Jailbird and the Desperatos IC

By TheShard, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion Beginner Game

"So, where are we headed around here?" Kaimer asked the group in a general question. "Anyone got a contact or a source that we can use on this planet?"

Kaz pokes his head into the cockpit after seeing they had dropped out of Hyperspace. " That was quick, is this where you guys have a hideout? Seems like a nice out if the way place... yeah, what's it called? " He finishes, echoing Kaimers question

Edited by Richardbuxton

Dex turns to Jaycen, "Iego, huh? Never heard of it. Any idea where this 'Cliffhold' of yours, might be?"

"You don't say! Built into the side of a cliff! I'm guessing it's not on any maps..?"

"My contact said it was over here." He taps on the monitor when asked. "And yes, it is held onto a cliff, they might not be very creative with their naming convention in that town, but at least it's accurate, and not something like Rivertown, while being nowhere near water."


This is what you see as you approach.

Edited by TheShard

" Well would you look at that, seems a delightful place... which one of you lives here exactly?" Seems pretty out of the way, not bad for rebels trying to stay under the radar.

"None of us live on this planet, one of our contacts are here." Caess said in response to Kaz's question "Seems rather informal with no landing protocol." Caess said "That's probably a good sign, the Empire loves their protocols." Caess looked out the cockpit window . "Looks interesting with all those different elevations. Jaycen do you know what part of this... town, your contact is in?"

"Not exactly, but it's a safe bet she'll be near the ships. She has a..thing for them."

" A contact, is this one of your rebel contacts or someone else? What where you supposed to do after 'rescuing' us?"

What the **** are these people? No orders, no command chain, no organisation!!!! How'd they even expect to survive let alone beat the Imperials. Looking out the window Kaz scans the smuggling town looking for signs of danger, perhaps ships he recognises or some such

You get an automated docking replay when you get within approach range. No voice, just a set of protocols that scrawl across one of your telescreens. Doesn't seem to be any other ships on the docks today.

" Landing pads that are privately owned, will subject of varying rates, our 2 small public pads are 100cr to dock and 50cr a night, we have 2 large public freight pads which have varying rates that can be negotiated by contacting shipping and receiving, loader droids available for a small fee. Appoach slowly, wait your turn, any collisions or weapons discharge will be subject to swift action by the local constable. Please visit the local exchange desk for current exchange rates, enjoy your visit."

16 minutes ago, Richardbuxton said:

" A contact, is this one of your rebel contacts or someone else? What where you supposed to do after 'rescuing' us?"

"We were going to figure that out after we got away. Our information about them coming after you was very last minute, we we're improvising until we could get a breather. You're welcome by the way." He quips back, given the tone Kaz was using. He reads the notice. "The fees won't be a problem, so just find us a good spot when it's our turn and I'll handle the expenses." He types out a quick communique to his friend Shah, letting her know he was in the area, and with a potential present for her.

" Ha, ok well at least we got away... I guess it's the best we could hope for ". Kaz says in a somewhat sarcastic tone before taking a more constructive approach " Do you have someone you do take orders from? Or is this more a freelance operation? " he sighs a little too loudly "I guess I owe you guys a fair bit now, if we get down there and you're in need of help just let me know."

How bloody longs it going to take to work this debt off now? His internal thoughts cutting right to the point hurt more than he would have thought. He isn't one to be tied down and owning someone you're life sure is a big string to tie yourself to. He turns to the little Droid floating next to him

" TwoJay let's grab a couple of things and get ready to see someplace new, you never know we might find you a friend this time!"

the string of beeps seem to be insulting and probably profane in nature as he little orb let's Kaz know he doesn't like the joke

Edited by Richardbuxton

Dex takes their pilfered imperial craft in closer to the cliffs, selects a suitable landing pad, and sets it down. Rapping his hand on the flat side of the control cluster, he gets up. "Unless our next assignment really is to land on an ISD, we'll probably want to be trading this baby in? By the bye, Sorry for imping out on you guys back there.. my head wasn't right, like I was under some sort of duress? I'm not explaining it very well, but there it is. First round's on my buddy Kaimer, here!"

Leaping up from the pilot's seat, he claps his friend on the back.

"The best you could hope for?" Dex sputters in disbelief. "I'll have you know... you'd've been bloody frelled back there, if you hadn't happened to have the galaxy's premier pilot at the helm, outflying those TIEs in this... brick..." Dex's innate humility causes him to continue, qualifying his hyperbole with, "I'm not saying I'm the best, but I haven't seen better- And I've flown with some of the top aces out there!"

The Gank just snorts at the boast of flying skills " Buddy, that storm saved your dewbacks rump, and if it hadn't I would have sent them packing with the turret... you just saved us all the effort! Any way we made it" he looks around and shrugs " ...here, and for that I'm grateful to you all. Let's make the most of what we have of it before perhaps reporting back to some resemblance of hierarchy. It would probably be a good idea to, you know, tell them you succeeded? "

Caess looks at Kaz "That would be a good idea, if we had a non-Imperial long range transmitter. But, since we don't we'll have to figure something else out." Caess turns to Dex "Never underestimate how much easier having an Imperial ship can make entering Imperial systems. I have a feeling that using Imperial ships will be very helpful to the Alliance one day." Caess turned to exit the cockpit to see if the Imperials had left anything obviously useful in the ship.

"Oh, and Dex, try to find somewhere to land so that we'll at least be hard for the locals to find, don't want too much word getting around about an Imperial ship landing on Iego."

As the landing repulsors kicks the dust up from the landing pad you can see a a dozen people waiting in a sheltered opening leading to the landing pad, a few are armed security.

(You can just rp this, or make any checks you'd like... you are in an imperial craft, and while you managed to evade the crappy orbital sensors they certainly noticed you landing and are probably assuming you are imperials, and it is a troop transport, and Tarkin and other Moffs have been pushing imperial control into the outer rim... so keep all that in mind)

Dex grabs his coat and buckles on his cutlass, mementos from his homeworld, then swaggers down the ramp. Probably better to be taken for a pirate, than an Imperial, until we can make contact with the local cell. Keeping his empty hands half-raised, away from his body, he approaches the welcoming committee.

"Where can a guy get a drink around here?"

Caess turned from his inspection of the cargo area to see Dex heading down the ramp with a swagger towards a greeting party. Corellians; act first, ask permission later. Caess sighed then followed Dex down the ramp hoping to hear what his approach was, it wouldn't look very good if they started contradicting each other. Caess was just starting down the ramp as Dex spoke.

" Well this should be fun " Kaz quips as he joins Caess heading down the ramp. Wrapped around him is his long, dark grey and heavy robes. His belt on the outside clearly holds a pistol which is really just a distraction from the cylindrical bulge barely visible in a concealed pocket. The shield across his back is far more memorable, perhaps the feature most would recall if asked to describe him.

On the landing pad he stops short of Dex, there to provide support but clearly not engaging in the conversation Best not to upset anyone just yet, well at least until we know more of what's going on...

As Jaycen exits the ship, he continues to message Shah, informing her of the hot nature of his surprise for her, and asked her to meet them in the nearest cantina. Sounded like he wasn't the only one who needed a drink or seven. He gestured to the nearest location with glaring neon lights, a sure sign of a drinking establishment. "Over there, my friend will be along in a bit, we can unwind in the meantime."

Kaimer grinned at his friend's reckless audacity and headed down the ramp after scanning the surrounding area for possible ambushes.

He teased his friend, "Dex... After that ordeal, I'm happy to buy the 1st round to celebrate our surviving yet another adventure of your wild flying..."

Edited by Cartergame

"Uhh... Well..." Stammered the lead figure in a poorly pressed administrative robe,

He glanced over to a big klatoonian carrying a long gun over his shoulder. The klatoonian looks back and shrugs. The rest of them shuffle awkwardly waiting for some direction from the man in charge.

The Klatoonian, looks impatient, "Papers, manifest, duration?

"Forgive me, gentlebeings... I'm afraid I mistook the nature of this welcoming party, as perhaps you have mistaken the nature of our visit?" Dex gestures toward the liberated shuttle. "You see.. This is more of an.. informal rest stop. We shan't be long, and we do not seek trouble- nor do we bring it with us." Turning to the others: "Please open the ship's purse, and provide our, uh.. papers ?"

"I apologize if our arrival has disturbed you at an inopportune time, but we will be well on our way, shortly."

Jaycen looks up from his data pad at the exchange. "Hmm? Oh, yes, my apologies, lots on my mind. Hi there." He walks up to the Klatoonian and gives him a slight bow of greetings. "Hi there, Red Herron, nice to meet you, representative for Duplicitous Duplications? We're here on business with a business associate of ours." He pats at his pockets of his regular clothing, he curses loudly, and slaps his hand against his hip, clearly angry. "I can't believe it!" He glances over at Dex, and makes a -can you believe it?!- expression. "I left them, AGAIN! We left the office and I left our credentials planetside, again!" He looks over at the administrator. "I'm sorry, I know this is a hassle for you. It was what, 100cr for the docking fees and 50cr storage of the ship per night right?" He reaches into his pocket, taking out several credit chits. He hands over 150cr without any hesitation. "And the standard fine for lack of papers is what another 100cr yes?" He places it in the being's hand. "And the fee for the necessary work needed to clear such a mixup is, what I think still 100cr yes?" Another set of chits fall into his hands, smiling at the Klatoonian, giving him an expression of understood sympathy, for the problems and trials of lower management. "And you good sir, I know this is a hassle for you, and I doubt you get overtime for making sure everything is above board and smooth, so how about another 100cr for your time and effort on our behalf hmm?" Another set of chits gets added to the significant pile, the clink of their material a happy little noise. "Do you think that will take care of us for the foreseeable future? I promise we don't intend to stay long. A day or two at most, if that." He waves his hand at the notion of a long stay, as if it's the farthest thing from his mind. He continues to beam at the administrator and awaits his response.

(Make an easy check with 2 setback dice for the shuttle and a boost for your rp)