Jailbird and the Desperatos IC

By TheShard, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

The big Klatoonian takes your money and grunts at the robed man in charge.

"There a 3 day backlog on processing papers anyways. After that point we will be able to match your transponder signal to known ships."

He shakes your hand, "Enjoy your stay till then. Let me direct you to our exchange office and commissary."

He turns briskly obviously annoyed. You get the feeling this isn't normal protocol to receive a personal reception.

As you walk off the landing pad the big Klatoonian growls at Jaycen, "Don't cause any trouble, doubt bring any... Leave before you over stay your welcome" He quickened his stride to catch up to the administrator

Edited by TheShard

"Sure thing! I won't cause any trouble!" He waves to them, being specific. In his line of work, he's found it always helpful to stress that point. He rarely causes the trouble when it shows up, but he does react to it. He looks at the others. "Ok, let's do what we need to do and get out of here."

A muun and squib are bickering behind a plain desk with a series of monitors behind them, many broken. A series of time clocks with various important trading port times hang above them most not functioning or correct. Its a poor attempt at a commodity exchange.

They quiet and turn and face you. Neither was hello.

The administrator points it out and continues on. He points out a dingy bar with a couple of bored humans, and a kiosk that lists various businesses.

"Enjoy..." He says unenthusiastically, they turn and leave.

Edited by TheShard

" Rough joint, just the way I like it" Kaz mutters before splitting from the rest for a little while No use intimidating this poor friend with the whole crew...

He makes his way across the room to the bar and sits down near some locals. Addressing the human behind the bar he says " Drink please barman, stiff but none of that expensive stuff " and drops 5 credits on the counter.

" You ever buy a ticket off world on a ship sight unseen? Don't! Trust me, I speak from experience... Names Doug, what's to know around here? "

(looking to make a Streetwise check to learn some things about local problems. Also any rumours about our friend we are meeting)

The big Herlic bartender, holds up his finger, "hold on!" He gets off the com, and waddles over to you. He pulls a tube off the wall, and un corks the end, it streams a dark violet liquid into a skinny black vial like glass and places it right in front of you and takes the credit chip.

"Don't make trouble, stay away from Rosie's unless you like spice, and don't cross Drueger, tip handsomely...

(If you want to know more you'll have to roll... you choose the difficulty based on what your trying to know... For really rare or highly illegal items would be underworld.)

Edited by TheShard

"Your off that imp transport eh?"

He takes a step back looking you up and down. (The threat is the ship you rode in on doesn't go unnoticed.)

"That draws a lot of attention you might pay to not have eh?"

He mentions a few names of people who might be interested to help you.

Dex drifts into the bar, in the wake of their mysterious passenger.

"Ebla, please. And I'm hungry enough to eat a dewback. Don't suppose you could rustle up a plate of ribs? What's the local time, anyway?"

(Its early evening... the afternoon has ebbed and the routines of night are setting in. Feel free to pick a specific time)

"Ebla, sure... here you go."

He slides it down the bar, and gives you a nod of acknowledgement and sits on a massive stool at the far end and looks up at a holoscreen running a news program.

"Kitchen closes soon so no ribs..."

It takes him a couple of minutes of being distracted by the screen, he grabs a flimsaplast print out with a list of bar food.

"It closes early today... Been slow."

He sets it down in front of you and heads back to his stool, his eyes on the holoscreen.

"Try the double fried d'il pyykkles imported straight from Lothal" he says without looking at you.

The menu is stained and dusty. It says "Bor'Gee's" in thick lettering flickering with a dim neon glow.

"I got this all night... If you staying... got a good combo for breakfast and brunch, both got bottomless Corellian caff, and i make em stiff and strong, and dantooine flapjacks with fern potato hash. And brunch is fried gorg wedges with half order of space waffles, nerf chunky gravy on top "

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* Kaz's stomach rumbles loudly

"Pickles it is, then, thanks- and some for my friend." (motioning toward Kaimer)

Dex takes a deep draught of his beer, and looks up at the holoscreen the barkeep is so engrossed in watching. News, huh? So long as we're not featured in it...

"Hey friend, Bor'Gee, is it? What's so interesting in the news that you can't enjoy some hungry customers and bar patrons looking to drop money in your establishment?" Kaimer asked the Herlic as he reached over and pulled the menu from Dex's hands to review the options.

"If the grill is closing soon then what kind of cooked meat can we still get? We're starving and willing to pay for some good protein and vegetables." Kai grinned at Dex. "If I'm buying the first round, then I'm at least getting to order first..."

17 minutes ago, Richardbuxton said:

Kaz's stomach rumbles loudly

"Kriffing frell, man, was that your stomach!? Fry some up for the fella over there with the rumbly tummy, too."

Edited by Edgehawk

He hollers out the orders and a gammorrean who you hadn't noticed before in the corner stirs to life. He was behind the bar snoring, he grunts at the bartender and puts on an apron and a stupid hat that doesn't fit his bulbous head and designed to catch hair that he doesn't have.

He grabs a shipping box under the counter and grabs a few plastibags ripping them open and dumping them in the frier.

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Caess pauses at the entrance to the bar where most of his crew had gone. He scans the bar to see if there's anything suspicious, he sees various patrons in the bar, nothing of note there. Then he spots a spice vile in the corner not unexpected on a planet like this. After scanning the bar Caess turns his attention back towards his crew. Caess decides to join them, he walks over and sits next to his crew. "Nothing for me." he tells the bartender.

Jaycen looks at his pad when a message lights up. He reads it noncommittally and then says to the others. "So we're free until tomorrow. Do what you want, I'm going to go back to the ship and see what I can find in it."

Jaycen goes and hides in the ship, his mind still out of sorts from previous events. He busies himself with what he knows, computers. Plugging his slicing equipment into the ship, giving the astromech a light rap on the head by way of greeting, and it chirps in response. He sits down and loses himself in code. The light blue glow of the holo-displays and screens illuminate his face, his attention fully devoted to their flickering images and lines. He hardly moves, other than his hands and his eyes. He feels himself beginning to recenter, devoting himself to something familiar. As he slices his way through the Imperial code and defenses, he begins to find interesting bits of information.

He tilts his head slightly when he reads about an atmospheric containment device, curious, wonder who that's for he thinks to himself. Records of other prison transports catches his eye as well, and then various manifests and shipments and crew logs. He will sort through that later. He sighs, feeling more grounded, and then proceeds to move the bodies of the dead Imperials that were in the ship with them, into an out of the way corner. He cleans up any mess as best he can, and then heads back out to find the others, and let them know what he's found.

Kaimer sighed and wiped his brow as he helped Jaycen move bodies. He did his best not to show his squeamishness and meanwhile, he considered what to do about the dead crew members. Actually, he had an idea about keeping their identities and taking pictures of the troopers' faces, retinas, and scanning fingertips in order to impersonate them at a later date. It was slightly morbid but he could buy some industrial strength acids and bases to dispose of the bodies entirely or they could just bury them somewhere on this dusty planet.

"Hey Jaycen, you said this is part of a non-standard military or "irregular" military group... Guerilla or Special Forces, perhaps? Since we have the various planetary drops this ship made can we track down the history of each insertion and crosscheck locations or timelines of Imperial activity? Also, the 3 Prisoner Transports after they left which 3 planets? Maybe there's someone important that they may have snagged.

"Maybe, most of the information and what we can use will be finding secret Imperial bases or finding this Special Forces group's Homebase since they probably travel to and from some central location. Then, we can bomb them or better yet just break them down.

"Then, using the Personal Logs maybe you can find out various soldiers info about them and their families, then use their birthdays, anniversaries, and any other dates who are important to those individuals. Then, you can try to hack into their identities for access to their banking info or more important, Imperial Access ID's.

"I'm just brainstorming here... Would any of that stuff work? Also, Maybe you can ID these troops and send their tags back to their families for burial or something?

"Also, atmospheric containment device... Like transporting an aquatic based life form? Or one in freezing temperatures or extremely hot temperatures? Hmmmm, do we know anyone who got snatched from the Rebellion or any missing scientists or smart people or other VIP types?

Edited by Cartergame

Dex returns to the ship, and promptly retches pickles and beer all over the deck.

"Frakk!!" he sputters loudly. "I can handle 9 G's with barely a grimace, but the stench of death will have me swabbing the deck, every time."

Quickly washing his face and gargling some fresh water, the pilot dons his flightsuit and helmet, activating its life support system. "That's why I wanted to be a fighter pilot. So my kills would be sucked into vacuum, sterile, civilized-like."

Dex cleans up his own mess, then assists Kaimer and Jaycen in their grim work. Kai won't stop talking. It's how he handles situations like this. Better than spewing all over the ship, I guess. Has some good ideas, at that.

"You're right. If we can put this vessel to immediate use, before it's blacklisted, we should. And if this was indeed some sort of irregular unit, we should definitely keep the identities for future use. Sow doubts about their current status. Have they gone rogue? Are they on special assignment? Clandestine operations? Kai, buddy, you're good at this. It scares me a little, I have to admit. Glad you're on my team."

Flanking Jaycen at the holoterminal, Dex offers some keywords for the search: "Prison/ Prisoner, Force/ Jedi, Rebel/ Resistance, Cell/ Unit, Asset/ Recruit, Security/ Intelligence, Facility/ Depot, Base/ Headquarters, Squad/ Squadron, Weapon/ Munitions... Oh, and Ribs/ Dewback. Those pickles didn't do it for me."

Edited by Edgehawk

Caess went with the others back to the Sentinel, turning onto the ramp after Dex. He had forgotten about the fallen Imperials. Caess provided Jaycen and Kai, then slightly later Dex as much help as he could. Sathari were not known for their strength so he wasn't sure how much he actually helped. When they were done Caess acknowledged the two droids who had stayed behind with the ship. Always good to have someone watching over the ship.

Caess listens to the Kaimer and Dex talking about words that might yield some useful information from the Imperial computers, they seemed to have covered a lot of the possibilities that I can think of. "Good ideas." he tells the two of them "'Fleet' and 'Deployments' might also give us something, maybe 'Storage' but, that might yield the same results as 'Depot.' Unless we can find a new set of codes for this ship I think that Dex is right and we don't have much time to use it in."

Hmm.. Help me out, here, Cue .. The spherical Q-7 unit floats over on its repulsors, chirping. Now I know the pilot shouldn't have been keeping a log with anything mission critical in it, particularly if engaged in special operations, buuut .. it might be worth a look-see.. Sliding behind the pilot's cluster, he accesses the terminal and begins searching, scrolling through the usual locations where a discreet log might have been kept. During his stint training with the empire, he had supplemented his official logs with a personal file hidden in plain sight, where he kept notes and recorded observations. Some pilots he knew, kept veritable diaries filed away on their consoles, filled with their exploits. Hopefully this pilot's ego drove him to inadvertently leave us something useful..?

Hey, guys.. might have something here..

Oh! And if you're still offering, Jaycen, I'd be grateful for a night in a real bed.

"Yeah that's fine." He says absently while he was going through the database. He sighs and rubs his eyes, clearly weary of the deep dive. "I think a few drinks and a bed sounds just great right now."

Cueball trills with discovery, and Dex starts to skim through the most recent entries to the log they'd found.

"Looks like this team had a female passenger that made them uneasy, had them on edge..." What would it take to do that, to a task force such as this..? " Did anyone ever figure out what that thing was, back there?"

"No, but I guess I'll check out the Cargo bay and see if maybe there's something inside that can provide us with more information." Kaimer observed Caess struggling to open the door and moved to assist.

"May I?" he asked before smoothly pulling out a tool from his right front pocket and bypassing the keycode entirely in order to slide open the latch and open the door with a flourish and a grin.

"Tadaaaah", he said with a bow... Then, looked into the room...

Caess had been getting irritated that the door hadn't been opening, he and Omega 1 had been trying for some time, then Kaimer came up and opened it right away. "How did you... never mind, we can talk about it later if we need to, lets see why the Imperials locked this up." Caess said, looking past Kaimer into the cargo bay

The cargo hold is mostly empty. There is a few crates and boxes stacked and belted to a wall with a cabinet and shelves opposite. There is a transperasteel wall cordoning off the back third.