credit. It is an issue we have noticed in many comics, the Hope Dies arc is no exception. Those 'original' MC ships from the comic are just traced from a fan's 3D models they made in 2014. I discovered this while I was making a model of one of the MC variants as well. So for MR. Larroca to give you 'permission' is a little disingenuous, because he 1) did not create the ships and 2) the fan ships were literally traced into the comic, so they are already being used without permission.

@Nerf_Herder2187 I was not aware of this, so thanks for letting me know, I will try to contact the original creator to seek is permission.

2 hours ago, Nerf_Herder2187 said:

1) did not create the ships

I can now only agree, I have take a look at the 2014 model and yes they are the source for the ship depicted in the comics. I will have to rename it if I get the permission to make it. someone should edit the wookieepedia about this...

2 hours ago, Nerf_Herder2187 said:

fan ships were literally traced into the comic, so they are already being used without permission.

Well, from my emails exchange with Christopher Holm from Lucasfilm, Star wars derivative work and fan made creations IP fall into a complicated situation.

In the end it also depends on how the artist deal with this kind of situation. Personally I would not be angry to see my MC35 or other thing in a comics or other medias, making it canon. But I do think asking permission is the base of respect in the artistic/creative domain.

27 minutes ago, LinoB said:

Well, from my emails exchange with Christopher Holm from Lucasfilm, Star wars derivative work and fan made creations IP fall into a complicated situation.

In the end it also depends on how the artist deal with this kind of situation. Personally I would not be angry to see my MC35 or other thing in a comics or other medias, making it canon. But I do think asking permission is the base of respect in the artistic/creative domain.

Yeah, I'm not claiming anything from a legal standpoint, I'm no lawyer. But I agree that ethically, permission should be asked anytime you are making a dime off of someone else's work. That's why I said it was disingenuous for Mr. Larroca to "give permission" wasn't his to give.

As for contacting the original artist, we have tried and failed.

I plan on printing the model I made whenever I've got time, but as for selling it...I'll have to think for awhile. It's a tricky situation when you create something based off another's work and you can't contact them. At the very least however, in that scenario, you credit the creator.

So here is the final look of my VSDI model. It will come with some options like open or close wing, 2 or 3 thruster and with or without bridge gun. While I made it to match the existing VSD model from FFG it have alot of obvious and subtile difference.

fGJjA8f.jpg f5vpc72.jpg 47C51Li.jpg l2n83Xp.jpg wF8asUb.jpg hynG8av.jpg 3eUjLk8.jpg

Now that the ship is done I will be able to turn it into a wreckage. Because the debris will take some time to do I will also work on the CC obstacles so you might see the dust field, unarmed and armed stations done before the VSD debris.

On 10/21/2019 at 6:23 PM, LinoB said:

Is this some sort of subtle request ;)
Because I would like to have both of those ship myself, I'm just not sure my printer is big enough to make the 17km variant of the Viscount.


@Pulsipher Well... for something this size, my printer is definitely too small to print it even in 2 or 3 parts.

The holiday kept me a bit busy but I have done the prototype print of the VSDI, I need to make one or two small adjustment on the 3D model but the result is awesome!






Expanding my pirates fleet, the 2 following models will be available on thingiverse with the MC ?



Hope everyone got a nice christmas and I wish you the best for 2020 !

Starting the new year with a couple of new ship mods. First the VSD1 conversion kit. It will require to cut a part of the existing wing.

The second thing a set of mods are ISD hangar (1,2) and side trench missile racks (3) as well as the armless X-rack (4).


The MC ? Is now available on Thingiverse along with the Imperial tanker from rogue Squadron, this model is a collaboration of me and Lt foxwing.



Edited by LinoB
fixed link

Will these two new ships be available on your order form?

On 1/26/2020 at 9:24 AM, Cap116 said:

Will these two new ships be available on your order form?

The models I share on Thingiverse won't be listed in my order form but I can print them on demand.

On 12/23/2019 at 9:01 PM, Pulsipher said:

where did you get those stands? They look like 12 position stands great for other games such as Full Thrust and Battlestar Galactica Starship Battles...