The Lost Realms - A Fan Expansion

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

It's been a little bit since I've posted. For some reason I was unable to log into my account with my password and I couldn't create a new password. After a week of trying I've given up and created a new account.

I'm absolutely loving the progress made! Can't wait to see the finished results!


Hi everyone!! I've just signed up to say that you work is incredible!! Great ideas and artworks. Maybe a little brick in the whole project: When i saw this card "Owl princess" I came up with the idea it could be a follower who could bring us any object from any realm of outer, and middle region or even other expansions. As this ability is quite strong the princess would be discarded after one use or the character could use the follower each time when rolling 6 for his movement.

Maybe it's too late too share new ideas, however it is good to say just hello:)

Best regards

Not much progress for a few days due to being away and a bit of illness, but I'm plugging away behind the scenes.

I've updated a few card texts to brig them up to date and realised that the Totem Bear refers specifically to the Woodland, so have swapped it out with the Scythian Unicorn.

It's a bit more buff than the bear, but at least it heals you a life if you win! :)

I'll be playing about a bit more with the rules to see how it all need formatting, then all we need is the rest of the art and new templates and we are good to go.

Wow, I didn't even know this was happening until just now! It looks great!

I would love to be able to print out the whole mini-board as one piece, if possible. I know you probably want to cut it into Realm cards, but if you could also make available the whole uncropped board, that would be awesome.

It will be available in both flavours :)

This is also great news. I've put two cards from Deep realms in slaves and I want to do the same with lost realms:)


I've read your post about need of Fogre item and an Enemy - maybe something like this:

Forge item:



Add 1 Craft.

If you visit the Alchemist in the City, you may discard the Arkenstone to gain 8 gold.

Enemy (miniboss):


S:9 C:9
If you are in Stone Peeks, you must fight Titan in battle. Otherwise you must fight Titan in psysic combat. You cannot use Armour against Titan.



Quick two-part question:
The way that the text lines up on the Trail cards, it seems that the card is only discarded after a player rolls a six. That would make the card one on the board that a character encounters after dealing with all the cards in the pile, so encountering the Trail twice. Is that intended? Also, it says to place the Trail on the discard pile, but the rules say to shuffle all discarded cards back in, rather than making a discard pile. Should that be changed?

I love this expansion so very much.
Thank you for all the hard work, and thanks for letting us help!

(Edited because I always proofread better after I publish. Sigh.)

Edited by ElfPuddle

That's why there is actually a gap between the two lines. I even put a full stop after the last effect to make a break.

As for discards, a lot of cards are discarded after use, the shuffling back in happens after your turn.

Thanks. I didn't see the gap. Maybe that's from looking on-screen.
I thought that the shuffling was post-turn, but my husband's a rules-lawyer, so I'm always on the lookout for where he could find a loophole. (And not just because our teens are just like him that way.) :)

Trails may end up getting a tweak anyway, but we'll see how it all goes :) Thanks for the feedback though, as it's all useful!

I don't care what anyone says: Home brew or not, this expansion looks official enough for me, dammit!

Said it before and I'll say it again: Would love to see this in the digital version!


I've read your post about need of Fogre item and an Enemy - maybe something like this:

Forge item:



Add 1 Craft.

If you visit the Alchemist in the City, you may discard the Arkenstone to gain 8 gold.

Enemy (miniboss):


S:9 C:9

If you are in Stone Peeks, you must fight Titan in battle. Otherwise you must fight Titan in psysic combat. You cannot use Armour against Titan.

Aha! Your post finally appeared :)

As I mentioned on Facebook, the spaces for these have now been filled, but there will always be the potential "expansion for the expansion" that could happen in future.

Looking fantastic! Thanks for your efforts in getting this all put together so professionally Jon! :D Quite a fetching layout.

A small editorial note for pg. 3 of the Rules: Under "Entering the Realms", it says you can enter the Iron Peaks from the Dungeon.

Looking good. Apart from the Dungeon typo already mentioned I only have one thought. In the movement examples, which sounds correct to me, you use characters that aren't part of the 'required expansions' to use the Lost realms. This might be nothing but I find it a bit inconsistent and would, if possible' have them exchanged for basegame, Highland or woodland characters.

Great work!


Doh! Thanks for the spot! :)

I also caught a plural Woodland s just above it too!

Just a quickie, but there has been some discussion about your original thoughts on using Trails, so prepare for the rules to change a little bit :)


It was mentioned, so I've swapped them out :)

Edited by talismanisland



Very nice!

The only thing I noticed is the example graphic that uses the Highlander has the "A" & "B" reversed.

That's what you get for rushing! I'll amend it now.



Oooohhhhh, I like this a lot!!

The awesomeness continues!

Can't wait to see Cookierobber's art for the templates. I'm sure they'll be well worth the wait!