Jailbird and the Desperatos IC

By TheShard, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

Caess looked around the room, he had less than 200 credits. "Jaycen." he called, not sure where he had gone to "We seem to be a little short still, do you have enough?" Caess thought to himself depending on what we do next, we're going to need more credits.

Jaycen hands over his credstick. "Here, that should cover it."

Deduct whatever is needed, though Jaycen only has 7k, so that's the upper limit

Edited by KungFuFerret

"Lady says this ain't a ride around the block. I'm ready to fly as soon as the signature's clean."

By the time you gather your things to leave she's done.

Alrighty, have fun, again keep patrols at arms length, if they get in close they are gonna know something's off.

Make the first jump, its already programmed in, I'll send the final coordinates then...

Edited by TheShard

Dex slides behind the pilot cluster and prepares for takeoff. "Cue, confirm jump coordinates set, for the first leg of our journey to.." Wherever it is we're heading.. "I have a good feeling about this!" he finishes lamely, trying unsuccessfully to convince himself. "Roll call." When everyone has reported aboard, the pilot flips the appropriate switches and the engines come to life. "Commander?"

Caess sat down in the co-pilots seat, "Looking good." he responded to Dex "Jaycen," he said turning "if you could use the coordinates to figure out our destination before we get there, it will help us avoid surprises, most of them anyway. Kai, I can't think of anything for you to do during this trip, but if you think of something to do that will help bring it up. Caess turned back to Dex "After everyone is seated, it's whenever you're ready." And let's hope that we're not in for a bad surprise.

Jaycen pulls up the display screen on his datapad with the information, and plugs the coordinates into the navicomputer. He watches the numbers cycle through their calculations, the progress bar sliding towards a complete trajectory. It lets out a little happy beep, and blinks a blue-green indicator. He gives the crew a thumbs up. "We're good to go, jump when ready."

Dex takes the shuttle upward, leaving the spires and canyons and poor cuisine of Iego behind. He takes a moment to appreciate the beauty of its many moons, as he navigates to the jump point. The trip is uneventful, to the relief of all. The bright streaks of stars resolve into points of distant light, as the pilfered shuttle exits hyperspace.

"Kai. Man the scanners, if you will, and let's see what's out there?"

@Cartergame Scan the Enemy Action is a Hard Perception check, if you don't mind?

2eP+2eA+3eD : 1 success, 1 threat [2eP=S, S] [2eA=A, S] [3eD=Th, Th, F/F]
p-s.png p-s.png a-a.png a-s.png d-th.png d-th.png d-f-f.png

Their first jump was eventful. However, after the second, Kai noticed something strange.

"Hey, guys! Nothing to panic about but either we've got a tail. Or there's a galactic space cephalopod feeding out here and we happened to chance upon it... This is a strange reading from the scanners. Here, I'll load it on the holovid and you can see for yourself!"

After the first jump you received a set of coordinates like promised.

(Please roll astrogation for second jump... Its for Tattooine, your choice of coming in close or far, far is an easy check close is hard)

"Okay, Cue, It's in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim.. twin suns.." Dex confers with his astromech, and together they plot the best course for Tatooine. "Alright, buckle up, folks. Let's do this."

Can I resolve the Advantages, depending on our situation upon exiting hyperspace? Closer to the planet, avoided detection.. If no immediate use would apply, perhaps our Astrogation check when departing Tatooine can benefit (easier, faster)?

Description Astrogation to Tatoo system
Results 1eA+2eP+1eB+1eD : 3 successes, 4 advantage [1eA=S/A] [2eP=S/A, S/A] [1eB=A] [1eD=-]
a-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png b-a.png d--.png

Yeah go ahead! I'll be more involved after Saturday

Dex mostly observes, while the Q7 unit whirls through the astronav process, until he spots something.. "Hold up, there, Cue, back it up.. there! I know I told you to play it safe, but this looks like it will get us past whatever presence the Empire may have at this desert backwat.. er.. oxymoron..? Backsand planet."

Indeed, even at close approach, there is no blue to be seen on the surface of the desolate planet. What are we doing here..?

Edited by Edgehawk

You emerge from hyperspace close to the planet, it looks as if your worry about imperial patrols is misplaced, there is none to speak of.

The coordinates your Ithorian friend gave you look like the middle of nowhere, as if you aren't already in the middle of nowhere.

Its 80 kilometers south of Mos Eisley near a a large canyon. It looks to be an old mining (former?) settlement.

Caess examined the data on the site that they were going to land at, an odd place to meet under normal circumstances, but there's not much that's normal about this.

"Dex put us down near the outskirts of that settlement, I don't want to land in the middle of something. Also have one of the droids keep the engine running in case we need to make a quick exit."

Caess exited the cockpit, time to get ready to meet whoever they were picking up.

Dex pilots the ship down closer to what appears to be an abandoned mining town. Finding an outcropping of rock near the rim of the canyon, he parks the shuttle in its shadow. Maybe the rock will play havoc with sensors from higher up, too..?

Exiting, he stretches, and swaggers out into the scorching desert suns.

Jaycen squints into the glaring light of the planet, "Ugh." he says, physically feeling the light hitting his eyes, causing pain. He takes out a bit of thin cloth, and wraps it around his eyes to act as a minor bit of light filter. Plenty of light cuts through the mesh material to see, but at least he isn't feeling the headache building up between his eyes any longer.

"I know you wanted to go for a subtle approach, Commander, but this rugged terrain won't make for an easy approach.." or hasty exit..

"Wanna stash the shuttle in the hangar? Anyone here probably knows we're coming, at this point.. This place is trying very hard to look like a ghost town."

"Hmmmm, with all the rocky crags and overhangs it also looks like a perfect place to set up an ambush... I could scout ahead and check things out as you guys make your way into town... but then again anyone watching us would suspect then that we're the ones trying to set up the ambush." Kai sighed, "Guess, we should all go in slowly so they don't get itchy trigger fingers and we get through this nice and smooth. OK, Dex go ahead and park the shuttle in the hangar so as not to be seen by any overhead satellite drones. Let's go make our fortunes, gentlemen! Shall we?"

The desert brings to mind an old tune, which Dex begins to whistle as he steers the shuttle in.

I feel a hot wind

On my shoulder

And the touch of a world that is older..

"Hey, Kai? Remember this one? Wall of Poodoo, I think..?

So of course they bust out the refrain, in unison:

"I'm on a Tatooine, whoah-oh, radio.."

Their Commander performs the Sathari equivalent of clearing his throat, and their less-than-harmonious vocals taper off.

"Fine.. You worry too much, Sir. We'll just call it in.. (wait for it..) on our Tatooine, whoah-oh, radio.." The commander's expression is always hard to read, but there is not so much as a twitch in his beak. No sense of humor.. or appreciation of fine music..

..I wish I was in

Mos Eisley

Eating dewback, barbecued nicely..

Dex can't get the catchy tune out of his head, as he calls their arrival in, first dialing-down the range to discourage interception from afar.

"Ghost town, ghost town, this is the shuttle.. Barbecued Dewback. Request open hangar bay doors, for parking privileges, over."

After a long pause you hear a com channel open and somone fumbling around before a young voice crackles over the coms.

"Uhh... This is Anchorhead municipal docking... Are you trying to land here at... Anchorhead?"

Edited by TheShard

"I'm on a Tatoo-ine radio... who-oa", Kai echoed his friend's song which was now stuck in his head as well. He looked around the room at the others and grinned knowing it would soon be in theirs as well.

Still humming he changed the words to the song halfway through...

"Can't understand

it's a riddle...

Hey do you guys think that voice sounds little?"

"That's affirmative, Anchorhead municipal. Appreciate it!"