Jedi Star OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

23 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, I am going to settle this whole ship thing:

@Tramp Graphics , there will be a second ship joining the party, it's gonna happen, it's not going to change or disappear any time soon. As the gm I have a responsibility to try and provide players with stuff they will have fun doing, wile I have fun crating the scenario etc for them. If @CathyKitten wants to be a ship thief pinching ships here and there, I'm going to provide opportunities for that, in the same way I will provide you with opportunities to investigate the force and try to rebuild the jedi.

Now, in terms of transporting the fighter/smaller craft when needed we have a couple of options. The options listed are all possible, partly because the rules say they are, partly because the gm says they will work. Either way, they are possible, and one of them is going to have to be selected.

  • Retcon the use of hard points for your astromech dock/bay/whatever, and replace it with a hanger/docking clamp/something similar. Again, despite whatever is said about dimensions etc etc, it is possible and would work.
  • Allow the ship to dock with yours for transporting/hyperspace. Yes it'll cover some of your guns, but to be honest, for a jedi ship that thing is already very heavily armed, and having a second ship will help in combat.

Another option (if @CathyKitten is interested), is perhaps you could let Teetoe pilot the Jedi Star with Korath as co-pilot/navigator. Teetoe does have a higher rank in space piloting, while Korath makes for an excellent navigator with the skills he has. If you want to avoid a second ship, maybe this would be an agreeable option.

If not however then you are going to have to choose one of the first two options. I don't care which, so long as one of them is selected.

Now, I am going to continue with the ic thread, and for convenience I will be splitting it into two parts. The first will be covering Manaan and the Corellia System. The second will cover Dantooine and possibly the other planets.

@Lotr_Nerd , I've still not heard anything from you regarding starting planet etc. If you're still in this, please let me know.

@Tramp Graphics , the success of @CathyKitten 's coercion would have you feel that her warning was genuine.

Also @Tramp Graphics , if the information you are meaning is @Jonas Shaaf 's character being on your list of known jedi, it's highly unlikely that he'd be on it due to him disappearing before Order 66.

Also guys lets try and avoid pvp to start with, it's not going to help progress this thing at all.

No, it’s not the info on Jonas, not entirely. That’s just a portion of it. It’s the information that the FO has on Ro’Ka herself .

Ok, I'm not sure that the First Order would know about Ro'Ka either. She has no affiliation with a force user organisation, and as far as I know hasn't shared this knowledge with anyone alive. The likes of Exla'ure and Korath are likely to be on the list due to being former jedi, but not everyone will be on the list. I'd say the following are likely to be known force users by the First Order:

  • Korath
  • Reesh
  • Exla'ure
  • Drez'n
  • Rei (maybe? I don't know much with the backstory given).

There would also be a number of NPC's as well.

Also I think a response to the suggestions I made would be handy, just so we can wrap this up.

Edited by Rabobankrider
59 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

Ok, I'm not sure that the First Order would know about Ro'Ka either. She has no affiliation with a force user organisation, and as far as I know hasn't shared this knowledge with anyone alive. The likes of Exla'ure and Korath are likely to be on the list due to being former jedi, but not everyone will be on the list. I'd say the following are likely to be known force users by the First Order:

  • Korath
  • Reesh
  • Exla'ure
  • Drez'n
  • Rei (maybe? I don't know much with the backstory given).

There would also be a number of NPC's as well.

Also I think a response to the suggestions I made would be handy, just so we can wrap this up.

The original story thread given was that all of the “master level” Force users were on that list, not the apprentices. That includes Ro’Ka and Jonas. It’s how Korath is locating them. The only master level character not on the list is Jornek, since he’s not a Force user. Korath even cryptically alluded to this to Ro'ka when he first agreed to take her along. To quote:


However, I don’t mind taking her along. She may prove most useful, and might even learn a thing or two about herself.”

The allusion being that Korath knows who and what Ro’Ka is, and would have sought her out even if she had not been on Kafrene. However , he didn’t want to reveal too much in front of Zicktag.

Now, whether or not that information was only in the private data banks of that Dark Sider in charge of the Kamino facility, or has been disseminated to the rest of the First Order is up in the air.

As for finding the apprentices, that will require relying on the Force to guide him, just as he did to arrive at Kamino.

As for Rei’s Force sensitivity, not even Rei knows that.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Right, well this isn't the original story thread. You'll still be able to locate them, you're just going to need a hand from the crew and the force here and there. Hunting force users was never going to be as easy as jsut following a list. If everyone was on this list, the First Order would have snapped them up long ago, especially a poor sod trapped in carbonite. It doesn't seem like something they'd sit on and not use.

Also I STILL need a response to my suggestions. Don't ignore the topic and just move on dude, especially when I've already asked for a response.

I wasn’t. I already said that the Jedi Star can physically have other ships dock to the docking ring, provided that the second ship has the right connections as well. It’s just not an ideal situation, and canonically can be very risky.

As for the list, as I said, Korath had alluded to knowing Ro’Ka’s “secret”, and would not have been so accommodating about allowing her on board, nor about going to Manaan, had he not known. He (and I) kept a lot unsaid because he didn’t want to reveal too much in front of Zicktag. But Korath has always intended to talk to Ro’Ka in private. That’s how I’ve been playing it from the start.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Well fortunately nothing in this game is canon, so that should be fine. Looks like @CathyKitten can dock with the ship when the time arrives. That resolves the issue there. @CathyKitten as this is likely to be a ship you'll have around (unless Teetoe sells it off etc), you have a choice between the ARC-40b ( ) and the KST-100 Kestrel @EliasWindrider provided stats for. Or if you want the choice of ship can come about organically.

Right, well the argument for taking Ro'Ka on board is that Zicktag needed someone to transport her operative, and wasn't going to accept the info on its own. which would strand the ship on the ring of Kafrene. Either way she's on board now, if you want to do a sense check maybe Korath can feel the force in the new comers. That would solve that problem, 'sense a disturbance in the force' etc.

Hey guys, so I'll be joining the game! I've made the starting char, and for my idea of him joining, I'm very open-minded and I'm ok eith the gm creating a starting summary detailing how he joins the party. My master character is mostly done, I just havn't written in the equipment yet. Thanks for letting me join the game!

I am still in this I for my Jawa can we start him off on a Garbage world like Raxxus Prime or something similar, as far as Jornek Accendere the idea with him is he is a minor Smuggler Baron, so Corellia or any Outer Rim Underworld Hideout works.

Elias Windrider is 25 years old, son of the chief of a tribe of ysanna in issues, and a former apprentice of Korath Lorren. He has a jerk younger brother with darkside tendencies, who he's hoping that Korrath will be able to straighten out. (Younger brother Starting character build to follow, yes I'm volunteering play the apprentice to Tramp's signature character so no one else will have to deal with that level of frustration, yes I want Tramp to be able to play Korath enough to do that). They left ossus looking for Korath, and the force led Elias to find Teetoe and Excal'ur on Dantooine. I will put them on sheets later.

I used the minimum xp for master level characters for elias and left 5 xp unspent. For the lightsaber I made 1 attempt, 1 blue, 2 green, 2 yellow against one purple (secrets of the jedi) , 4 out of 5 checks to mod the crystal were against 1 purple and the last was against 2 purple thanks to improved secrets of the jedi, all succeeded.

For the reinforced clothing, I made 9 consecutive attempts rolling over triumph and advantage as boost dice ( a while back I wrote a program to generate percentile table and rolled against the generated table for 1 triumph, 2 success and 9 advantage after 9 attempts, btw in the process template was selected and my residual difficulty is 1 purple, it was a fairly good roll median number of attempts on the table needed for 1 triumph 1 success and 8 advantage or 2 triumph 1 success, and 5 advantage, was 21.5), made effectively 8 sets of heavy clothing and one set off effectively armored robes, sold the 8 sets of heavy clothing for materials cost but if you want me to pay 200 additional credits for them I can.

started with 18,000 credits most went to the dragite gem.

Edited by EliasWindrider

@Lotr_Nerd , Raxxus Prime works fine, and I'd suggested Aurea because it's in the Corellia sector because it's meant to be one of those super fancy tropical worlds that rich people like to go to, possibly a nice place for a smuggler baron to work out of. If you'd prefer Corellia itself that works to though, as @TheShard 's planet is near by , so you guys will come together in quick succession.

@EliasWindrider , nice to have you on board! Honestly for the master characters I'm not too fussed about credit expenditure at this stage so it should be fine.

@player3333902 , also nice to have you on board! In terms of a starting planet do you have any preferences? I'd personally recommend something in the corellia sector, or maybe an outer rim planet like Dantooine or Zygeria etc.

and here are the stats for Elias' jerk younger brother, Chemdat Windrider, went with agressor over magus because it fits his personality better, (When he has a little more experience under his belt for the appropriate talents he's going to try to intimidate Korath, yeah Chemdat is a real jerk with no respect for authority)

he crafted the armor (1 failure out of some 10-12 rolls on my phone (would have been less but I accidentally passed by spending the first triumph on schematic), sold n-2 sets of heavy clothing, so net cost was $50 credits, by rolling over, ended up with 2 success and 7 advantage on the last try, residual crafting difficulty is simple [no purple]) for the reinforced clothing, he borrowed Elias' jedi multitool to build a training lightsaber (failed the first attempt, succeeded on the second=> 200 credits, +100 credits for a training emitter), succeeded on first attempt at solid projectile pistol (50 credits), then bought a comlink and 1 stimpack each for 25 credits => net expenditure was 450 credits.

Edit: forgot to include the link... I will convert both to swsheets later.

Edited by EliasWindrider
21 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Well fortunately nothing in this game is canon, so that should be fine. Looks like @CathyKitten can dock with the ship when the time arrives. That resolves the issue there. @CathyKitten as this is likely to be a ship you'll have around (unless Teetoe sells it off etc), you have a choice between the ARC-40b ( ) and the KST-100 Kestrel @EliasWindrider provided stats for. Or if you want the choice of ship can come about organically.

Right, well the argument for taking Ro'Ka on board is that Zicktag needed someone to transport her operative, and wasn't going to accept the info on its own. which would strand the ship on the ring of Kafrene. Either way she's on board now, if you want to do a sense check maybe Korath can feel the force in the new comers. That would solve that problem, 'sense a disturbance in the force' etc.

Elias, did you read the first post of the prep thread? A player’s starting character can have no relationship with his or her Signature character. They have to have no connection to each other.

5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

@player3333902 , also nice to have you on board! In terms of a starting planet do you have any preferences? I'd personally recommend something in the corellia sector, or maybe an outer rim planet like Dantooine or Zygeria etc.

At the moment, really no. Maybe Corellia would be ok? Cause Tino being kicked out of the Chiss Ascendancy, is kind of a smugglerish person atm, living on the streets.

@Tramp Graphics : Is there anything more you want to say about the shape / purpose of the campaign? The earlier discussion illustrated that you had put a lot of thought into it, yet hadn't really told everyone else what you were thinking.

5 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

@Tramp Graphics : Is there anything more you want to say about the shape / purpose of the campaign? The earlier discussion illustrated that you had put a lot of thought into it, yet hadn't really told everyone else what you were thinking.

Much of it is supposed to revolve around the training and advancement of the starting characters to full Jedi Knights (not simply Knight level) as well as giving the higher level characters opportunity to train students and also deal with any “unfinished business “ they might have (assuming previous campaigns). This includes taking on the First Order, Dark Jedi, seeking artifacts, the Gathering, Jedi Trials, etc. and whatever else each GM wants to run during his/her turn. I’d like to see some adventures focus on different individual characters, some focus on the students, others focus on the Masters, and generally give each character a chance to take center stage. Other than that, it’s pretty much an open world sandbox campaign.

@Tramp Graphics Thanks for clarifying!

7 minutes ago, Jonas Shaaf said:

@Tramp Graphics Thanks for clarifying!

No problem.

17 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Elias, did you read the first post of the prep thread? A player’s starting character can have no relationship with his or her Signature character. They have to have no connection to each other.

It's a convenient explanation for why Elias left Ossus when he did instead of with Korath earlier, the purpose/Spirit of that is to avoid creating a reason why the same player would play both sides of a single mentor mentee relationship. In this case... having the characters be related is a reason for them NOT to be on both sides of a single mentor mentee relationship... Elias sought out Korath to try and straighten out his problems child brother. So in this case the objective of the rule is better achieved by having them be related. Principles trump rules in terms of effectiveness. If @Rabobankrider doesn't have a problem with it you shouldn't either.

However you seem to be entirely missing the relevant point, so I will spell it out for you.

Personally I have zero emotional attachment to the chemdat character which is a large part of how I expect to be able tolerate you/Korath as the master of the character. Speaking from experience, I wouldn't be able to tolerate it/you as the master of "my" character without that emotional detachment and no one else in this game would be able to either. I only joined this game so that you/ Korath would be able to occupy a mentor role without the game self destructing (like every single one of your past attempts have, I/Elias was actually your greatest "success" story because i lasted 10 sessionsbefore i quit the game because i couldn't stay in it and stay your friend). Your to date interaction with @CathyKitten 's *MASTER* character (as in she *shot* you for being a bully before that got retconned) very strongly indicates that you haven't changed sufficiently in the last 15 years for you to otherwise (without my intervention) have your desired mentoring experience. And I can only provide that if I don't care about the character, which means playing chemdat.

By the way, given the opening salvo my predictions for how that pvp combat would have turned out is that Korath would have been dead in 2-4 rounds.

Now in terms of character separation, honestly what would have your response have been to @CathyKitten 's character killing Korath (which was pretty much a forgone conclusion given the relative strengths of the builds), would that have been the last time you played Korath or would you have retconned this story line to not have happened? The point of me asking this is to get you to realize how rare it is for a player to not have an emotional investment in their character and the boatload of implications that comes with that, the bottom line of which is without me playing chemdat Korath doesn't get an apprentice, i.e. when you tried the game would die, as would all future reboots until you learn how to not unintentionally be a bully. And honestly you can't fix a problem that you're still in denial about having, so that might mean "never".

Replying something to the effect of "I disagree" or "not really" would simply be evidence that you are in denial and thus locked into your current spiral/infinite loop of failed campaigns.

Now to everyone else in this thread, @Tramp Graphics is not a bad guy... if he was I wouldn't be trying to give him the roleplaying experience he desires... he's a good person with the worst social skills of any sane person I've met in my entire life. There's a saying that goes "a friend is someone who truly knows you and likes you anyway" that's the situation here.

Edited by EliasWindrider

So i havnt actually set up the apprentice.

I'd like to make a noghri steel hand/hermit... Marooned on a planet after his commando squad and ship were destroyed in a mission gone way sideways.

I have a charecter arc planned for him going from "bad guy", which really means pro vader, to realizing they are evil, to understanding his own acts of evil and becoming an almost pacifist monk kinda jedi.

15 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

It's a convenient explanation for why Elias left Ossus when he did instead of with Korath earlier, the purpose/Spirit of that is to avoid creating a reason why the same player would play both sides of a single mentor mentee relationship. In this case... having the characters be related is a reason for them NOT to be on both sides of a single mentor mentee relationship... Elias sought out Korath to try and straighten out his problems child brother. So in this case the objective of the rule is better achieved by having them be related. Principles trump rules in terms of effectiveness. If @Rabobankrider doesn't have a problem with it you shouldn't either.

However you seem to be entirely missing the relevant point, so I will spell it out for you.

Personally I have zero emotional attachment to the chemdat character which is a large part of how I expect to be able tolerate you/Korath as the master of the character. Speaking from experience, I wouldn't be able to tolerate it/you as the master of "my" character without that emotional detachment and no one else in this game would be able to either. I only joined this game so that you/ Korath would be able to occupy a mentor role without the game self destructing (like every single one of your past attempts have, I/Elias was actually your greatest "success" story because i lasted 10 sessionsbefore i quit the game because i couldn't stay in it and stay your friend). Your to date interaction with @CathyKitten 's *MASTER* character (as in she *shot* you for being a bully before that got retconned) very strongly indicates that you haven't changed sufficiently in the last 15 years for you to otherwise (without my intervention) have your desired mentoring experience. And I can only provide that if I don't care about the character, which means playing chemdat.

By the way, given the opening salvo my predictions for how that pvp combat would have turned out is that Korath would have been dead in 2-4 rounds.

Now in terms of character separation, honestly what would have your response have been to @CathyKitten 's character killing Korath (which was pretty much a forgone conclusion given the relative strengths of the builds), would that have been the last time you played Korath or would you have retconned this story line to not have happened? The point of me asking this is to get you to realize how rare it is for a player to not have an emotional investment in their character and the boatload of implications that comes with that, the bottom line of which is without me playing chemdat Korath doesn't get an apprentice, i.e. when you tried the game would die, as would all future reboots until you learn how to not unintentionally be a bully. And honestly you can't fix a problem that you're still in denial about having, so that might mean "never".

Replying something to the effect of "I disagree" or "not really" would simply be evidence that you are in denial and thus locked into your current spiral/infinite loop of failed campaigns.

Now to everyone else in this thread, @Tramp Graphics is not a bad guy... if he was I wouldn't be trying to give him the roleplaying experience he desires... he's a good person with the worst social skills of any sane person I've met in my entire life. There's a saying that goes "a friend is someone who truly knows you and likes you anyway" that's the situation here.

Actually, Elias, @Stormbourne ‘s starting character has already asked Korath to train him, so don’t jump to conclusions. Go back and reread the IC thread.

Every other player is abiding by the rules regarding their two characters ‘ not having any connections. We can’t make any exceptions.

I'd be happy to train him. And i don't think it matters much if they are related as long as its not one person controlling both master and apprentice.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Actually, Elias, @Stormbourne ‘s starting character has already asked Korath to train him, so don’t jump to conclusions. Go back and reread the IC thread.

Every other player is abiding by the rules regarding their two characters ‘ not having any connections. We can’t make any exceptions.

@Stormbourne 's character hasn't had anyone else "who can use the awesome" who he could have asked to train him. And he the player doesn't know what he's getting himself in for and he made that request before the fiasco with @CathyKitten (where she shot Korath seriously hard before it was retconned away and for which you not her deserves the blame). He's probably thinking that " surely Tramp Graphics must be able to be reasoned with and knows enough not to push after being repeatedly warned not to... Tramp Graphics must have just been having an off day."

When that falls apart and it almost certainly will when you constantly berate him in character for no good reason other than "that's good roleplaying" (according to you) for a "tough as nails drill sergeant of a jedi master" I'll be here to help pick up the pieces/salvage the campaign.

@Stormbourne I mean no offense to you, you have made perfectly reasonable decisions given the information available to you. WHEN you want out from under Korath my character will switch masters with you. Or Elias (the character) can take over your training when he meets up (could be a personalities click better and your character reminds Elias of his son).

Edited by EliasWindrider
1 hour ago, TheShard said:

I'd be happy to train him. And i don't think it matters much if they are related as long as its not one person controlling both master and apprentice.

I figured Rei would be more appropriate since both Rei and Drez’n are Armorers . Speaking of Drez’n, when are you going to finish his SWSheet?

Edited by Tramp Graphics

Well sure, but these days he is much more an old seer and watchful eye. I'd probably end up as the instructor in making and using sabers. As well as instructions on following the flow of the living force.