Star Wars: Jedi Quest OOC thread

By Tramp Graphics, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

1 minute ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Well looks like you found some. I'll let the triumph be what ever kind of ship you want. Advantages you see where it's going to land.

Are they Friendlies, or First Order? (Read the IFF code)

Edited by Tramp Graphics
2 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Are they Friendlies, or First Order? (Read the IFF code)

I was letting you choose, what's an iff code?

2 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

I was letting you choose, what's an iff code?

Identify Friend or Foe . Combat ships have them to help identify who their allies are to prevent friendly fire incidents. It's up to you as to whether they're First Order or not. I will use the truimph to get detailed technical scans of the ships themselves including the affor-mentioned IFF and transponder codes, weapons, system strain, etc.

4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Identify Friend or Foe . Combat ships have them to help identify who their allies are to prevent friendly fire incidents. It's up to you as to whether they're First Order or not. I will use the truimph to get detailed technical scans of the ships themselves including the affor-mentioned IFF and transponder codes, weapons, system strain, etc.

It's a friendly cargo ship. Yt2400 model.

OK, where's it headed?

The city that was referenced earlier in IC

I'm not sure why your going through all this trouble, you know where the other characters are. Just say you go to them.

19 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

I'm not sure why your going through all this trouble, you know where the other characters are. Just say you go to them.

I don't want to use player knowledge my character wouldn't know. That's why.

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

I don't want to use player knowledge my character wouldn't know. That's why.

Alright, well your Seek roll will direct to the First Order outpost.

4eF : 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side [4eF=LS/LS, DS, DS, DS]
f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

That's just enough LSPs to cover it. I head there. and look for a discrete landing area. what's my piloting difficulty and What do I see when I get down there?

Edited by Tramp Graphics
52 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

4eF : 2 Light Side, 3 Dark Side [4eF=LS/LS, DS, DS, DS]
f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png

That's just enough LSPs to cover it. I head there. and look for a discrete landing area. what's my piloting difficulty and What do I see when I get down there?

Your going to land at the outpost? 4 difficultly upgraded twice with 2 setbacks to not be seen landing.

Edited by killerbeardhawk
9 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

Your going to land at the outpost? 4 difficultly upgraded twice with 2 setbacks to not be seen landing.

OK. I'll use Enhance to boost my Pilotting (Space) roll. Give me a minute to make the roll.

4eF+1eP+2eA+2eD+2eC+2eS : 3 failures, 2 threat, 1 Despair, 4 Dark Side [4eF=DS, DS, DS, DS] [1eP=S/A] [2eA=S, S] [2eD=F/F, F/Th] [2eC=D, F/F] [2eS=Th, Th]
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png p-s-a.png a-s.png a-s.png d-f-f.png d-f-th.png c-d.png c-f-f.png s-th.png s-th.png

Not good. I should have had the ships' Autopilot droid give me a boost.

Edited by Tramp Graphics

So, what's the damage?

5 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

So, what's the damage?

I saw you have 1 rank of Skilled Jockey. It removes a setback, luckily they both of them were the same and we can just remove one.

You can roll boost, but unless you're going to use any Dark Side Pips the check will fail.

Fail and Despair means not only will you not find a secure landing site they are going to send a group of TIEs out to see what ship is flying so close to their out post. You have one action before they arrive.

I've have been PMing back and forth forth about introducing Koda. Here's a bit I said about dice rolls:

Sure your Foraging for food so it makes since. So start with a 1eP+2eA+1eD.

I would normally add setbacks as you taking food out of a animal pin but your Forager talent removes them. Depending on success or not you will have food to share with the baby Wampa.

After that roll it same thing, 1eP+2eA+1eD for a Survival check to calm the baby. If you come up with success on the foraging add a +1eB.

I believe we have ironed out the wrinkles and are ready for Kodas big reveal!

I have YYG in survival so would it be 2 eP+1eA+1eD ?

if so then this was my roll:

2eP+1eA+1eD : 1 success, 2 advantage [2eP=A, S/S] [1eA=A/A] [1eD=F/Th]
p-a.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png d-f-th.png

Edited by Mychal'el
13 minutes ago, Mychal'el said:

I have YYG in survival so would it be 2 eP+1eA+1eD ?

if so then this was my roll:

2eP+1eA+1eD : 1 success, 2 advantage [2eP=A, S/S] [1eA=A/A] [1eD=F/Th]
p-a.png p-s-s.png a-a-a.png d-f-th.png

Yup. Looks like you found something edible. For those advantages, you end up with 3 "rations".

13 hours ago, killerbeardhawk said:

I saw you have 1 rank of Skilled Jockey. It removes a setback, luckily they both of them were the same and we can just remove one.

You can roll boost, but unless you're going to use any Dark Side Pips the check will fail.

Fail and Despair means not only will you not find a secure landing site they are going to send a group of TIEs out to see what ship is flying so close to their out post. You have one action before they arrive.

That one rank of Skilled Jockey took care of the -1 to Handling the Jedi Star has.

I'm going to try and bluff them over the comms while using the Influence Social Checks upgrade (if I get enough LSPs) on the roll)

My base Deception is YGFFFF

What range can your influence extend to? Those ships will be extreme range.

Edited by killerbeardhawk
1 minute ago, killerbeardhawk said:

What range can your influence extend to? Those ships will be extreme range.

The Social Checks upgrade works over comms. This was clarified by Sam Stewart:


This was a follow up question to clarify how to use the Influence "Social Check" Control Upgrade in general, and to confirm its usage in 2 specific cases.


Hi Paul,

Yes, you may, (unless your GM rules that a specific situation doesn’t make sense, of course!).

Hope this helps!

Sam Stewart
RPG Manager
Fantasy Flight Games

On Jun 12, 2017, at 1:25 PM, wrote:

Message from:
Paul M*********


Rules Question:
Hi FFG, On page 295 of FaD we read: "Control Upgrade: The user gains the ability to enhance his arguments and charisma via the Force." Can I use such a force enhanced social check in all situations in which I can use a normal social check? For example, in order to: 1. Influence a large crowd of 1000 people? 2. Influence people over a comm link? Thanks for your help! :) Paul

So, I'm going to use the comms to hail them, and use Influence to make them more susceptible to my otherwise "lackluster" abilities in Deception.
3 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

The Social Checks upgrade works over comms. This was clarified by Sam Stewart:

So, I'm going to use the comms to hail them, and use Influence to make them more susceptible to my otherwise "lackluster" abilities in Deception.

The minion group of TIEs would have 2/3 discipline. I'm going to put a setback in there from the last threats you had. 2eC+1eD+1eS

2 minutes ago, killerbeardhawk said:

The minion group of TIEs would have 2/3 discipline. I'm going to put a setback in there from the last threats you had. 2eC+1eD+1eS

1eP+1eA+4eF+2eC+1eD+1eS : 2 failures, 2 advantage, 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side [1eP=A/A] [1eA=A] [4eF=DS, DS/DS, LS/LS, LS] [2eC=F/F, -] [1eD=-] [1eS=Th]
p-a-a.png a-a.png f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png c-f-f.png c--.png d--.png s-th.png

I use the three Light Side Points to add three successes. Making it one success, two advantage.

8 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

1eP+1eA+4eF+2eC+1eD+1eS : 2 failures, 2 advantage, 3 Light Side, 3 Dark Side [1eP=A/A] [1eA=A] [4eF=DS, DS/DS, LS/LS, LS] [2eC=F/F, -] [1eD=-] [1eS=Th]
p-a-a.png a-a.png f-ds.png f-ds-ds.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls.png c-f-f.png c--.png d--.png s-th.png

I use the three Light Side Points to add three successes. Making it one success, two advantage.

You bluffed them. Can you check on the Conflict chart how much lieing is?

Depending upon the purpose, lying doesn't inherently have one. It's only if it's for " Selfish gain " that it's conflict worthy, and then only 1 point (page 324 of the F&D core rules). I'm trying to avoid a potentially violent confrontation, much like Obi Wan did in ANH, so as not to take any lives unnecessarily.

I'm spending the Advantage to convince them to let me pass through. I'll then look for another landing site further away outside of the base's range.

What's the closest domed city to the base, but outside of its perimeter.?

Edited by Tramp Graphics

You got caught committing a crime (trespassing) and used the force to get out of its punishment. I would say that worth at least 1 conflict then.

What will you do once you land outside the base?