3D printed Talisman miniatures/Terrain

By Leavon, in Talisman

Awesome sauce! Thanks Leavon :)

Well re the mines my pun gun seems to have gone off prematurely with my shots flying high and hitting the previous page, so with adjusted sights hear they are again.....

Some lovely painting there Leavon

The overturned rail cart is first class and just the ticketl on your new mines piece.I don't think anyone will rail against that peice of design.

Just look out for the bogey man whos a well known sleeper in the game.

Your just far too talented and obviously have a one track mind, probably having to train every day to maintain your creativity but don't get ideas above your station. I'm looking forward to painting my wagon, being born under a wandering star, but if I spend too long I may end up with a tender behind.

Will there be extra carraige to pay on this piece?

Oh and I love wearing platform shoes but tend to take them off when I get on the train. (Thats enough..Ed)


14 hours ago, 80sVamp said:

Well re the mines my pun gun seems to have gone off prematurely with my shots flying high and hitting the previous page, so with adjusted sights hear they are again.....

Some lovely painting there Leavon

The overturned rail cart is first class and just the ticketl on your new mines piece.I don't think anyone will rail against that peice of design.

Just look out for the bogey man whos a well known sleeper in the game.

Your just far too talented and obviously have a one track mind, probably having to train every day to maintain your creativity but don't get ideas above your station. I'm looking forward to painting my wagon, being born under a wandering star, but if I spend too long I may end up with a tender behind.

Will there be extra carraige to pay on this piece?

Oh and I love wearing platform shoes but tend to take them off when I get on the train. (Thats enough..Ed)


I'm so sorry Kate! In my flurry of Spare Oom based activity I had forgotten your pit puns on the previous page. "Pun gun" :lol:

It's coming....



It's also flipping awesome!

Cue deluge of werewolf puns from Kate... ;)

'A Leavon Werewolf in Talisman' (Does this mean we have to re name the Tavern 'The Slaughtered Lamb'?)

Howl I ever think of more puns about werewolves (der wolves..we've had that one... Ed).

It is a splendid piece of scenery Leavon and will transform the board. I quickly wolfed down my dinner so I could come back up stairs to have another look. Fur instance how did you get such detail on the wolf?

When its ready you'll have to pack it all in the box and hopefully it will be delivered on Moonday. (though it may never get here if its travelling by ship across the Atlantic)

All we need now is a squad of Dog Soldiers and some super glue..(and if you haven't seen the film I strongly recommend it)


Lovely painting there Leavon.

Order on its way.


1 minute ago, 80sVamp said:

Lovely painting there Leavon.

Order on its way.


Thanks Kate and thanks for your order! It's a fun one to paint.

i wondered how you would give this faceless werewolfden a face. Putting the werewolf into it with that gesture is once again a fabolous surprise from you.

Talismanisland wrote on his website that you are working on the runes next. Runes or Ruins ?

Edited by magicrealm

Werewolf turned up this morning and is a super model. The detail of the werewolf's body inside the cave is brilliant and I'm really looking forward to getting my paintbrushes on it.

I've just finished painting the oasis and fully endorse Leavons suggestion of a base coat first. In fact I painted everything before assembly which is even better as details such as the rope that secures the awning to to the poles would be hard to do with the palms in place.

Whilst painting it reminded me of one of those mini dioramas you would get with Matchbox 1/76 model tanks.

So if your not using it for Talisman you could always park a PzKpfw 111 alongside with the crew filling their canteens. It even has the cow skull on the base!!


I've just laid out my board with all the scenery to date and should hopefully get my mines and werewolfes den painted and on the board this weekend.

It really does look super.

If you don't mind me making a suggestion Leavon as to what is left to be done I will list them below though I am mindful that you are the one doing the work.

This is how i think you could package them:-

1/Runes (I think your on to these anyway after Mr JN's suggestion)

2/Crags and Forest (as a set as they are only quite small)

3/Pit fiends (with the way you produced the werewolf this could be a nice piece with the fiends coming up out of the gloop)

4/Chasm (a none card bearing spot so no conflict with cards being on the same space)

5/ Terrain Pack. consisting of the ruins, a hanging gibbet and signpost (for the back straight) a wooden cross with a cows skull in in the middle (between sentinal and graveyard) and possibly a tree with a noose (next to the ruins)

Not sure if the Hidden Valley would work as where would the three cards go?

As I say thoughI know you have a life outside of providing Talisbling for gamers so please take the above as a discussion rather than an I want...



Edited by magicrealm
On 15/12/2017 at 6:39 PM, 80sVamp said:

I've just laid out my board with all the scenery to date and should hopefully get my mines and werewolfes den painted and on the board this weekend.

It really does look super.

If you don't mind me making a suggestion Leavon as to what is left to be done I will list them below though I am mindful that you are the one doing the work.

This is how i think you could package them:-

1/Runes (I think your on to these anyway after Mr JN's suggestion)

2/Crags and Forest (as a set as they are only quite small)

3/Pit fiends (with the way you produced the werewolf this could be a nice piece with the fiends coming up out of the gloop)

4/Chasm (a none card bearing spot so no conflict with cards being on the same space)

5/ Terrain Pack. consisting of the ruins, a hanging gibbet and signpost (for the back straight) a wooden cross with a cows skull in in the middle (between sentinal and graveyard) and possibly a tree with a noose (next to the ruins)

Not sure if the Hidden Valley would work as where would the three cards go?

As I say thoughI know you have a life outside of providing Talisbling for gamers so please take the above as a discussion rather than an I want...


Good suggestions Kate! I am working on the Runes at the mo after that I quite fancy doing Dice with death.... There's definitely potential in a lot of the spaces you've mentioned, watch this space...


Edited by magicrealm
On 17/12/2017 at 10:50 PM, Leavon said:

...watch this space...


Just wanna say a quick Merry Christmas to all from Spare Oom Studio! I hope you all get some quality table time with friends and family over the holiday. We're off to deepest darkest Wales for Christmas, the car is stuffed to the gills with pressies and board games, good times!

"""cough cough""" Scenery Leavon ""Cough"


Hi Leavon!

Your portfolio is absolutely stunning! What an amazing job you've done bringing so many elements of the board to life.

I'm new to the thread, so I apologize if this has been answered already, but are you planning on creating any of the digital edition characters? I'd certainly buy some! :)

Thanks so much, and keep making awesome stuff!

On 14/01/2018 at 6:34 PM, 80sVamp said:

"""cough cough""" Scenery Leavon ""Cough"


Sorry it's been a bit quiet of late, I've been trying to catch up on the orders that came in over Christmas, I took 2 weeks out and it created a bit of a back log. Once again I'm snowed under with freelance work and I don't have a great deal of spare time at the mo. I'm hoping I can drop back on to the Runes in a couple of weeks time.

On 19/01/2018 at 4:18 PM, Thicc Goth GF said:

Hi Leavon!

Your portfolio is absolutely stunning! What an amazing job you've done bringing so many elements of the board to life.

I'm new to the thread, so I apologize if this has been answered already, but are you planning on creating any of the digital edition characters? I'd certainly buy some! :)

Thanks so much, and keep making awesome stuff!

Welcome! Thanks for the kind words, glad you like the work. The digital edition characters have been discussed a few times on here and I have made a start, the Exorcist model is earlier in the thread. I do hope one day to find the time to create some more of the digital edition characters. It's really as and when time allows.


Edited by magicrealm
56 minutes ago, magicrealm said:

i counter that as always, especially Leavon has such a limited time to work on Talisman. i have to wait over a month for a simple order of 3 models,. so what.Tthere is still much to do for the buildings of the main game, you have over 50 characters in Talisman, same in descent 2 and over 5000 miniatures at reaper miniatures.com, you will find your nomad characters if you look for it. but you wont find those buildings anywhere in the world. No luxury to delay the main board and orders further..

Dude, stop trying to control what Leavon works on. He can work on terrain pieces if he wants to, or miniatures, or even nothing at all if he decides he doesn't want to keep doing this. Stop acting so entitled. And maybe you can find minis that are similar to the digital edition ones, but exact matches don't exist, any more than exact matches exist for the terrain pieces.


Edited by magicrealm
On 2/5/2018 at 11:41 PM, magicrealm said:

Yeah, thats just your paperbasket philosophy. very popular in gaming industry. start something, hype the fans and stop it as your mood is, smashing the closing door in the face of your engaged fans. FFG is full of half made games and disappointed customers.

There is a responsibility between creator and fans, who pay with their money and their hope. but of course, this generation does not know the word responsibility.

Leavon has the responsibility to deliver us things that we pay him for. Beyond that, he doesn't owe us anything. Unless you've paid him in advance, he has the right to work on whatever he wants.

I hope Leavon does finish the terrain pieces, and I really hope he decides to work on the miniatures as well. However, I'll understand if he doesn't, and I won't complain, because I know he hasn't promised anything to us, and he doesn't owe us anything beyond what we pay him for. If you think that Leavon owes you something, and you have the right to demand he works on specific things, then you don't understand the way the world works.

Stop arguing whenever someone comments about the miniatures. They're just as entitled to miniatures as you are to the terrain pieces. If you can actually find miniatures that match the digital edition characters, please show us, because no one else has been able to find any.