Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Multitask! Fast forward to the Masters (plus Avalon) having met up on the Jedi Star. Then pair up the players and simultaneously run "first contacts" between the Masters and the Padawans. That way everyone is participating in a fairly rapid fire fashion (you wind up in two interactions at once --- one as a padawan and one as a master).

This lets us do initial tests on the padawans, without people having to wait for weeks. If there's no NPC conflict in these vignettes, they can even be self-GM'd to avoid overloading @Rabobankrider

16 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The main reason why I want to introduce each character individually, is to allow for those (who are Force sensitive) who haven't yet discovered their Force sensitivity the opportunity to do so as they join the party, and thus, give them a reason to join, as well as for each character to get some "one-on-one" role play as they're introduced. I agree, I didn't expect it to take quite this long, but still.

1 on 1? What do you mean by this?

1 pc interacting with 1 pc.

My life has been been busy i don't mind the pacing, however if its bothering people i agree with elias... Lets get everyone together be it masters or otherwise so everyone has at least a character involved. Could be a mix of masters and padawans, whatever allows the story to flow.

11 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

1 on 1? What do you mean by this?

10 hours ago, TheShard said:

1 pc interacting with 1 pc.

My life has been been busy i don't mind the pacing, however if its bothering people i agree with elias... Lets get everyone together be it masters or otherwise so everyone has at least a character involved. Could be a mix of masters and padawans, whatever allows the story to flow.

@TheShard nailed it. I am talking about 1 PC interacting with 1 PC on an individual basis.

@Rabobankrider , there is another option. You could run multiple scenes essentially simultaneously; each involving the different characters, particularly the Signature characters, and eventually dovetail them together, much like we see in The movies. You’re already doing something similar in the Revan’s War campaign with the two newest players.

I would be willing to try @Jonas Shaaf 's idea, but running that many encounters at the same time is a **** of a lot of work that honestly I don't really want to have to tackle. I'd say the best options are:

  1. To carry on as is
  2. Run the summary and recruitment at the same time
  3. Just the summary

I know some have said they don't care, but I really could do with some commitment one way or the other from those who haven't yet, that way we can avoid potential disappointment.

@CathyKitten for teetoe and excal'ur how does this sound

a first order strike on our settlement forces us to make a hasty retreat in where depending on what your background is you get separated from your family or what ever and the two of us flee and meet up with the main group

My life is currently busy so i don't mind the chatter.

If people wanna skip ahead... Why doesn't tramp and whoever work out a conversation over pm or email.

And just have it as 1 or 2 long posts.

My vote is skip forward. Tramps dragging this out and i would like to move on quickly to something fun.

Ok, how about I write up something along the lines of what the summary would be on here, and if people feel this covers enough we can get stuck into the action? This can explain how the group comes together effectively, cover a summary of the reveal of powers etc and should do some decent justice to introducing the characters. @Tramp Graphics , I know you wanted us to end on Mandalore, so if that's an important plot point (and if it is you're going to need to message me with the details), we can rp that bit in detail, as I everyone will be together and will be able to contribute, and it should make a nice segway into the main game. I'd agree with @TheShard and say that if there is detailed conversations required for the intro that they are done via pm and can be posted in one go.

Could everyone please give me a quick reminder where your characters are starting/correct me if I've got it wrong, both for the apprentice and master now as they will both be coming into play:

  • Korath: Ossus
  • Reesh: Zygeria
  • Ro'Ka: Ring of Kathrene
  • Jonas: Manaan
  • Exla'ure: Dantooine
  • Drez'z: Drall
  • Jornek: Aurea

  • Rei: Mandalore
  • Kark: Dantooine
  • Teetoe: Dantooine
  • Arvel: Gorse
  • Avalon: Ring of Kafrene
  • ( @TheShard I seem to be missing/lost your apprentice character)
  • Jar: Aurea

In terms of the main game itself, @Tramp Graphics you either going to have to take over for the next session, you're going to have to either give me some detail on the basic story line, or I will make something up that should work. At the moment however after the next session I would like someone else to take over gm'ing for a bit so I get a bit more free time.

Edited by Rabobankrider

Arvel is on Gorse.

Edited by Jonas Shaaf
2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, how about I write up something along the lines of what the summary would be on here, and if people feel this covers enough we can get stuck into the action? This can explain how the group comes together effectively, cover a summary of the reveal of powers etc and should do some decent justice to introducing the characters. @Tramp Graphics , I know you wanted us to end on Mandalore, so if that's an important plot point (and if it is you're going to need to message me with the details), we can rp that bit in detail, as I everyone will be together and will be able to contribute, and it should make a nice segway into the main game. I'd agree with @TheShard and say that if there is detailed conversations required for the intro that they are done via pm and can be posted in one go.

Could everyone please give me a quick reminder where your characters are starting/correct me if I've got it wrong, both for the apprentice and master now as they will both be coming into play:

  • Korath: Ossus
  • Reesh: Zygeria
  • Ro'Ka: Ring of Kathrene
  • Jonas: Manaan
  • Exla'ure: Dantooine
  • Drez'z: Drall
  • Jornek: Aurea

  • Rei: Mandalore
  • Kark: Dantooine
  • Teetoe: Dantooine
  • Arvel: Gorse
  • Avalon: Ring of Kafrene
  • ( @TheShard I seem to be missing/lost your apprentice character)
  • Jar: Aurea

In terms of the main game itself, @Tramp Graphics you either going to have to take over for the next session, you're going to have to either give me some detail on the basic story line, or I will make something up that should work. At the moment however after the next session I would like someone else to take over gm'ing for a bit so I get a bit more free time.

Korath started the last game departing from Ossus before traveling to Kamino, he left from Kamino and went to the Ring of Kafrene, where he and Ro'Ka just left.

2 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, how about I write up something along the lines of what the summary would be on here, and if people feel this covers enough we can get stuck into the action? This can explain how the group comes together effectively, cover a summary of the reveal of powers etc and should do some decent justice to introducing the characters. @Tramp Graphics , I know you wanted us to end on Mandalore, so if that's an important plot point (and if it is you're going to need to message me with the details), we can rp that bit in detail, as I everyone will be together and will be able to contribute, and it should make a nice segway into the main game. I'd agree with @TheShard and say that if there is detailed conversations required for the intro that they are done via pm and can be posted in one go.

Could everyone please give me a quick reminder where your characters are starting/correct me if I've got it wrong, both for the apprentice and master now as they will both be coming into play:

  • Korath: Ossus
  • Reesh: Zygeria
  • Ro'Ka: Ring of Kathrene
  • Jonas: Manaan
  • Exla'ure: Dantooine
  • Drez'z: Drall
  • Jornek: Aurea

  • Rei: Mandalore
  • Kark: Dantooine
  • Teetoe: Dantooine
  • Arvel: Gorse
  • Avalon: Ring of Kafrene
  • ( @TheShard I seem to be missing/lost your apprentice character)
  • Jar: Aurea

In terms of the main game itself, @Tramp Graphics you either going to have to take over for the next session, you're going to have to either give me some detail on the basic story line, or I will make something up that should work. At the moment however after the next session I would like someone else to take over gm'ing for a bit so I get a bit more free time.

Why isnt @Tramp Graphics the GM again? We seem to be running his story when him being the "lead" character and all others being secondary. Why not just make Korath an NPC and the rest of actually have a say as the real "party"?

Just now, CathyKitten said:

Why isnt @Tramp Graphics the GM again? We seem to be running his story when him being the "lead" character and all others being secondary. Why not just make Korath an NPC and the rest of actually have a say as the real "party"?

I will be GMing some adventures later on, as will @Rabobankrider , and anyone else who wants to take a turn as GM. There won't be a single full time GM. Rather different players taking turn as GM. In some instances, the party will be split up with multiple GMs running different groups. The reason why I didn't start as GM, aside from not having enough practical experience with this particular game system, is because it's my character who is searching for the other characters. It wouldn't feel right if I were GM if it's my character who is looking for the others.

Hey, @Lotr_Nerd , why are both of your characters on the same planet? Are they in different locations?

6 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The reason why I didn't start as GM, aside from not having enough practical experience with this particular game system, is because it's my character who is searching for the other characters. It wouldn't feel right if I were GM if it's my character who is looking for the others.

1. The way you jump to correct people says your either using that excuse as a crutch or you truly do not know enough to be correcting like you have.

2. I believe I understand now, you want to have your story and play it too.

32 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

1. The way you jump to correct people says your either using that excuse as a crutch or you truly do not know enough to be correcting like you have.

2. I believe I understand now, you want to have your story and play it too.

Well, technically, my goal is to give everyone the opportunity to have their story and play it too.

Edited by Tramp Graphics
13 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I will be GMing some adventures later on, as will @Rabobankrider , and anyone else who wants to take a turn as GM. There won't be a single full time GM. Rather different players taking turn as GM. In some instances, the party will be split up with multiple GMs running different groups. The reason why I didn't start as GM, aside from not having enough practical experience with this particular game system, is because it's my character who is searching for the other characters. It wouldn't feel right if I were GM if it's my character who is looking for the others.

looking to actually learn to GM so willing to do and I'm assuming that i could call on one of you two to aid if i become uncertain

17 hours ago, CathyKitten said:

1. The way you jump to correct people says your either using that excuse as a crutch or you truly do not know enough to be correcting like you have.

2. I believe I understand now, you want to have your story and play it too.

Having known tramp in real life for about a decade and a half, he may be frequently socially deficient but he is also one of the most honest, loyal, and good hearted people I know, if you have the patience to get past his thick crusty exterior (most people don't). While I myself am socially deficient (and have a doctor's note for that... mild case of asperger's)... tramp may be incapable of perceiving past his intentions to interpret his behavior in the way that you do, and he never intends to be a jerk/troll/bully/other negative label that other people sometimes ascribe to him. He's not a bad guy, he's a guy with bad social skills and life has repeatedly curb stomped him because of it.

3 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Having known tramp in real life for about a decade and a half, he may be frequently socially deficient but he is also one of the most honest, loyal, and good hearted people I know, if you have the patience to get past his thick crusty exterior (most people don't). While I myself am socially deficient (and have a doctor's note for that... mild case of asperger's)... tramp may be incapable of perceiving past his intentions to interpret his behavior in the way that you do, and he never intends to be a jerk/troll/bully/other negative label that other people sometimes ascribe to him. He's not a bad guy, he's a guy with bad social skills and life has repeatedly curb stomped him because of it.

woo Asperger for thew win (same here). i have trouble reading people specially in a "dead" environment like this so if you want us to take notes tie it to a brick and lob it at our heads

On 6/17/2018 at 7:59 PM, Stormbourne said:

@CathyKitten for teetoe and excal'ur how does this sound

a first order strike on our settlement forces us to make a hasty retreat in where depending on what your background is you get separated from your family or what ever and the two of us flee and meet up with the main group

Only way we escaped Dantooine is with a ship. @Rabobankrider what is a two seater ship with a hyperdrive Teetoe could fly nectto the Jedi Star?

1 hour ago, CathyKitten said:

Only way we escaped Dantooine is with a ship. @Rabobankrider what is a two seater ship with a hyperdrive Teetoe could fly nectto the Jedi Star?

I'd rather not have more ships involved for the simple matter that there really isn't any place for them to dock long term. The side air locks, while having docking clamps, would block the side cannons if they were extended and/or had a ship docked to either of them, and , while it is a Sil 5 ship, At only 54.3 meters long, with two decks, each roughly 2.5 meters in height (3.5 meters in the upper Deck's rear section), it is really impractically small for a Retrofitted Hangar, and certainly could never hold a Starfighter; particularly since the ceiling for the two forward cargo holds slope down to only a little over one meter in height. The most the Jedi Star could hold is a couple of Sil 2 Speeder bikes. Not only that, but all of its Hard Points are used up anyway.

@CathyKitten , maybe the escape can be made on a ship that recently landed, such as the Jedi Star? May be a convenient escape. Like I say, I can come up with a draft summary with some suggestions for you guys if you're interested.

35 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I'd rather not have more ships involved for the simple matter that there really isn't any place for them to dock long term. The side air locks, while having docking clamps, would block the side cannons if they were extended and/or had a ship docked to either of  them, and , while it is a Sil 5 ship, At only 54.3 meters long, with two decks, each roughly 2.5 meters in height (3.5 meters in the upper Deck's rear section), it is really impractically small for a Retrofitted Hangar, and certainly could never hold a Starfighter; particularly since the ceiling for the two forward cargo holds slope down to only a little over one meter in height. The most the Jedi Star could hold is a couple of Sil 2 Speeder bikes. Not only that, but all of its Hard Points are used up anyway.

It does have to dock, Teetoe will fly it.

15 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@CathyKitten , maybe the escape can be made on a ship that recently landed, such as the Jedi Star? May be a convenient escape. Like I say, I can come up with a draft summary with some suggestions for you guys if you're interested.

Teetoe is susposed to be a "ship thief", been stealing, flying and scrapping ships since his days on Araboonie. Only seems in character that he would lift one to escape.

3 minutes ago, CathyKitten said:

It does have to dock, Teetoe will fly it.

Teetoe is susposed to be a "ship thief", been stealing, flying and scrapping ships since his days on Araboonie. Only seems in character that he would lift one to escape.

Any ship that joined the party would have to dock with the Jedi Star , particularly in order to keep the group together. And the Jedi Star simply isn't equipped for long term docking with smaller ships. I'm sure @Rabobankrider has a plan. Given that there are still players still working on some of their characters, let's just continue the game and let him get to it in due time.

18 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Any ship that joined the party would have to dock with the Jedi Star , particularly in order to keep the group together. And the Jedi Star simply isn't equipped for long term docking with smaller ships. I'm sure @Rabobankrider has a plan. Given that there are still players still working on some of their characters, let's just continue the game and let him get to it in due time.

I thought we were going to split the party anyways? Teetoe and his master flying out for training.