Enemy Beyond Expansion

By fog1234, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Exorcised PCs...I'm interested in seeing what they do with this as I don't think there's a precedent for that in the established canon? Daemonic possession is usually a terminal fate, one way or the other.

Well...the exorcised elite advance in DH1?

What kind of thing would you want more of, after these 3?

Well, like what has been said before:


-Either a 2nd Edition of the other game lines, or something to make Astartes come in line with the system (playing deathwatch/greyknight); which would be nice for stand alone game or even full campaign of that type. Same for rogue traders.

-Stuff about worlds and background of Askellon Sector

-A general book for evils and conspiracies (Ala disciples of the dark gods)

-Other scenarii and such.

Exorcised PCs...I'm interested in seeing what they do with this as I don't think there's a precedent for that in the established canon? Daemonic possession is usually a terminal fate, one way or the other.

There was an Exorcised Elite Advance in DH1, which seemed welll done (interesting and not too unbalanced).

What kind of thing would you want more of, after these 3?

A bestiary (with at least one-third, and preferably half, new creatures rather than rewrites of standard 40K aliens that have appeared in every previous version of WH40KRP ), more adventures (my preference would be for a collection of short scenarios that can be dropped in to an existing campaign, rather than a huge trilogy that requires the campaign be built around it), and a Big Book O' Plot Hooks a la Disciples of the Dark Gods .

What we especially need is either stats for Unaligned lesser Daemons, or stats for various horrible Xenos that aren't already in every single other book .

I'm talking Slaught, Genestealers, Kroot stuff (and Chaos Kroot!), Lacrymole, and all the great stuff like new species and Hullghasts we could find in Creatures Anathema!

Exorcised PCs...I'm interested in seeing what they do with this as I don't think there's a precedent for that in the established canon? Daemonic possession is usually a terminal fate, one way or the other.

There is precedent for exorcised humans. There is even the Illuminati . Humans who were possessed then drove the daemon out by themselves.

Thanks for the link, I'd forgotten about them! This could be really interesting, exorcised humans can be seen as both heroes or heretics by puritan inquisitors depending on their personal beliefs.

Edited by Gregor Eisenhorn

What kind of thing would you want more of, after these 3?

RPGs often have the dice produce very silly results. 40k is a setting with various silly elements in it (eg, Orks). I'd like to see a supplement that embraces that silliness to a degree. For example, there are many ways that attempting to create a daemon weapon could go wrong. One of those ways that I've never seen elaborated on is that a deamon weapon is created, but it's so useless that nobody would want to use it. Such as an artillery shell so durable that it can't explode. Or a garrote that can't be used for sneaky kills because the deamon keeps screaming.

Imagine acolytes trying to chase after a guy who keeps making those useless daemon weapons. The players might laugh at the uselessness of whatever deamon 'weapons' they find. But think about the mess the guy leaves behind at each attempt and the balance players will have to make between cleaning it up and chasing him. Consider that he manages a slight screwup on each one he produces and worry about what will happen when he screws up even more.

...since when do Navigators enter the Inquisition?

I've never much liked the idea of Navigators being playable characters, even in Rogue Trader. Not unless you're playing a game which revolves entirely around that character. They're just a bit too...different. As you say; they have duties and responsibilities to their position (both as a Navigator aboard a ship and in their own little nobility/hierarchy), the wealth that is associated with that position and the stigma of being in any kind of normal society due to being mutants (albeit relatively stable ones). They're definitely NPC territory for me.

I wonder why this isn't one the main news page yet? I only found out about this from this thread.

And Daemonworlds as a homeworld option? That sounds a bit strange, as the inhabitants would likely be considered damned by all but the most Radical Inquisitor.

The post says Daemonworlds first, but later refers to 'Quarantined worlds', there'll probably be a "why were you quarantined?' bit as well.

What kind of thing would you want more of, after these 3?

RPGs often have the dice produce very silly results. 40k is a setting with various silly elements in it (eg, Orks). I'd like to see a supplement that embraces that silliness to a degree. For example, there are many ways that attempting to create a daemon weapon could go wrong. One of those ways that I've never seen elaborated on is that a deamon weapon is created, but it's so useless that nobody would want to use it. Such as an artillery shell so durable that it can't explode. Or a garrote that can't be used for sneaky kills because the deamon keeps screaming.

Imagine acolytes trying to chase after a guy who keeps making those useless daemon weapons. The players might laugh at the uselessness of whatever deamon 'weapons' they find. But think about the mess the guy leaves behind at each attempt and the balance players will have to make between cleaning it up and chasing him. Consider that he manages a slight screwup on each one he produces and worry about what will happen when he screws up even more.

If you need him taken seriously, imply that it's all part of some devious decades-long master plan: watch players furiously try to destroy said items (obviously there will be no volcanoes or kids with hairy feet nearby), presumably causing Chaos [groans] as the destruction of Warp artefacts releases various rare daemons all over the place (because Unaligned Daemons are the best daemons!). When they finally realise that he's a joke, let them treat him as one but never let them forget the threat of a guy powerful enough to summond and bind multiple daemons in relatively quick succession and survive the process!

I'd have him be the pawn of something (Tzeench himself or a Keeper of Secrets if you want it serious, or an insane Eldar or Weirdboy if you want it to turn out to be something ridiculous. Have him hide in a secret base underneath a volcano inhabited by ompaa-loompas child slaves hobbits (only found after they find a way to secure or destroy the posessed items, obviously) and give him a habit of compulsively stroking a white pussycat which would obviously be posessed by a daemon! )

If there are no volcanos, I expect my players to try to throw them into a nearby star. That will not go as they expect it to :D

Exorcised PCs...I'm interested in seeing what they do with this as I don't think there's a precedent for that in the established canon? Daemonic possession is usually a terminal fate, one way or the other.

As others have said there were 1st ed rules. There is also the Exorcists Space Marine chapter which purposely possess and then exorcises daemons from their trainees to gain benefits for hunting daemons.

I wonder why this isn't one the main news page yet? I only found out about this from this thread.

And Daemonworlds as a homeworld option? That sounds a bit strange, as the inhabitants would likely be considered damned by all but the most Radical Inquisitor.

It specifies quarantine world later on which could include a daemon world technically but I think as a homeworld option it's more likely to reference other types. The planet Enkidu from the main rule book for example.

What kind of thing would you want more of, after these 3?

In addition to what others have mentioned, like an Askellion Sector book and more adventures, I'd like to see more on the Adeptus Mechanicus of the Askellion Sector. At the very least, we need an Elite Advance for Mechanicus characters (Magos?) and Homeworld Bonuses for Cerix Magnus and Core Theta like Selvanus Binary received.

Edited by Cripple X

My group's campaigns are still in the Calixis Sector, but a Mechanicus book would be great. I would also love an anthology adventure book plus a three-part "campaign" type adventure book series.

~ alemander

It's on the boat!

****, they were fast.

My group's campaigns are still in the Calixis Sector, but a Mechanicus book would be great. I would also love an anthology adventure book plus a three-part "campaign" type adventure book series.

~ alemander

But there is a Adeptus Mechanicus book for the Calixis Sector...? Or did you mean for the Askellon Sector?


A DH2 Mechanicus I guess is what I am saying. It would obviously be in Askellon, but just looking for new/different Elite Advances maybe for a Tech-Priest, etc. We have converted a bit of Lathe Worlds, but always looking for more and different.

~ alemander

I would love to see Disciples of the Dark Gods for 2nd ed. Keep the name for nostalgia sake, just make new content.

Oh, and second parter, Servants of the Imperium, about imperial society and left hand fighting right would be sweet, much more interesting than just bestiary book.

I would love to see Disciples of the Dark Gods for 2nd ed. Keep the name for nostalgia sake, just make new content.

Part bestiary, part plot hooks, part planet gazeteers. Would be great.

Would also love to see an expanded armoury book.

Wow, really fast turnaround on this one. Was only announced a little more than a month ago, and already on the boat.

Granted, said boat could still fall through a portal to the Warp and be gone for a while, but at this point I'd be genuinely surprised at that. Maybe they're trying to set a personal record for 'announced' -> 'in stores now' speed.


And definitely hope this isn't just a case of rushing to finish out the Line or something! I still had hopes for a DEathwatch reboot with this system instead to allow us to create chapter styles in CG and the likes.

I hope that DH2 doesn't end as quickly as BC and OW did. Really, after playing the more free form games (BC, OW and DH2), the earlier ones feel restricted (not mention unbalanced as all hell). I'd love to see more content and fleshing out of the sector.

As another note, I hope we get more RC profiles for the Temple Assassins. Playing a one-shot based on the Execution Force board game would be wicked. All we need are Vindicare and Culexus and we have the full team.

To be honest, you could make a high-end bestiary of 'allies and enemies' - Imperial Navy Admirals, Tempestor Primes, a few 'example' inquisitors, assassins, cultists, xenos mercs, etc, etc. - just throw in an Influence cost as well and you've also got a book of pre-made reinforcement characters at the same time.

You could even make it a sector guide - section 1, ships of the navy - a few examples, some NPCs - some of whom can be reinforcements -and some threads. Etc, etc.

Making a Deathwatch-compatible sourcebook works IF you want to focus on the Deathwatch as SAS/Delta Force types doing hostage rescue or extermination/assassination in hives rather than on the battlefield - all you need is some basic alternate weapons and you could use the 'deathwatch marine' already in the core book. People would probably like some guidance for adding additional stat boosts, but again that's fairly quick to do.

I'll be honest, the one thing I'd love to see which there isn't really support for at the moment is rules for a Titan crew.

To be honest, you could make a high-end bestiary of 'allies and enemies' - Imperial Navy Admirals, Tempestor Primes, a few 'example' inquisitors, assassins, cultists, xenos mercs, etc, etc. - just throw in an Influence cost as well and you've also got a book of pre-made reinforcement characters at the same time.

You could even make it a sector guide - section 1, ships of the navy - a few examples, some NPCs - some of whom can be reinforcements -and some threads. Etc, etc.

Making a Deathwatch-compatible sourcebook works IF you want to focus on the Deathwatch as SAS/Delta Force types doing hostage rescue or extermination/assassination in hives rather than on the battlefield - all you need is some basic alternate weapons and you could use the 'deathwatch marine' already in the core book. People would probably like some guidance for adding additional stat boosts, but again that's fairly quick to do.

I'll be honest, the one thing I'd love to see which there isn't really support for at the moment is rules for a Titan crew.

All of those are rather martial in nature, and not anything I would really see in a game of Dark Heresy. If you are going to use Deathwatch heavily, why not just play Deathwatch or use stat blocks/gear/talents from that game line? As for stat boosts, you can already get +25, which would put you at 47 for a Characteristic you rolled absolute bare minimum, and 65 for one you rolled max. Why would you add more?

Titans would be cool - in Only War, maybe. Dark Heresy? Doesn't really fit the concept of a cell of Acolytes investigating Heresy/Xenos/Daemons for an Inquisitor.

There are a lot of things FFG could do with the Dark Heresy game line. If they produce another book, I would hope they focus on a new direction instead of just reprinting stuff from other game lines/older books, or putting things in that don't have much to do with the Inquisition or their duties.

Oh, I meant as a different 'setting' - you could do at least as much with a Titan Crew RPG as you can with a Guard Squad in Only War, I think.

Equally, those NPCs were the first thing I could think of off the top of my head. A useful NPC/Enemy/Reinforcement could just as easily be a rogue psyker people-trafficker (helping people avoid the black ships), like in the original Dark Heresy novels, or a noted, influential and ambitious xenoarcheologist.

Some 'rival' inquisitors might be good, too. Nothing messes with the players like someone yelling "This is the Inquisition!" as attackers kick in the door of their hideout.

Heh. I'm playing that up right now, myself. Lord Inquisitor Leonard Jecchinarrus, famed Witch Hunter, sort of called for the Acolytes in my party to be put down as a safety precaution after their exposure to a Warp Incursion. Now they are undercover on the same planet he is, trying not to catch his eye as they investigate a number of problems.