EDIT - Just an FYI, I've turned this post into sort of a subscription thread about BattleScribe updates. The original OP (below) was very specific to the point in time when I posted it, but my most recent post should usually be a helpful update about the state of the files.
Now that contents of the Core Set and release expansions have been fully spoiled, along with all the relevant sections of the Learn to Play book, I've updated the Legion BattleScribe files to account for everything at launch. Update your data and you should have everything.
- I've fixed the names of the various upgrade icons and other game elements (for instance, the icon I had called "Leadership" is actually called "Command").
- I changed the way the Command Hand validates, now that we know 7 cards are required. It will still default to including the 4 generic cards, but the list will flag if you have fewer than seven.
- I marked the cards that will not be available at release as Unreleased with a dagger (†) icon. Right now, that's Veers, Leia, the Snowtroopers, and the Fleet Troopers, plus the various cards that only come in those expansions. I do this so people who want to list-build with everything spoiled can, but people who only want to build lists that can actually be played in OP or tournaments can easily see which cards they can't use (they avoid the sections marked with †).
As always, let me know if you see any typos or have other concerns. Have fun!
For those of you who aren't already using BattleScribe or need instructions to download the files, look here:
Edited by Dr Lucky