Xenomic's Fan Sets (Now accepting requests! See first post for more details)

By Xenomic, in UFS General Discussion

it's not really an issue, just adds a bit of support to a character otherwise lacking of any.

I'm starting to wonder if, when named "Ryuu" my character can use Ryu only cards. it's certainly the same in japanese...

I hope to have my deck done i a few days.

EDIT: turns out it's really not an issue, though writing "Yuri Lowell" looks a bit of on the card. it's the same with Rock Howard though.

Xenomic - making more cards than UFS does.

Hey Xe, have any of your cards been made real unintentionally?

My Bryan Fury is THE EXACT SAME AS UFS' BRYAN FURY except that mine has Death as opposed to the real one which has Fire (but the effects are both the same, as is HS-vitality ratio).

My Paul Phoenix is very similar, but again, mine has All-Earth-Fire, theirs has Order. Mine doesn't have the damage pump, it has "E Commit, discard one momentum: Your Punch attack gets [Powerful: 3]".

Trust me when I say that I've seen some mechanics and cards that I've made that are VERY similar to what I've seen in the game, and I've had them made long before those cards ever showed up. Of course, NJ could fill you in better than I could right now on the different things, but yes.....

can I get a clarification on " Fighting Through The Ages ", is it really meant to ive me a damage bonus equal to my momentum squared?

Hey xenomic, can I get the templates from you? Just send me a pm with the templates, thanks.

@Draco: That's meant to be a "1 for 1" deal thing.....that was back when I did wonky wording. lol

One last question: do you have any more "Aura" cards like Parting Ways ? I've looked through all your fire cards but if there are any in other symbols I would like to know. thanks.

What do you mean by "Aura"? You mean like the first ability on Parting Ways or something??

yeah, I should have explained.

I use my own invented card type "Aura" for cards which enter the card pool or have their effect based upon a trigger, rather than ever being played.

Ah, then the Duel cards from Guilty Gear are the only other cards that are like that then IIRC

thanks, I really hope to get this finished soon.

no offence but I am sick of looking at your cards!

sorry for double post but the edit button has disapeared.

do you know which fire foundation destroys itself to give my attack +X equal to the number of attacks in my discard pile and under some condition, unblockability too? I can't remember and it's vanished from my list.

I have no idea. In UFS or my fansets? And which sets have you looked through that would help in finding it? x_x

fansets and I've looked through them all, that's why it's taken so long.

I know it's fire (or infininty) but that's all.

I'll post my first draft of the deck now on the other thread.

pictures in the guilty gear section seems to be erased.

Are you making sure to check the left side for folders and the such?

Edit: never mind I get to see the folder now. my bad XP

by the way love the cards especially the Ki cards, they look cool.

Someone said that you had some KI cards, but I don't see them anywhere on your photobucket page.

Eh? I don't have any Killer Instinct cards o_O

Oh nevermind, that one guy said he liked your ki cards. So I thought he was talking about killer instinct.

Eh....I'm feeling bored lately, so I might make some new stuff here soon....don't hold me to it though.

Hey Xenomic, as I mentioned in another post, I was wondering if you could hook me up with a file with all the templates such as blank Characters/Actions/Attacks Etc, as well as copies of the symbols, and all other goodies. I know i used to have a zip file, that I found on the net, but my computer crashed and I can't find it again. By the way, I love some of your sets. Awesome abilities.

Need email if I'm going to send anything...

Sure thing boss, E-mail is [email protected] Give me a shout any time. Thanks a bunch.

Sending the templates to you. Enjoy.