Ah ok
Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (OOC)
Hello I am rabobankrider s friend. When I am a moderated I will be joining in
Ok guys, I'm going to give you the ranges for the assorted people for you to have the chance to fight. Anyone wanting to make a dash for it, bar to the door is medium, as is the back room. Bar is short range to drunk group 1 and the pilot group. Drunk group to is at medium range of the bar, but short range of the swoop gangs room. Hope that helps! I'll post the fight starting proper now.
Got it.
On 12/21/2017 at 3:07 PM, Rabobankrider said:Combat Initiative:
- Swoop Bike Gang 1
- @satkaz
- Drunk Group 2
- @Vergence
- Lone Pilot,
- @KungFuFerret
- @ExileofEnya
- Drunk Group 1
- Swoop Bike Gang 2
- Drunk Pilots Group
- @Tweedledope
@Rabobankrider were the Duros targeting everybody in the bar or just the Imperials?
Also are we allowing Drunk Group 2 go next or @satkaz ’s action did not count towards the initative slot? I only saw the Duros roll in the IC post.
They're targeting the drunk group at short range. I forgot to add the movement, I'll do that now. I'm happy with @satkaz going as it was the initiation move, and didn't actually do anything in the end.
@Rabobankrider How much soak does the pilot group have?
Ranged Light [Stunning Pilots]
1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
Using the Triumph to take out the lieutenant outright, stunning the rest with 6 damage total, and giving a boost for the next PC.
Soak is 2.
@satkaz , if you're at the bar I think you need to add another purple, as it's medium range from the bar to the back room.
1 hour ago, Rabobankrider said:@satkaz , if you're at the bar I think you need to add another purple, as it's medium range from the bar to the back room.
Was shooting at the group with the lieutenant, thought those guys were pilots, unless those guys and the one with the lieutenant are totally different groups.
And if they are different groups, I gotta take off the stun...RIP lieutenant. Oh well.
Edited by satkaz
So, just for a little clarification, Drunk Group 1 is the one with the Imp Officer who was starting crap with the Dug? If so, who is Drunk Group 2 in this context? I think I missed the distinction of drunken idiots
Character knowledge question: Your post mention that very few knew which Hutt was incharge of this sector. With Leto living here his whole life, would he know? When developing my background I wrote that Leto played the role of the decoy and would get his friends out of trouble with the "law" as a kid by charm. Would Leto be familiar with how the Ganks would handle this? Just searching for a little background so I know how my character would act in my initiative slot.
I've yet this site but, it appears you can generate a shareable link if we ever want to create a simple combat scene sketch to demonstrate general locations or distances between groups.
, ah ok, I assumed you were shooting the Duros who you were after
Drunk groups 1 and two are just generic patrons who are caught up in the fight. Anything title pilots are the imperials, and anything titled swoop gang is the Duros.
5 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:@satkaz , ah ok, I assumed you were shooting the Duros who you were after
Drunk groups 1 and two are just generic patrons who are caught up in the fight. Anything title pilots are the imperials, and anything titled swoop gang is the Duros.
Got it. I'll just switch it to the Duros, then, since I already did the check. How's their soak?
2 As well, everyone is out in regular clothing so it's not going to be particularly high.
Looks like I'm the next initiative slot.
19 hours ago, Vergence said:Character knowledge question: Your post mention that very few knew which Hutt was incharge of this sector. With Leto living here his whole life, would he know? When developing my background I wrote that Leto played the role of the decoy and would get his friends out of trouble with the "law" as a kid by charm. Would Leto be familiar with how the Ganks would handle this? Just searching for a little background so I know how my character would act in my initiative slot.
@Rabobankrider did you get a chance to consider what Leto might already know?
Edited by VergenceSorry, I forgot. I'd say it's a hard underworld check, add a boost for never having gone away for prolonged period to time, but also add a setback due to the active efforts the hutt has made to remain low key.
4 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:Sorry, I forgot. I'd say it's a hard underworld check, add a boost for never having gone away for prolonged period to time, but also add a setback due to the active efforts the hutt has made to remain low key.
Hutt Lore Underworld
0 successes, 2 advantage
Ok, so you don't know who, but you know that of the Hutt's on the world, this one is pretty low in the ranks. That's why he's in control of such a low income area, You'd also know he has multiple ties off world, including Tatooine.
Sounds fair. If Leto made a maneuver towards Re'peek, would it be near the backdoor and/or near the red velvet room hear Leto from that point? If the location by Re'peek is close enough to hear Leto speak, what kind of check would it be to inform or convince the guy who peeked out to see what was happening in the bar to overhear my conversation/statement about the Pilots insulting the Hutts being the reason the fight broke out and the checks difficulty. Would it be Deception even if the lone pilot trash talk the Hutts?
I'd say it'd be medium range if you're near the back door. You could shout to him from that range but with the fight, it would be hard to hear. It would probably be a deception to say the pilots were talking about the Hutts, but as they are already stuck in the fight, it may be a bit superfluous at this moment.
I was trying to get the VIPs overhear a fake conversation so when the ganks arrive they would blame the Pilots rather than the patrons. However, medium is way to far
to try that
If I perform my improved inspiring rhetoric talent using leadership, since nobody lost strain yet, could I spent my advantages to switch the Duros ‘bar fight focus’ on the Pilots?
Oh right, I misunderstood, I hadn't taken them into account at that point
I'd say they're probably long range as they're on the opposite side of the bar. Feel free to free to hold out your conversation to trick them. I'd say average deception with a boost for the confusion. Alternatively you can do your inspiring rhetoric (not sure what the range is but they aren't too far away) to change their target.
Improved Inspiring Rhetoric (Leadership) Rusty Droid
2 successes
Boost passed from Jace to Leadership check
0 successes
Forgot Jace's Boost to the roll but it was blank, anyway. So, no advantages but, each success is a boost dice to the parties actions within short range. I'll be maneuvering towards Re'peek on the counter side near the backdoor. I believe any two PC's around the counter should be able to claim a boost dice if desired to any action they perform.