Two things changed since my last post. I got a job, YAY, and I had a birthday. I've got a lot less free time to game but I also won a Boardgame Geek auction for a bunch ( 16 expansions) of new AGOT cards! I'm very eager to try them out. Unfortunately I'm off to Lake Havasu this weekend. After that I should have some free time to game weekday nights. I can travel to any of the greater LA areas. A trip to San Diego would have to be a weekend deal. I'm thinking of hitting Kubla-Con for the first time.
I was sad to see the Kings Landing set had only single copies of House Greyjoy cards. Are we really expected to buy 3 sets to make that house playable or does it work out as is? I obviously haven't tried it yet.
Halfway through book 2 and lovin it so far!