Jailbird and the Desperatos IC

By TheShard, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

"Cleared to land........ Uhhh its Barbecued Dewback? 5cr an hr 40 for the day 100 cr overnight, members get half off rates and special pricing for a personal slip..."

The voice cuts off, and the hanger which overlooks and leads into the beginning of the canyon, starts to slowly and loudy creak open, a dusty red light flashes till the door is fully raised at which point a green light flickers on.

Edited by TheShard

(This is part of the town, opposite side from the canyon) 125?cb=20060319150412

Caess, sat back after hearing the end of the conversation, "Well I suppose once we land, there won't be much to do but wait. The only question is where? Aside from our ship, which is going to draw plenty of attention, does anyone have any other ideas about where people who need rides wait for their contacts?" Caess looked around to see if anyone had an idea beyond waiting in the ship, which isn't a terrible idea, he thought to himself, Tatooine, whoah-oh, radio, darn it...

"Guess we'll find out. But since this is such a sleepy town we probably won't have to wait long. He'll be sure to find us if he's in town..."

The hanger is much bigger then what is current usage requires. A dozen or so T-16's line the walls, a half dozen more in various states of disrepair.

A young man in his late teens heads towards you as you disembark, he's already sporting a thick dark mustache.

Dex smiles as he disembarks and spies the Skyhoppers lined up. "For getting around planetside, those things are a lot of fun!" Turning his gaze back to the young man approaching them, he extends his hand. "Dex Stryker, Thanks for the welcome."

"Uh... Hello. Biggs, how long you staying?"

He adjusts a cheap name tag that says "Darklighter". He's looking your posse up and down.

"Where are you all from?"

Edited by TheShard

Biggs Darklighter!? And I thought my name sounded like that of an adult holo-actor.. but at least it's not my real name.

Indeed, when he had defected after graduating from the Imperial Flight Academy, Kaimer had helped him to construct the legend of Dex Stryker. Their Commander knew he was operating under an assumed name, but had only been given his bona fides.

"Hi, Biggs, always a pleasure to meet a fellow flyer. You do fly, don't you?"

"We're from.." Dex looks around at the others. " Well, all over, really. We don't expect to be staying long.. Don't get too many strangers, here, I take it?"

Not much more than beat up freighters, I mean its no snubfighter but that's a nice bird that sentinal! Do I fly? Lets just say i'll thread the needle in begger canyon over there, while still bullseyeing a wonp rate at a 100 meters! My T-16 is down at the end she's a beaut, been working this gig for parts money the last few summers and to get off dad's farm. But this is just practice. I'll be getting off this rock, headed to the academy after summer!

Impressive, even if it's only partially true. Too bad he's going to the academy... Caess thought to himself. "Hello, Biggs. I'm Caess, pleasure to meet you. It takes quite a bit of skill to pull off flying in that tight space and still be able to hit anything. So does that mean you're going to try and become a fighter pilot at the academy?"

Not sure yet, dad says officer but i guess I'll see when I get there.

"Say what you will about the Empire, but I understand their flight program is top notch.. A good place to earn your wings."

"And of course, if you want to fly the fast ships, you'll be earning an officer's commission in the process."

Oh, Frakkit, just tell him..

"If you're as good as you say, and you have the option.. go to Skystrike Academy , an elite flight school on Montross. The twin suns might even remind you of home."

Edited by Edgehawk

"Yes, I've meet a few," Shot down actually... "most of them came out of the academy quite skilled."

Well if your staying, and you wanna see a show me and a few buddies will be blazing through begger's tomarrow.

"Thanks for the offer but I don't think we'll be here that long. Actually, we're just here to pick something up. Or someone?" Kaimer looked to the others for confirmation about their cargo.

"If you make it to the Academy.." never mind.. can't go there.. "Try to keep an open mind. They won't want you to, but try."

"And yes. Know anyone on this rock waiting for a lift off..?" Besides, like, everyone.. "Around here, that is?"

Back in the hold of the ship Kaz sat in the dark. **** this, bloody hiding is the worst. The floor plate had been easy enough to lift when they first got on board and made their escape, the hard part had been making it look like it was still fixed down. All the bolts where cut off, with just the heads welded back in place, hinges had been fashioned at one edge and a simple yet strong clasp at the other.

Less time had been available to make space for the beefy Gank and his droid. He could barely get on his knees to stretch, crouching or laying was mostly it. There was a good supply of food, even if it was crap, lucky when they where in hyperspace he could actually get out and roam around the ship.

After days of this Kaz had had enough, the 6 hours of exercise he just had was too good, so with no sound of guns or fists he unclasped his hideout hatch and climbed out. Moving quietly he got to the loading ramp door and watched the little meeting going on

That kids going places, I can feel it

You can try the local tavern. However we got a saying most are from mos... Usually one of the bigger cities is where you'd find people looking for transport. Mos Eisley ain't far.

Anyways nice talking with you.

He walks back to his station and fills out paper work between flipping pages of Speeder weekly.

No pickup? No welcome party? We must be early... Kaz scans the hanger looking for entrances, somehow his eyes seeing through shadows as if they were not there. If we are early then they got to come in some place, unless they’re already here.

Dex wistfully watches the young pilot, remembering his own excitement at the prospect of attending the Imperial Flight Academy. Guess the indoctrination didn't take, with me.. now's not the time for a recruitment pitch, though.. We have a mission to complete.

"Mos Eisley is 80 klicks to the North.. I say we head to the local cantina, first." Besides.. maybe they have barbecued dewback on the menu...

(Its a short stroll, the "town" ain't big. Just narrate yourself there...)

Kaz draws the hood up on his thick robes, leaving his bulky shield behind in the hold and strolls down the loading ramp and falls in beside Dex If there’s any informants out in this dust bowl that things too dam conspicuous when the heat is on . As he walks he keeps adjusting his Lightsaber, tucking it deeper and deeper into folds of the fabric.

”A bit quite for a pickup...” is all that escapes the hood in his rough voice

"Come on, guys. Let's see what's happening at the Anchorhead Cantina." Dex entreats the others, not looking forward to even a brief stroll alone, with Kaz..

Enemy of my enemy, and all that.. but I don't fancy getting Ganked on this dust bowl...

"I'll catch up in a minute." Caess said walking quickly back to the ramp and up towards his R2 unit waiting inside. "Omega One, watch the ship, if anyone that's not us or with us comes close lock it up. Got it?" The droid beeps affirmatively and Caess heads back down the ramp to catch up with the others heading to the cantina.

As you walk towards the Tavern, the streets are pretty barebones. A couple of well established shops show a flutter of slight activity, but many more shuttered. Some of the dead shops are boarded up others have large colorful flimsiplast posters stuck over the windows for the local racing league. Other posters for Darklighter Moisture Farms Inc., Mos Eisley Canteena weekend live music and drink specials are also used to disguise the run down condition of the main street.