Can you reveal the exact details on the mulligan mechanic (exact timing during the first turn, if we set aside then draw, then shuffle, etc)?
When can I take actions? Only in the conflict phase or is there any other time point where an action can be played?
Once we have enough cards revealed to comprise two legal decks, can we schedule a live streamed game with the developers?
question answered
Edited by KisekiStory
When do we get at least a “cliff notes” version of Rokugan history? It would be nice for the CCG players to be on the same page as FFG and be able to tell new players who ask “so how did the story get this way” without having to preface it with “well in AEG’s version…” which could confuse them.
As part of that why didn’t you do a little blurb about the elite units of the Crane like the Kenshinzen, the Daidoji Harriers, the Kakita Artisans, the Emperess’ Guard? It would be nice for CCG players to know if those organizations are still around or not, and give new players an idea what those organizations.
It would be nice to include this for the future clan previews.
Will there be solitaire rules? There are times when it could be useful:
Deck testing: There are times when an idea for a new deck comes to a player and no other players are around to test the deck against.
Real life happens: There are times when a players group can’t meet and the player is the only one who can play.
Clan decks: After a certain number of printings could we get Clan starters made with core set cards? It would be a low price entry for new players looking to get in. They would still need to purchase a core set at some point but would be a good entry point for the game.
I know it’s still too early for this, but in the forums there is some players who prefer the new RPG keep the Roll and Keep system and some players that think that the new RPG should be based on the system found in the Star Wars RPG.
Would a developer be willing to give their thoughts on Roll and Keep and compare the advantages and disadvantages of both systems?
Also another issue dating back to the AEG forums is that the story was driven exclusively by the card game, and that RPG players had no way to influence the story. Will Development and Story address this when its time to make the RPG?
11 minutes ago, ldorn said:
Clan decks: After a certain number of printings could we get Clan starters made with core set cards? It would be a low price entry for new players looking to get in. They would still need to purchase a core set at some point but would be a good entry point for the game.
I really like this idea! It'd be a great way for entry players to "catch up" once the game has reached a certain tipping point.
and for people who have 3 core sets it's an easy way to build a second deck of their favourite clan.
I have a few questions surrounding the game:
- When are Mantis going to be playable?
- Is there a plan for integrating the Spider players into the L5R experience (since their Clan is not in the new story and Shadowlands is not going to be part of the story focus "yet")?
- These card look really lovely. Even the backs of them. Any chance we'll be able to use clear card sleeves during tournaments so we can enjoy the way the cards look?
- Is Fumio a Kitsune spy?
- Any plans yet for custom L5R sleeves or deckbackers?
- Are you ready for how loud Thursday will be at Gencon yet?
- Any thoughts on Naval?
- How about Archery/Ranged Attacks?
- I really like playing Mantis-Kitsune Honor. Can this be one of our themes?
Why Mantis when you can be the Fox clan itself?
Ryosei > Yoritomo
On a scale of Hotaru to Tsuruchi, how awesome is Nerishma?
My questions:
Can you talk about multiplayer nooooooow...?
Also, do you have any cool information for us Dragon Clan players? Maybe a cool little factoid?
5 hours ago, Mig el Pig said:Why Mantis when you can be the Fox clan itself?
We know who our friends are.
And unlike some Clans, we don't turn our back on Family.
Edited by Coyote WalksCan you describe the kind of ways players interact with the story? Will there be ways beyond tournament wins or will there be something similar to (but more interactive than) The Battle of the Trident promotion that was run recently for A Game of Thrones? If tournament performance is how players interact with the story, will the players be locked in to their choices by the clan they choose to represent, or will they be allowed to make choices that are independent of the deck they came to play with that day?
Can you discuss what your Organized Play team has in store for L5R players? Will the prize structure for official FFG events be developed in a way to encourage or discourage clan loyalty?
As per your other LCG products, we will eventually see "big boxes" - will they be clan focused like in A Game of Thrones, or will they be story focused like in The Lord of the Rings?
For other products regarding L5R: since the old books no longer tell the new story, do you plan to release some new novels for the new timeline?
Sleeves for tournaments: will be cardbackers with clear sleeves allowed, or only opaque sleeves? And if cardbackers are allowed, can we use the old AEG cards officially?
Any chance for a male gay character in the "main cast"?
Is dueling, storywise, legally restricted to iaijutsu duels to first blood/death with katanas? Or maybe we are going to see some more flexibility, allowing for wider variety of choices in weapons and win conditions, turning Crane style of "single drawing strike with swords, one party gets wounded, duel ends" into the purest and noblest option, but not the only one?
22 minutes ago, WHW said:Is dueling, storywise, legally restricted to iaijutsu duels to first blood/death with katanas? Or maybe we are going to see some more flexibility, allowing for wider variety of choices in weapons and win conditions, turning Crane style of "single drawing strike with swords, one party gets wounded, duel ends" into the purest and noblest option, but not the only one?
As a Wasp, I would support the addition of quick-draw archery duels. XD
Do you intend to support the 'Fumio the cat' and 'Nerishma is always being ambushed' jokes? Can you confirm whether the artwork of Nerishma represents a different ambush from the one happening in the 'Her father's daughter' story?
@Design Team: The Fate and Honor Dial mechanics are very intriguing concepts. They both give lots of flavour to the new Legends. Can you give some examples of other systems you tried out before settling on those 2?
@Story Team: Are their minor Clans, and if so, for which one do you have the most sympathy?
Fun Question
For those at the table, what is your favorite Clan and why?
52 minutes ago, BlindSamurai13 said:Fun Question
For those at the table, what is your favorite Clan and why?
Better : Why do you love the Crane Clan ?
55 minutes ago, BlindSamurai13 said:Fun Question
For those at the table, what is your favorite Clan and why?
Maybe we should clarify that to, "what is your favorite Clan currently in the game ?" Otherwise, it's no fun if they all just say, "Wasp Clan".
They were asked that question in the team covenant interview. From memory mate said scorpion and another designer picked crane. Cant remember what brad and storylead said. Steve said dragon on social media earlier as well.
Affairs seem pretty common among the samurai class, at least. Are they common among the lower class, too, or do peasants value greater fidelity?
Ashigaru marry for love more than politics.
So probably not as common, but it almost definitely is still a thing.