Star Wars Clone Wars: Cyclone Squad OOC

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Sil 0 does 5 damage.

Oh shoot really? Nice!

Where does it say that? I believe you but I just want to know where I missed it.

28 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Nope, no Brown. Captain Keeli's legion.

Oh yeah I forgot you mentioned Brown, well we are going to have Overlap unless we double up.

2 minutes ago, rocketrobie2 said:

Oh shoot really? Nice!

Where does it say that? I believe you but I just want to know where I missed it.

Page 299, long text of the control upgrade.

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Page 299, long text of the control upgrade.

Ah there it is. Thanks!

You can have the same colour as another legion, but just a different shade should resolve the issue.

@P-47 Thunderbolt , the survival check is for the group so you can pick your way through the tunnels with only a few mistakes, causing the 1 strain suffered.

The athletics check will be per character, so unless you stick together some may arrive before others.

Also anyone without a weapon can grab a droid blaster rifle, carrying standard blaster rifle stats.

Athletics : 1eP+2eA+2eB+3eD 0 successes, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png a-a.png a-s-s.png b-s-a.png b-s.png d-th.png d-f-f.png d-f-f.png

Aw darn it. Very close though.

What can I use the Advantage for?

You could help some others go faster with a boost as you direct them, perhaps find something smallish that may help you in the upcoming events, find out some more info on this place as you go, something like that?

20 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

You could help some others go faster with a boost as you direct them, perhaps find something smallish that may help you in the upcoming events, find out some more info on this place as you go, something like that?

Where exactly are we going again? To the Jedi?

So can Caieous target the figure behind the horde or is the horde blocking that?

I'll be using a Move attack regardless, just want to get targeting figured out. If I can target the figure I'd like to slam them into the ground and move them to Short range. If not I'll throw the Sil 1 plinth at the horde.

I have a very loose understanding of the scene. We clones are freeing trapped people, but also headed somewhere else (why? where?). Shouldn't we be looking to Gunslinger?

If we are abandoning the rest of these people and moving on, I'd assume we'd do that as a unit?

Also, don't we need to blow the ***** out of this orb thing with the pile-o-bombs we found?

Edited by pyciloo

@P-47 Thunderbolt , I should have clarified, I had made the assumption you guys would want to be heading in the direction of the rumbling. I've probably jumped ahead a little there as @Shlambate and presumably @Xcapobl are checking on the captives.

If anyone wants to rush in the direction of the tremors they felt, the athletics check will still apply, if you want to hang back in the main room your are more than welcome to. If anyone is running without @P-47 Thunderbolt or @Edgehawk however you will need to make the survival check as well to navigate.

@pyciloo , ic @Edgehawk is the sergeant, however you all still have full agency to act as you want. Unless it's against a direct order or something like that I don't anticipate there being issues with that, currently everyone has worked really well together :D You are also more than welcome to set the grenades up as explosive to blow up the orb, though you would not the loss of that green mist inside. It'd be an easy mechanics check to rig the grenades to blow on a short timer.

@Shlambate , it's just an easy medicine check with a setback to check vitals. Are you checking a survivor you grabbed from the alcoves or one who just got drained?

2 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

It'd be an easy mechanics check to rig the grenades to blow on a short timer.

Per the CRBs, grenades come with timers that can be set for up to three rounds (~3 minutes).

3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:

@P-47 Thunderbolt , I should have clarified, I had made the assumption you guys would want to be heading in the direction of the rumbling. I've probably jumped ahead a little there as @Shlambate and presumably @Xcapobl are checking on the captives.

If anyone wants to rush in the direction of the tremors they felt, the athletics check will still apply, if you want to hang back in the main room your are more than welcome to. If anyone is running without @P-47 Thunderbolt or @Edgehawk however you will need to make the survival check as well to navigate.

Yeah, unless @Edgehawk is rushing ahead, Driz will be staying back with the other clones. If we go ahead, then Driz will come along.

@P-47 Thunderbolt , good point, in that case you guys can stack however many you think you want to use and make a dash

Well if Gunslinger says to move out Slugger will.

Athletics : 2eP+1eA+3eD 1 success, 1 threat
p-s.png p-s-s.png a--.png d--.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

On colors.

I found a deviant art image for a phase 1 clone trooper armor when I searched for Clone Trooper medic. It is mostly white with black accents, and a red symbol on the shoulders. Barring my lack of specific knowledge of any timeline here, CT-4077 might just as well have completely white armor (probably with that medic symbol somewhere), and I don't have any objections to other colors at all. It is, after all, just one image among many thousands.

I have recently started to watch Clone Wars season 6 on Disney+, so I am getting the picture more and more. I saw the transition to Phase 2 armor and the likes. The use of colors other than a small band indicating rank.

On what he is doing.

CT-4077 is likely to stay and help with freeing and taking care of the people trapped in this bizarre area. He is a medic after all, and there seem to be clones and jedi commanders here who could use a little patch work. So unless specifically ordered to join any wandering parts of the party, CT-4077 is likely to stay where he is at currently, overseeing and helping with saving lives.

Edit: Saw the direct order in the IC thread. 😂 😇

Edited by Xcapobl

Pit Combat:

  1. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  2. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  3. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  4. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s

@P-47 Thunderbolt and @Edgehawk , you will be able to arrive next turn, @Shlambate , as the navigators are falling behind you, you'll either need to stick with them to not get lost, or try the survival check to navigate yourself. @Xcapobl , if you're sticking with @Edgehawk you don't need to do a check as they're arriving next turn. @pyciloo if you're following the others I'll need the athletics check from you.

@Jedi Ronin , the horde is in between you and the figure, however you can still target them with the force. If you want to move them it will require a vs discipline check. You can also throw the plinth at them with 1 setback, or attack the horde. Let me know which and I'll let you know the difficulty.

@Rabobankrider he will follow.

Athletics (I have Physical Training for the Boost). I'll heal a Strain.

: 4eA+3eD+1eB 3 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a-s-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-th.png b-s-a.png

Edited by pyciloo

CT-4077 will be following Gunslinger closely.

@pyciloo Does Brick really need a pistol?

16 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Pit Combat:

  1. @Jedi Ronin 4s4a
  2. @rocketrobie2 3s3a
  3. Unknown Being: soak-, -/- wounds, -/- strain adversary 3 1s3a1t
  4. Statue Horde: soak 3, 25/25 wounds, 5/5 men 1s

@P-47 Thunderbolt and @Edgehawk , you will be able to arrive next turn, @Shlambate , as the navigators are falling behind you, you'll either need to stick with them to not get lost, or try the survival check to navigate yourself. @Xcapobl , if you're sticking with @Edgehawk you don't need to do a check as they're arriving next turn. @pyciloo if you're following the others I'll need the athletics check from you.

@Jedi Ronin , the horde is in between you and the figure, however you can still target them with the force. If you want to move them it will require a vs discipline check. You can also throw the plinth at them with 1 setback, or attack the horde. Let me know which and I'll let you know the difficulty.

Not to get too meta-gamey but since we're using the phalanx rules I'm assuming that along with the way you've described the scene (great job) our characters can feel that essentially the marching foes are "endless" (at least in realistic survivable terms) so Caieous will use his battle tactics to think taking the figure out will give them better odds of dealing with the horde - and it's still at Medium soo....

I'd like to go for it and pull the figure closer and slam them into the ground. This also puts Vinteer in range of going after the figure if desired. How will this work - the way I read the rules the standard way is that the difficulty is based on the Sil of the object being targeted and not an opposed check and it's a ranged combat check so it doesn't default to an opposed check unless you decide otherwise, of course, meaning that Adversary, Defense, etc also come into affect on the dice pool. If it's just an opposed check (instead of a combat check) does extra success mean extra damage, etc?


Also, @Rabobankrider is the first page of this thread accurate, we have 3 LS and 3 DS destiny points?

On 11/13/2020 at 10:01 AM, Edgehawk said:

pyciloo Does Brick really need a pistol?

Yes please. Brick woke up w/o gear and he's a Ranged(Light) character when he's forced to use range. He prefers and has the stats for hand-to-hand combat so if you've got some brass knuckles laying around...

Edited by pyciloo

Sorry for the delay all. @Jedi Ronin you've seen hundreds, if not thousands of that statue up above you, so it wouldn't be meta to assume your enemies here are 'endless'. The difficulty of the check is correct as you state above, however, as you are moving the figure and not lobbing something at them, it will need a discipline check first to allow the check proceed. If you succeed the check then it will be a move check as you describe. The difficulty of the check is 4eC+1eD. The destiny points is correct.

The rest of the squad as they are sticking together will arrive at the next area in the next round of combat. I am going to pre-emptively ask everyone to please roll a vigilance check for initiative for that.