3D printed Talisman miniatures/Terrain

By Leavon, in Talisman

Not bad at all Mr A! :) Enjoy Brum!

Looks exactly as i thought it would like. Quite addicitve.

i guess the castle means a challenge ?

Edited by magicrealm

Eeek another new one!!!

........and it smash.

I don't know why people call them graveyards. I find them rather nice in a humbling,thoughtful, peaceful sort of a way..........


BTW Castle, i would like to have a drawbridge. It doesnt look so in Talisman, but all Castles have a drawbridge.

The Graveyard is in the Spare Oom Studio store now! All the detail of the board design has been captured in 3D and I've included a creepy little Easter egg behind the crypt.... http://Www.spareoomstudio.co.uk/online-store




Loving that Tombstone Johnny Ringo!!1

Well I'll be your Huckleberry.

A bag of gold is on its way Leavon for this little beauty


my order of tower and graveyard comes with the next model for sure.

six weeks have passed and this is as dead as a....graveyard. so this was the meaning of it.

Edited by magicrealm

Couple of new Talisman board candy arrivals at the Spare Oom Studio store this week.
First up is the Castle, a welcome stop off for adventurers about to enter the Plain of peril. Drink in the views of the fields and forests, feel the gentle breeze from the banners fluttering overhead and a visit to the royal Doctor will ensure you are well rested for what lies ahead.
The second release is the crypt, is it merely a home for the dead or a portal to.... the City!? What!? No way! Can I get a re-roll?
As usual the minis are available as 3D prints and also as digital downloads for you to print in your very own home.







Awesome work, as per! :)

Welcome back ! Order and paypal just on your way.

Next please Mines and Ruins, they are needed for Mage Knight too.


two in one hit.

Now where did I leave my "Puntastalic book of 1001 puns for the punmiester"

I'll have a nice glass of fortified wine or moat champagne whilst I look for suitable witty quips.

Bags of gold on the way.



Great work here Leavon. Out of curiosity... anyone have pics of the board fully loaded with these yet?

I posted up a piccie a few months ago with everything painted on the board ( apart from the graveyard which wasn't out then). It looked smashing

Unfortunately because of Photoracket all the pictures have been withdrawn (sigh)


4 hours ago, 80sVamp said:

I posted up a piccie a few months ago with everything painted on the board ( apart from the graveyard which wasn't out then). It looked smashing

Unfortunately because of Photoracket all the pictures have been withdrawn (sigh)


This one?


Lovely work Kate! And a very nice table and fireplace ;)

I've still only got 4 pieces painted, what a disgrace. Gonna make it my mission to get a couple of pieces painted this weekend....

Leavon i would like to hear your opinion about the landscapes. there are not too many buldings left to do now, ( mines, ruins, maybe oasis, werwolvden, runestones)

so far the models are accessoire for talisman board game. but if you do the unique landscapes (deep woods, crags, gorge, hidden valley, valley of fire, plain of peril, ) and the standard landscapes too (fields, plains, hills, woodlands, desserts) then it will become an own gameboard in itself and can be placed together in endless ways. the player would have the unique chance to build his own talisman board, different each game. (like a card game, but with marvallous 3d models)

does this appeal to you or do you think it would be too much work ?

Talismanisland, what do you think about this ?

Edited by magicrealm
1 hour ago, magicrealm said:

Leavon i would like to hear your opinion about the landscapes. there are not too many buldings left to do now, ( mines, ruins, maybe oasis, werwolvden, runestones)

so far the models are accessoire for talisman board game. but if you do the unique landscapes (deep woods, crags, gorge, hidden valley, valley of fire, plain of peril, ) and the standard landscapes too (fields, plains, hills, woodlands, desserts) then it will become an own gameboard in itself and can be placed together in endless ways. the player would have the unique chance to build his own talisman board, different each game. (like a card game, but with marvallous 3d models)

does this appeal to you or do you think it would be too much work ?

Talismanisland, what do you think about this ?

Plans at the moment are for Mines, Werewolf den, Runes, Ruins, maybe forest and crags. There is the possibility of a few small token like pieces for the woods but I won't be making every single space on the board. I don't believe there is a sufficient market for it. Sales have declined with every new piece I make, each one sells a few less than the last. If I had lots of spare time to do it then I would, but unfortunately I have to think about this a bit commercially and commit my time to what will sell.

18 hours ago, talismanisland said:

This one?



I'm glad you saved it Jon, though how and with what black electrickery I have no idea. (just spotted the Vampires tower is missing to).

Its a shame, Leavon you are seling fewer pieces, as they really enhance the board the more you haveand are very nicely made.

Good luck with your painting this weekend. I look forward to seeing the results.


Not bought the last few models , will remedy that very shortly. Bought a VW T5 and that's taking most of my free cash at the moment. New pieces do look awesome though.

The cat is out of the bag, as we say in Germany when something unknown becomes known. The new Games Workshop Edition will be no new Edition but a Reprint of ffg 4rth revised edition. That is a tremendous good news for Leavon (and for us of course, no sigmar ! ) The models will stay actual. Maybe Leavon takes the chance and makes a deal with GW ? However, i am very lucky and hope this motivates Leavon.

Edited by magicrealm
13 hours ago, magicrealm said:

The cat is out of the bag, as we say in Germany when something unknown becomes known. The new Games Workshop Edition will be no new Edition but a Reprint of ffg 4rth revised edition. That is a tremendous good news for Leavon (and for us of course, no sigmar ! ) The models will stay actual. Maybe Leavon takes the chance and makes a deal with GW ? However, i am very lucky and hope this motivates Leavon.

Are you referring to this ?

I own the complete FFG 4th edition, I wonder if GW will be creating new expansions for me to purchase.

On 04/08/2017 at 2:08 PM, Leavon said:

Plans at the moment are for Mines, Werewolf den, Runes, Ruins, maybe forest and crags. There is the possibility of a few small token like pieces for the woods but I won't be making every single space on the board. I don't believe there is a sufficient market for it. Sales have declined with every new piece I make, each one sells a few less than the last. If I had lots of spare time to do it then I would, but unfortunately I have to think about this a bit commercially and commit my time to what will sell.

Hi Leavon

That certainly is a llst and a half of things to do and will look smashing.

However if you don't mind me making a suggestion (and I appreciate you have other constraints on your time).

I've just painted my graveyard and placed it on the board. It looks great, love the way you've sculpted the shore line of the Storm River to match that of the board.

However, scenery wise, the board is getting slightly lop sidedwith lots of goodies on the Sentinal side but nothing opposite.

I was wondering how viable it would be to do an Oasis. It would help to balance the board a little.

I know you tend to stay away from placing scenery on card bearing squares put the space is big enough to accomodate the scenery on one half of the square and the cards stacked on the other.

It would make a nice little colourful sculpture though I'm not sure how easy it would be to do the trees.

'I'm sure your busy dates wise and I don't want to palm any more work onto you as I know it can be intents designing such a piece but with your musical background the dunes might be quite easy to do'.


+1 for Oasis... :)

Leavon, how about 1 large piece that combines the 2 desert spaces and the oasis, so it's seemless. Massive sweeping dunes and a cooling pool in the middle.