After much waiting, the work begins...

By talismanisland, in Talisman Home Brews

I've been playing with the menus as using a single category makes for a really (too) long drop-down menu!

If anyone has any particular thoughts about the mix of categories, I am open to suggestions.





Actually, just looking at the amount of stuff in here I think it's about time that I got this out in beta form for testing.

There is a fair bit of tidying to be done, but it is certainly functional enough for now.

Hastur is coming...


*Nemo summoned successfully*

Looking really good Jon. When will you be releasing the Beta version? Chomping at the bit now!


I have to say I've very impressed on how far you've come in such a relatively short period of time. Have you done this before? I think you have :D !

So I was reading through the postings and I know you said you were working on building the tool for basic use first. Then maybe, you might accept requests or suggestions. What can I say, I JUST CANT HELP MYSELF ;) .

So I'm really not a programmer; more a geeky art guy. So lacking any real knowledge I'll just lay out what I think would be helpful (at least for me) in a scenario that I think might save some future requests.


- So I want to create a custom card with some custom artwork I've done digitally (say an ocean theme). Then I wanted to pair it with some more artwork for the boarder for the front face where the encounters, monsters, treasures and text are normally listed. Then I wanted to save that template (say in the Other cards) for the next 1000 cards I've going to create over time.

- Then if that's not enough then I wanted to export and share that card template along with artwork (say on Talisman Island) for others to use or create cards of their own? Is this thing I'm laying out easy, hard, really hard, ridiculous, plaid (that's right a Spaceballs reference)?

Now I know this could lead to 10's, 100's, 1000's of people creating and sharing custom card designs but I think its an excellent way for people to share back into the community and collaborate. Its not the field of dreams but I think if you build a home for their ideas, they will come (another movie material -_- ).


Given that I have added a couple of fan card types to the plugin, that is certainly something I would like to do in future. I am sure there would be a way of adding a custom template, but I would have to think on it. In the mean time, it is probably easier for you to supply it for adding into the plugin at a later date.

Now, Now, Now!!

I've added a "mini" Basic Information sheet into the mix in order to address some concerns back a page or so, but I am not sure if I will leave it in there.


It is Standard American size (Runebound/Arkham) and will fit on a few basic points about an expansion or similar without having to bulk out a full-sized Info card. You could even get away with using it for a component list or something I guess. Worth it or not?

Yes worth it!

Agreed. Even if it doesn't end up being used for its original intent I have no doubt that it will be used.

(Very) Basic Time Card -


I'm considering adding a small text box in the Sun/Moon area, but it is probably better to keep such things in the rules.

Good afternoon,

Only one comment I have about the time card. If all your going to do is display the sun on one side and the moon on the back; we have one of those already so how many do you need?

I'm an outside the box kind of guy so I ask myself what other utility could it provide?

How about this. Now I do like the idea of an area for text (under the sun and inside the moon; like the original), but may I suggest fleshing out that area for more text or small images? What about a sun / moon deck? Rather than flipping the card from one side to the other, same day same night. Use them like adventure cards but you could put all kinds of fun and random events; solar flares, blood moon, festivals, royal tournament, day at the beach, bad omens in the night sky, ect.

Point being, if I can think of adapting the card to build something (that took me the stretch of writing this) then yah; its probably worth it.

The Time card might be quite useful on a couple of counts -

Someone might wish to use the Day/Night mechanic (or a home-brew version of it), but may not own the Blood Moon expansion.

A few people forget about the -/+ 1 to creatures anyway when using it, so it should be enough for the marker to show Day or Night only.

It's an interesting thought about making Day and Night decks though, perhaps each time it changes, a new "effect" might take place. It won't be something that appears any time soon, but I will ponder it...

It's an interesting thought about making Day and Night decks though, perhaps each time it changes, a new "effect" might take place. It won't be something that appears any time soon, but I will ponder it...

Like a "New Day" perhaps or a week effect once 7 days go passed.. Or... perhaps the weekend something like all shops close over the weekend hehehe.

My wife would be mortified! Shops closed; its inconceivable.

My wife would be mortified! Shops closed; its inconceivable.

Sounds like a good new character idea as well.. The Wife..


It consumes all your gold, reduces your strength to 0 if you choose a different path that seems to random and unpredictable.

On the plus side it does generate small followers that unfortunately consume any remaining valuables you may have.

Wait, what...coming dear!


It consumes all your gold, reduces your strength to 0 if you choose a different path that seems to random and unpredictable.

On the plus side it does generate small followers that unfortunately consume any remaining valuables you may have.

Wait, what...coming dear!

You forgot that it also owns all the Objects and Followers you currently have as well and if you have the Princess or the Maiden you can expect a +5 attack strength against you.

Truer words have never been written.


Want to save a bit of ink?

SE3 has you covered!


Edited by talismanisland

Can you put in a option to turn on my wi-fi coffee maker to make me a coffee while i'm making cards Jon? Then all I need is a robot to bring it to me, but that can be the next update... No pressure.

Its good thinking and has some great use.

But what I like even better is the displaying the front and back of the card together.

Edited by caeaston

Its good thinking and has some great use.

But what I like even better is the displaying the front and back of the card together.

Not sure how You, but I would curse if the back of the card would we shown together with the front. Most of times I already know how the backs looks, and what kind of a card I'm making, so I don't really need to see the backs. Plus, I often am zooming in the card, and its artwork and the visible backs would get in the way.

Its good thinking and has some great use.

But what I like even better is the displaying the front and back of the card together.

Umm... I'm sorry to say, that I've only mocked that up for the picture!

The Back will be in a normal tab like always... :)

That's OK. I'm a sad panda but I'll live.

It might come off wrong but I might be the worst critic ever. What I mean is I'm pretty much going to love anything you produce for SE3; primarily because I have no programming skills of my own.

And they're really not meat to be critical is the true sense. It meant to be constructively critical. If I manage to say or point out something inspirational (hay, it could happen :( ) all that does it help everyone.

On that note of wacky ideas how about this; any...plans...near...or...far...for...BOARD CUSTOMIZATION building? Please don't shoot! I'm large and bruise easily :P .

There are certainly plans afoot to add board creation to the tool, but probably not for a little while. Maybe the 2nd release.

As the board sections are basically big Terrain cards, it should be easy enough (he says...)

Edited by talismanisland