Sorastro's Painting

By Sorastro, in Painting

Sorastro I saw your stuff in the display at the ffg booth at celebration, they look even better in person! I thought I was an above average painter, but I have demoted myself to average at best.

This may seem like an odd question as I am not sure how to word it properly, but how do you get the paints to look so natural? It seems like everything I do looks so hard and unnatural. Is it a paint thinning thing? I’ve been trying to thin mine more but I have a bad habit of over doing it.

Edited by VAYASAN
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On 4/15/2019 at 10:27 AM, Spideyfan629 said:

Sorastro I saw your stuff in the display at the ffg booth at celebration, they look even better in person! I thought I was an above average painter, but I have demoted myself to average at best.

Mate don’t do that. The fact that you can paint makes you better than the majority of people. This is like saying, “after seeing Ronaldo play I’ve demoted myself to only average at football”. The key to painting miniatures is self esteem

16 hours ago, Jabby said:

Mate don’t do that. The fact that you can paint makes you better than the majority of people. This is like saying, “after seeing Ronaldo play I’ve demoted myself to only average at football”. The key to painting miniatures is self esteem

I meant it as more of a compliment to him than a put down to me. I’m nowhere near his level, and I can’t paint eyes and faces to save my life, but I’m pretty good.

6 hours ago, Spideyfan629 said:

I meant it as more of a compliment to him than a put down to me. I’m nowhere near his level, and I can’t paint eyes and faces to save my life, but I’m pretty good.

Oh I never paint faces. I just do the basic skin tone + fleshade. If I tried to do eyes I’d end up with Clarence

4 hours ago, Jabby said:

Oh I never paint faces. I just do the basic skin tone + fleshade. If I tried to do eyes I’d end up with Clarence

Same. Tried eyes a few times but never got anything good and wound up covering it anyway

2 hours ago, Spideyfan629 said:

Same. Tried eyes a few times but never got anything good and wound up covering it anyway

A simple technique to paint eyes is to start by painting the iris (pick your color, I usually simply use black) then applying a very little dot of white paint on each side of the iris. The important thing is to not have white under or over the iris.

Oh Sorarstro how i wished i could paint like you, ur a god at this.


I've just posted up a PDF guide for the Death Troopers for anyone who might be interested; you can grab the guide here . Enjoy!


37 minutes ago, Sorastro said:


I've just posted up a PDF guide for the Death Troopers for anyone who might be interested; you can grab the guide here . Enjoy!


Looking good. Nice and shiny!

@Sorastro Will you be doing a video (or PDF?) of the Rebel Veterans (and 1.4 FD?) in a Hoth-appropriate paint scheme or is the IA echo base trooper patreon PDF the closest we are getting?

8 hours ago, aniron said:

@Sorastro Will you be doing a video (or PDF?) of the Rebel Veterans (and 1.4 FD?) in a Hoth-appropriate paint scheme or is the IA echo base trooper patreon PDF the closest we are getting?

Hi Aniron! I don't yet own the them yet, and as I've already got a growing backlog of Legion minis to paint I'm honestly not sure if or when I'll get to them. Sorry! :)

35 minutes ago, Sorastro said:

Hi Aniron! I don't yet own the them yet, and as I've already got a growing backlog of Legion minis to paint I'm honestly not sure if or when I'll get to them. Sorry! :)

Yeah, well, the Veterans aren't out for another two months or so, so that's perfectly understandable. 🙂

Also understandable if you wouldn't want to paint something up that wouldn't match your other stuff.

I'll just go with the Imperial Assault PDF as a base then, as I guess you'll have your hands full with clones and droids for the forseeable future.

38 minutes ago, Sorastro said:

Hi Aniron! I don't yet own the them yet, and as I've already got a growing backlog of Legion minis to paint I'm honestly not sure if or when I'll get to them. Sorry! :)

Would you be able to tell us what you're working on next? What we could expect for your next few tutorials?

1 hour ago, Weikel said:

Would you be able to tell us what you're working on next? What we could expect for your next few tutorials?

Hi Weikel! I think my next video will be for Sabine Wren, and I'd also like to cover Jyn and probably Krennic as PDFs. Beyond that I'm not sure, but I definitely want to cover the Clone Wars stuff in time for the release if I can! :)

1 hour ago, Sorastro said:

Hi Weikel! I think my next video will be for Sabine Wren, and I'd also like to cover Jyn and probably Krennic as PDFs. Beyond that I'm not sure, but I definitely want to cover the Clone Wars stuff in time for the release if I can! :)

That sounds great, thanks for the update! I can't wait to see your take on Sabine's armor.

1 hour ago, Weikel said:

That sounds great, thanks for the update! I can't wait to see your take on Sabine's armor.

Sorastro has a video up for the Imperial Assault Sabine if you want a teaser.

On 4/12/2019 at 11:29 AM, VAYASAN said:

**** you Sorastro.

**** you twice!!

I was going to sit out of Journeys in Middle Earth...then I noticed your Ep1 for it....

I hope FFG are treating you well! 😀

Edit to say..that says 'Da mn' The filter makes it look a lot more harsh 😄

Lol Vayasan! Sorry for the late reply to this; I only just noticed I missed a few comments whilst I was away so am now catching up... Yes, I was fortunate to receive an early copy of LOTR and I must say I’m having a blast both painting it and playing through the campaign 😀

On 4/15/2019 at 8:27 AM, Spideyfan629 said:

Sorastro I saw your stuff in the display at the ffg booth at celebration, they look even better in person! I thought I was an above average painter, but I have demoted myself to average at best.

This may seem like an odd question as I am not sure how to word it properly, but how do you get the paints to look so natural? It seems like everything I do looks so hard and unnatural. Is it a paint thinning thing? I’ve been trying to thin mine more but I have a bad habit of over doing it.

Hi Spidey!

Thanks for that; it’s always a relief to hear people say that my paint jobs look better in person than in the videos!

It’s a little tricky for me to answer your question without seeing your work, but I suspect learning to control the paint consistency may play a part. Do please feel free to share some pics of your minis either here, or via a private message on Facebook, or email ([email protected]), and I’d be happy to offer what feedback I can. 😀

On 5/1/2019 at 12:12 PM, Sorastro said:


I've just posted up a PDF guide for the Death Troopers for anyone who might be interested; you can grab the guide here . Enjoy!


Got any more guides like this for legion expansions you haven't done on youtube?

23 hours ago, Alphabonnie101/TheHeroking said:

Got any more guides like this for legion expansions you haven't done on youtube?

Hi! Yes, there are five such guides on my website at the moment and there will be more to follow. 😀

here you go sorastro, everything I have done that I have pictures of. Yes, I tried to follow your guides for some of these. I apologize for the first group of pictures. I didn’t really have a good setup for pictures back then. But you can see how rough some of them turned out compared to how smooth yours appeared, though they do look slightly better in person.

They announced Star Wars paint for Legion. Kinda wished they did this before i bought up half of citadel's paints, but it'll be good for newcomers.

On 5/8/2019 at 4:33 PM, Sorastro said:

Hi! Yes, there are five such guides on my website at the moment and there will be more to follow. 😀

Thanks a lot!

On 5/9/2019 at 10:29 AM, Spideyfan629 said:

here you go sorastro, everything I have done that I have pictures of. Yes, I tried to follow your guides for some of these. I apologize for the first group of pictures. I didn’t really have a good setup for pictures back then. But you can see how rough some of them turned out compared to how smooth yours appeared, though they do look slightly better in person.

Hey Spidey!

Thanks for sharing this; firstly I'd say you have a set of Legion minis there that most would be extremely proud to field, and I think you've done a great job with them!

Regarding the "smoothness" - it looks like there are a couple of areas where the priming may have actually left a bit of a rough surface, which could be down to the brand of primer you're using, or possible from spraying a little too far away. (I had the same problem with some of my IA minis.)

With regards to the smoothness of the actual painting, that can be partly down to the paints being used; for white for example I find using a heavy-body artists acrylic gives a much smoother finish, compared the more chalky-looking hobby paints.

The rest is probably down to building up the highlights in increments, and it may sound counter intuitive, but I think actually pushing the contrast even further - such as on the raised ridges on the back of Boba's cloak - results in a "smoother" overall look. If you look closely at my Death Troopers for example, I really made very little effort to create smooth transitions from one layer of highlight to the next, but by jumping between extremes of light and dark the eye has a way of almost filling in the difference between them - if that makes sense? So the overall impression is of a shiny finish, even though the individual transitions are actually pretty rough-looking and obvious when you look for them.

So my advice would be not to worry so much about chasing smoothness, but be bold with pushing your contrast levels instead. And finally, by all means - be self critical and aim to improve (no-one's more self critical than I am myself!), but also congratulate yourself on what you've already achieved. :)

On 5/10/2019 at 8:20 PM, Zephyr444 said:

They announced Star Wars paint for Legion. Kinda wished they did this before i bought up half of citadel's paints, but it'll be good for newcomers.

Absolutely! I feel that anything that helps new painters get started with this wonderful hobby can only be a good thing. :)