Star Wars Clone Wars: Cyclone Squad OOC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Initiative (Vigilance) : 2eA 0 successes
a--.png a--.png


Pit Combat:

  1. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  2. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  3. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  4. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s
  5. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@P-47 Thunderbolt , fast to find their way round, slow to get there 😛

Discipline : 1eP+3eA+4eC+1eD 1 failure, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png c--.png c-f-f.png c-f.png c-th.png d-f-f.png

So close....

Oh, I’ll spend the 2 Advantage to recover 2 Strain.
Can I Maneuver into a slightly more defensible position (adding Setback against attacks)?

Initiative : 1eP+1eA 1 success, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png a-a.png

Pit Combat:

  1. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  2. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  3. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  4. @Shlambate
  5. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s
  6. @Xcapobl
  7. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@rocketrobie2 , you're up!

@Jedi Ronin , unfortunately I believe defensive stance is a spec specific move, however you could put the plinth between you and the enemy, that would add a setback dice to combat attacks against you.

1 minute ago, Rabobankrider said:

Pit Combat:

  1. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  2. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  3. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  4. @Shlambate
  5. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s
  6. @Xcapobl
  7. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@rocketrobie2 , you're up!

@Jedi Ronin , unfortunately I believe defensive stance is a spec specific move, however you could put the plinth between you and the enemy, that would add a setback dice to combat attacks against you.

I think by "defensible position" he meant cover. "Maneuver into cover."

In that case the closest thing would be the plinth, that would help in melee combat at any rate.

@Rabobankrider For my turn could I use aim as my maneuver and try to force toss one of the broken pieces of the horde at the unknown figure?

EDIT: Actually, if the aim plus move is allowed, I'll toss something at the horde since the unknown figure is further than short range away

Edited by rocketrobie2

@rocketrobie2 , sure thing. There's enough broken statue that you can make any silhouette up to silhouette 2. You can move and aim in a turn but it will cost you 2 strain. Both the horde and the figure are currently at medium range, so both can be targeted if you want.

Also just so you are aware, force upgrades stack, so for example if you have two range upgrades, they can be used for one force pip instead of 2.

Oh man I don't think I can reach any of them then, I don't have any upgrades into range so the farthest I can affect with a move is short range. I think I'll just move in one range band into short then lob something at the unknown figure.

EDIT: Scratch that, I didn't realize I did have a rank in range haha, I'm gonna go ahead with the aim and toss

Edited by rocketrobie2

Toss some broken statue at Unknown figure with Move : 4eA+1eB+1eD+1eF 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Light Side
a-a-a.png a-s.png a-s.png a-s.png b--.png d-th.png f-ls.png


Assuming I did everything right and this chump has 0 soak that's 5 damage. Also I'll use that advantage to pass a boost onto @Jedi Ronin .

Also let me know if I screwed up anywhere, like I said before I haven't monkeyed around with force powers very much to I might be delusional here.

Edited by rocketrobie2
14 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

In that case the closest thing would be the plinth, that would help in melee combat at any rate.

That's what I was going for. I'll start lobbing big statue fragments at them next round...

@Edgehawk @pyciloo we need your Initiative checks!

7 minutes ago, Shlambate said:

@Edgehawk @pyciloo we need your Initiative checks!

I don’t think I’ve found my way there, yet, but here: Initiative : 1eA+2eP 5 successes, 1 advantage
a-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png

4 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

I don’t think I’ve found my way there, yet, but here: Initiative : 1eA+2eP 5 successes, 1 advantage
a-s-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png

Nice! And Rabo asked for it preemptively before we got there so he would know the initiative for the next round I believe.

Pit Combat:

  1. @Edgehawk 5s1a
  2. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  3. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  4. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  5. @Shlambate
  6. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s
  7. @Xcapobl
  8. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@Shlambate is correct regarding the initiative.

@rocketrobie2 , unfortunately you need a second pip to activate the range, meaning the throw would fall short here. I am happy for you to say that Vinteer moves to short range to attack if you want, making this attack successful, but do remember that puts you in range of the advancing statues on their turn.

@Rabobankrider I'll do the move. Nothing ventured nothing gained right?


: 2eA+1eP 2 successes, 3 advantage
a-s-a.png a-s-a.png p-a.png

Edited by pyciloo

Pit Combat:

  1. @Edgehawk 5s1a
  2. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  3. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  4. @pyciloo
  5. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  6. @Shlambate
  7. Statue Horde: soak 3, 20/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s
  8. @Xcapobl
  9. @P-47 Thunderbolt 0s

@pyciloo , your attack is enough to destroy one of the statues, but unfortunately with horde rules that isn't enough to stop them advancing.

@Jedi Ronin and @rocketrobie2 , I just need a discipline check from both of you, no difficulty. If you beat 5 success and 5 advantage the figures power fails to affect you. If you fail the power does work and I will narrate accordingly.

As that is the round up, the rest of you arrive as a squad at your next location! I'm going to add that to the last ic as I forgot to.

For the clone squad, the crane does look damaged, but workable. Setting it up will take an easy mechanics with 1 setback, but it will cost the equivalent of three actions to do so. Working together you can divide that among yourselves. As you guys aren't in combat proper yet you don't have to go in order here if you don't want to.

The crane platform can fit six on it, and thanks to Vos you know there's supposedly three jedi down there. Of course you can send people down in multiple trips but you will need to decide who you want to send first.

Depending on how you want to do it, @Edgehawk , you're up!

Edited by Rabobankrider

@Rabobankrider , you say that RocketRobie takes damage from a check of 3eP+2eD+1eS, but it had 0 Success and so was a failure, unless I'm misunderstanding something. The Success from the Triumph was already counted into the result, if that was the confusion.

@Rabobankrider Assuming I do take damage, how much is it? I'm not sure what the base damage of the attack was supposed to be.

Resist some bad magic : 1eA+2eP 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png p-s.png p-s.png

Also no luck resisting the mysterious dude's bad mojo.

How do we want to split up to go down the lift?

Discipline : 1eP+3eA 3 successes, 3 advantage
p--.png a-a-a.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png

@Rabobankrider is the 5s5a threshold for each each of us or both of us together?

Heads up, once all or nearly all the clone troopers show up I’m going to kick off Battle Meditation.

Edited by Jedi Ronin