Also, you seem to have 110+150-210 = 50 XP left unspent.
Note, you can still spend 40 XP on attributes (so, effectively, 30 XP).
Edited by ArctanaarAlso, you seem to have 110+150-210 = 50 XP left unspent.
Note, you can still spend 40 XP on attributes (so, effectively, 30 XP).
Edited by ArctanaarGot the bigger they are
13 minutes ago, Matt Skywalker said:Got the bigger they are
But you can't. You have to buy a full 5th row of talents (25 XP per talent) to be able to purchase a Signature Ability.
Edited by ArctanaarThe next little problem you have with your character is that with Knight Level your limited to a maximum of 3 ranks in a skill (up from 2 for normal creation). So you will need to find something to do with another 45xp, may I suggest you raise a characteristic to 3 so Michael has more than one area of focus. I think you have Combat covered so perhaps find something outside of combat to be good at.
Finally, this works
Matt the way I see your character xp spend when you reduce the Melee skill ranks to the limit of 3 is:
110xp starting:
70xp Brawn 2 up to 4
30xp Presence 2 up to 3
5xp Toughened 1
5xp Physical Training
150xp Knight Level:
10xp Toughened 2
10xp Durable 1
15xp Armour Master
20xp Heroic Fortitude
20xp Toughened 3
25xp Improved Armour Master
15xp Melee 3
110xp spent, with 35xp left available.
25xp Dedication
10xp left to spend
Edited by Richardbuxton4 minutes ago, Richardbuxton said:150xp Knight Level:
10xp Toughened 2
10xp Durable 1
15xp Armour Master
15xp Blooded 1
20xp Toughened 3
25xp Improved Armour Master
15xp Melee 3
110xp spent, with 40 left available.
Matt chose Heroic Fortitude instead of Blooded, that's -5 available XP.
Spent. Phew, that's over
Thanks, I was looking at the sheet not his comments
1 minute ago, Matt Skywalker said:Spent. Phew, that's over
I think that it would be best if you put Heroic Fortitude in your list of talents.
3 minutes ago, Arctanaar said:I think that it would be best if you put Heroic Fortitude in your list of talents.
Swsheets never saves properly
I see you added Dedication and a second rank of Durable, but that's 45xp and you only have 35 to spend. Perhaps instead of the Durable talent you could get the second rank of Physical training or increase one of your skills from 1 to 2.
14 minutes ago, Arctanaar said:
Matt the way I see your character xp spend when you reduce the Melee skill ranks to the limit of 3 is:
110xp starting:
70xp Brawn 2 up to 4
30xp Presence 2 up to 3
5xp Toughened 1
5xp Physical Training
150xp Knight Level:
10xp Toughened 2
10xp Durable 1
15xp Armour Master
20xp Heroic Fortitude
20xp Toughened 3
25xp Improved Armour Master
15xp Melee 3
110xp spent, with 35xp left available.
25xp Dedication
10xp left to spend
Here is an updated list
I updated my sheet with backstory and a description for his motivation and obligation. I also added the staff and the armor to the sheet leaving 7400 GC to the party.
He's Bull to the party, but if there is ever an fight in the Pit the crowd knows him as The Mad Bull!
I think @Richardbuxton said we should try and link our Character Backstories, so how did we all meet?
Well, Bull might have been rented from Zero via the school. If it's allowed, Vyrr probably recognised that Bull is a Force Sensitive, and used the excuse of needing muscle to protect the business. The actual reason being that keeping another FS person close the Chadra Fan may learn more about it and expand their own skills.
The others may probably have been talked into becoming shareholders of the shool, in order to secure the control of it, with Bull also becoming one later. Vyrr probably knows them from team matches in the arena.
Edited by ArctanaarSo we have a Ludus, is Vyrr the Dominus? I would assume Bull may be one of the teachers if we have other gladiators of our own?
If nobody is against it, I wish to express my desire for Vyrr to have been the initiator of the idea of owning such an enterprise, as well as the first owner of it. Could tie my character closer to Zero in this way.
Also, we seem to have 7400+1000+2000+960 = 11360 credits to spend on our resources.
Landspeeder, Expanded Focus for the business, and Special License are going to cost us 8500 credits, leaving us with 2860 credits. If somebody wishes to donate 140 credits, we can put an auto-blaster on our landspeeder. Another option I see right now is spending 2500 of the remaining money on the second expansion of the business. That will give us 400 of monthly income per character.
I am willing to cover all the obligation costs for upgrading the business.
Edited by ArctanaarI'm fine with Dominus Vyrr and his Ludus. So we have other gladiators in here correct? I can put down another 185 sure. Seeing as I put the biggest share in the money Bull will definitely be the Doctore, or head coach. I've been playing a lot of Domina and watching it on streams so those are all the Roman Terms.
I visited the Ludus Magnus ruins yesterday!
Edited by RichardbuxtonI think I am sort of done with backstory and description. Will add more later, probably, but this should work for now.
Assumin Matt does not want to add anything to their swsheet, our characters seem to be finished.
As for the business+landspeeder budget, I propose the following purchases:
Total expenses: 11000 credits.
I will be able to build something to put on the speeder (personal-scale weapon, though, as opposed to planetary; the cheapest planetary-scale options I see are 3000 auto blaster and 4000 light blaster cannon). When we get 4000 spare credits, I suggest spending it on the armour attachment, to bring the speeder's Armor to 1.
Sounds good. Since y'all going for fighty-shooty-stabby types I think I will probably roll the Healer to balance the par-tay. Finishing up the Backstory and stuff today.
1 minute ago, Revanchist said:Sounds good. Since y'all going for fighty-shooty-stabby types I think I will probably roll the Healer to balance the par-tay. Finishing up the Backstory and stuff today.
Assuming you are going to have a lightsaber, that's going to leave us a couple thousand credits short of 11000, assuming you don't take additional starting credits. Ouch.
Otherwise, a healer is, indeed, the more needed type of character right now. Story-wise, though, I was more interested in Lutrina, actually.
24 minutes ago, Arctanaar said:Otherwise, a healer is, indeed, the more needed type of character right now. Story-wise, though, I was more interested in Lutrina, actually.
Let him come up with a backstory if it works with party it should be fine. A healer does sound good, cause if Bull is getting force powers it definitely won't be Heal/Harm he's too dumb for that he's stubborn enough for everything else that does damage though.
5 minutes ago, Shlambate said:Let him come up with a backstory if it works with party it should be fine. A healer does sound good, cause if Bull is getting force powers it definitely won't be Heal/Harm he's too dumb for that he's stubborn enough for everything else that does damage though.
I was not at all saying that the idea of Sevrath does not sound good, nor was I trying to influence Revanchist's choice. Furthermore, I did point out that Healer is very much needed. Indeed, a dedicated/semi-dedicated healer or replacement thereof is incredibly good. Note, despite the fact that Vyrr could learn to use Heal/Harm effectively down the line, it would be very expensive.
Speaking of progression, would it be okay for Vyrr to take Manipulate later? Influence? Seek?
Manipulate would be cool, Influence is also a good one.