3D printed Talisman miniatures/Terrain

By Leavon, in Talisman

Due to popular demand the Oasis will receive some spare Oom love!

I can't promise it'll be here before midnight but it will provide a bed for your camel.

Sinbad, love good. Hurrah for spare Oom love.

Would that bed be in a deromitory? Anyway as long as you haven't got the hump for me asking. Thank you.

We'll pool our resources and I'll buy you a sheik next time we're in MacDonalds.


@Leavon will you be updating the all in one bundle after the Oasis is finished to include it? And the Temple, Graveyard, etc? I'd like to place an order for everything in one shot once the Oasis is done :)

On 23/08/2017 at 2:58 PM, magicrealm said:

http://www.catan.de/spiel/die-siedler-von-catan-3d-edition This Shows what i mean with the Standard landscapes. Regarding what you can do with it, i think it should be really worth the 5 pieces work.

I can't promise anything right now, but may be one day.

On 03/09/2017 at 8:55 PM, Kaaihn said:

@Leavon will you be updating the all in one bundle after the Oasis is finished to include it? And the Temple, Graveyard, etc? I'd like to place an order for everything in one shot once the Oasis is done :)

Yes I'll be updating the bundles soon to include the new pieces and they will continue to be updated until everything is finished.

Get my order today (from 2nd august)

Edited by magicrealm

Just a quick post to say

We love you Leavon and think your smashing.

(p.s. hows the new scenery coming along?)


13 minutes ago, 80sVamp said:

Just a quick post to say

We love you Leavon and think your smashing.

(p.s. hows the new scenery coming along?)


Aww thanks Kate! I've gotta say I'm about as stressed as I've ever been right now.

Currently working 16 hour days, working 2 separate projects and it's really taking it's toll :blink:

I'm afraid I haven't made any progress on the new pieces, I'm hoping the work load will ease up around the middle of October and I can get back to doing some boardgamey fun stuff.

Hey you look afteryourself and I hope your work load eases soon.

Take care


ps still think your smash

As requested by our very own 80sVamp, here are a couple of pics of her newly painted set up with Leavon's fantabulous creations!

That's some darned fine painting too!

Is it October yet?



Hey Jon

Thanks for posting these up and for your kind words.

As a complete luddite I tried sticking these pictures on the forum but they just fell off when the glue got hot. :rolleyes:


Would you paint my set ? just joking. i have to find a studio for this and the character models.

Just managed to grab a couple of hours this afternoon to block out the Oasis piece. I'm coming to the end of my work for Chatsworth house at the end of this month and I'll return to just working one job so I'll be able to give some more love to the Talisman project....


Awesome! :)

My wallet has recovered sufficiently for you to add this to the store at your leisure ;)

Going to start buying these again, looks good

Fantastic Leavon. Nice to have you back.

It must have been quite intents designing that!

If i cross your palm with silver can you reserve me one? The details great though I see you've shyed away from putting coconuts in the trees.


Haha thanks Kate! I've missed the punning. The oasis is far from finished, lots more details to add.

Lovely model, good to see you stay with talisman

Edited by magicrealm

Hi Leavon

Hows the Oasis coming along.

Have you got a 'date' yet when it will be finished ;)


6 hours ago, 80sVamp said:

Hi Leavon

Hows the Oasis coming along.

Have you got a 'date' yet when it will be finished ;)


It's all "dune"! I'll be posting some pics tomorrow....

As long as you’re not going to ‘palm’ us off wth some old tat...

Sands good.

I'm off to bed o'in 5 minutes.

Mustafa look tomorrow.


20171112_234729.jpg?raw=1 Sorry I got carried away with painting so it's a bit late....


Thats fantastic!!!! Nice painting as well Leav.

Let me know when its ready to order.

Its coming at just the right time of the year as many people come down with colds and flu and as we know dunes let you breath more easily.


Count for my order, but, as always, together with 2 or 3 more models. im looking forward for ruins and mines, hopefully before christma.