54NCH32 IA Paintworks

By 54NCH32, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification


Hera Syndulla:
Poor Hera sat unpainted a long time, so thought I'd finish her off. The wash on her trousers went a bit too dark, so I ended up spending a fair while trying to bring back the orange's brightness, but was overall really pleased how they came out (after being quite disappointed after the wash stage). The new brushes are feeling a lot nicer to use, holding their point very well so far. And yes! I did some eyes! haha.


- Defo think I need to invest in a decent camera (been using my iphone, so I'm at the mercy of natural light most of the time).

- Decided to reactivate my instragram (after about 4 years!), where I thought I'd share my pics along with more WIP photos etc, attached to them. www.instagram.com/54nch32

- I also noticed after washing I had painted the bottom of her trouser brown by mistake! Ah well ;)

Edited by 54NCH32


Just a quick and dirty paint job to get it on the table. May go back and highlight it at some point, but wanted to continue with something a bit more interesting (an alternate paint scheme for Vinto).



Do you thin the wash down before applying it? I've made several attempt on my AT-ST and every time it looks someone greased it with oil. :(

11 hours ago, aermet69 said:

Do you thin the wash down before applying it? I've made several attempt on my AT-ST and every time it looks someone greased it with oil. :(

I did thin it down a bit, but the trouble is, you still need to be quick to cover the whole thing, to prevent lining. It's not the best technique, i kinda just wanted to get it done for the table, i actually have some water flow pens coming that would have been better to line the panels with wash, but a) i forgot and b) i got impatient!

(I used 3:1 nuln / lahian medium)

Edited by 54NCH32
On 2017. 02. 18. at 1:31 AM, 54NCH32 said:


C3P0 (Combat Refit):
(Never been a fan of gold, so 3P0 got a more battlefield appropriate paint job.


100% 0-0-0 but good.

26 minutes ago, NagyLaci said:

100% 0-0-0 but good.

Ha, I Know right?!

I painted him up like that (never been a big fan of gold or 3P0 in general ha!) before 0-0-0 was released, but yeah, sods law :)

Edited by 54NCH32


Vinto Hreeda:
Vinto is the first up from Jabba (coz he looks so cool!). Figured I had painted enough dusty/brown coats on the rebels, so thought I'd give Vinto a bit more style, with a black coat/brass armour combo (a scheme which I decided he would carry over to his trusty blasters). Great to paint, really enjoying highlight blue lately ha! and pretty pleased how his skin tones came out (just Moot green with a camo wash and some subtle highlighting). Not sure if another hero or the jet troopers are up next, but I've also got a few awesome hasslefree minis in the mix distracting me from the IA queue.


- Started some very early workings on a large scale IA/Armada campaign for my group. One has been bugging me for a while about how cool it would be and despite the hard work it will involve, I'm inclined to agree. So have started drafting out some initial ship and on foot missions (as well as the layout of their home ship using IA tiles and photoshop.

- I reshot a better pic of Hera (using my workplace's pimp Canon EOS750) will get her(a) up soon :)... couldn't resist the pun

- I've dusted off my instagram after 3/4 years of non use, as I actually have stuff to share on it with all the painting I'm doing these days. I've started posting WIP pics and will be putting up my Hasslefree stuff on there as well. (www.instagram.com/54nch32)

- Apologies for the IA painting delay, the aforementioned Hasslefree minis have taken up a fair chunk of paint time. Just completed this Ash from Evil Dead for my desk at work (I know, not IA related, but here's the evidence that I've been busy ;)...

Edited by 54NCH32

Not to much to report, but thought I'd share a floor plan from some initial ideas for a possible mega campaign (IA+Armada).

Played around with some ideas for initial fleet engagements and ground missions, and put together a "home base" (A Pelta cruiser from the fleet) map for the group (which I will likely print out for ease of set-up, pieced it together from a map build photo, photoshop and some image hunting across the web). So this will be where they will level up and buy stuff, and also move the narrative along. Much like our "base" in our ongoing zombies RPG.

All a bit pipeline at the mo, but gonna have a think on it now and then when `I get time, bit busy painting some more Hasslefree at the mo, but also been prepping my Jabbas realm minis for the queue (Jumptroopers first, well Vinto was first, so next I guess!)


- Think of dettol stripping an officer this weekend and see how it goes, and maybe update some core stuff here and there, if only there was time ha!
- Loving the news of Tyrants of Lothal, (seriously though, I check in daily, walk away for a few hours, and they announce all the things! typical) can't wait to get my mitts on the rest of the Spectre crew and some deathtroopers. (And another Thrawn! ha!).

Edited by 54NCH32

that looks awesome.

4 hours ago, Rogue Dakotan said:

that looks awesome.

Cheers man, I spent many an hour on an Armada campaign (which it lacked at the time) but we never got round to finishing it. May well bring some of those left over ideas into this one.

My friends and I often chatted on and off after gaming sessions about adding the two together and one of the guys keeps going on about it, so sod it, imma write some epic star wars miniature campaign s**t.

I'll try and keep updates and resources up on here as I go, being a graphic designer by trade, I don't things by halves haha.

p.s. Big fan of the podcast, keep up the good work

9 minutes ago, 54NCH32 said:

Cheers man, I spent many an hour on an Armada campaign (which it lacked at the time) but we never got round to finishing it. May well bring some of those left over ideas into this one.

My friends and I often chatted on and off after gaming sessions about adding the two together and one of the guys keeps going on about it, so sod it, imma write some epic star wars miniature campaign s**t.

I'll try and keep updates and resources up on here as I go, being a graphic designer by trade, I don't things by halves haha.

p.s. Big fan of the podcast, keep up the good work


A cross-game adventure has been something I've fantazised about for a long time lol. I'm excited someone's actually taking the initiative to make it happen. I look forward to seeing updates.

I think it my old brainstorms, the heroes flew in a YT-2400, and had to infiltrate an Imperial Raider, so Armada, X-Wing, and IA could all coexist lol. ;)

Cheers, It'll be a labour of love when I can, but will defo try and get something going. (When stupid adulting stuff doesn't get in the way first of course ;) )


Jet Troopers :
Decided to take advantage of the good weather and prime a few things, which led to me randomly finding the drive to paint these guys. Grabbed some thick balsa wood and cocktail sticks to fashion something to hold them while painting and it worked out pretty good.

Didn't paint all the armour seals with colour accents, as it started to drive me a bit mad. I even had to walk away for a few hours to persevere! Still not too bad to paint, great sculpts and again, no tricky to reach bits. Didn't go overboard on the highlighting, just a bit here and there to tidy up and accentuate .


Edited by 54NCH32


Ok, its not, but I quickly painted up a spare Tau drone I picked up to use as a token replacement for J4X-7. Keep mulling over plans to sculpt him, but other projects have been keeping me busy. Hopefully starting Heart of Empire tonight, so thought I'd better get on it! The aurebesh on the side reads "JAX". #idontdotokens ;)


Edited by 54NCH32
59 minutes ago, 54NCH32 said:


Ok, its not, but I quickly painted up a spare Tau drone I picked up to use as a token replacement for J4X-7. Keep mulling over plans to sculpt him, but other projects have been keeping me busy. Hopefully starting Heart of Empire tonight, so thought I'd better get on it! The aurebesh on the side reads "JAX". #idontdotokens ;)


If you were looking for a Drone mini that resembles J4X-7, try the Gun Drone from Beyond the Gates of Antares.


Edited by Indy_com
12 minutes ago, Indy_com said:

If you were looking for a Drone mini that resembles J4X-7, try the Gun Drone from Beyond the Gates of Antares.

Nice! I very nearly bought some of those a while back, but I never pulled the trigger in the end

****, they look good! How are you planning on handling the fact that they can be in the same square as another figure tho? :)

54 minutes ago, GyldenDamgaard said:

****, they look good! How are you planning on handling the fact that they can be in the same square as another figure tho? :)

Cheers! We'll just swap out for token if that occurs (same as for the 3d terrain I've built i.e. terminals/crates)

Excellent. Geez, if my stuff looked half as good as yours, I'd be home free...

Happy Celestial Conflicts Day everyone!

Apologies for the lack of updates, been lending my brush and time to some other universes...

Just started work on Shyla (Onar lost the draw of who's next), currently deciding whether to shade her blue jumpsuit before painting the armour plates, just leaves little room for error if I do, mag glasses don't fail me now!

Edited by 54NCH32

Bit of progress on Shyla, thought I'd give her some tribal style armour markings...

Shaded and ready for some highlighting tomorrow...

Looks good!

The tribal markings on the armour plates are a neat idea!